At home workouts?

So I have slacked off, now on the gym too. I like the classes cause they tell you what to do, but I go to school and work. My work schedule changes and I get my motivation later at night, thus getting to the classes has gotten difficult. Plus my lack of motivation. However, I have gained a few pounds and need to lose more not gain more!

So I got piyo, and can't wait to try it. Another thing I was looking into was the TRX home suspension kit. I like the idea of body weight and it's something I could do at home. So what is everyone's opinion on the TRX home suspension kit? Also, what other types of yoga (styles) do people recommend? I like the idea of the flexibility and balance and strength of yoga versus the meditation. Acrobatics is something I want to work towards with hand stands, ect. So what do you all recommend? I am starting with the piyo but what other great styles should I look into?

(Note: I know you can do workouts without TRX but I want to know if the TRX was worth it and didn't destroy your house for a change up of exercises!)

Thanks for the help and suggestions in advance!


  • I only train at home. I have been a member of a gym years ago but could get to train for the same reasons you mentioned. I did buy some adjustable dumbbells, a trx and a pull-up bar. I use them 3 x weekly and haven't looked back.
    Some simple body weight exercise e.g. pull-ups, burpsees, are excellent as cardio and to build muscle (i.e. Pullups are the best back exercise there is). Maybe read magazines or sites like this for good routines and good luck.
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    Try YouTube for free workouts:
    BeFit in 90
    Millionare Hoy