What kind of cardio machine should I buy?

So, my husband and I are looking to buy a used piece of cardio equipment (elliptical, stationary bike, or treadmill). Neither one of us has enough experience to know what kind of machine we'd prefer, but I was wondering if there is one type of machine that is generally better for your body. I want something that will be good for regular and long-term use. Is an elliptical easier on your joints than a treadmill? Do any one of the three types of machines I've listed allow you to burn more calories in less time? ANY help you could offer, would be greatly appreciated!!



  • kidtechnical
    Why not go jogging together? Then you can score treadmill off the list (outdoor running is so much more challenging than treadmill running) and have one of the other two.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    Personally I love my treadmill, but my hubby does have bad knees and while he uses the treadmill he says the elliptical is better on his joints. I just find I get a better workout on my treadmill. His friend at work sold us the treadmill because of joint and back problems. He went and bought a versa climber, which he says works great. I have bever tried those. Buying used is definitely the way to go. Thats how we have built our gym :)
  • Marc_G
    Marc_G Posts: 1 Member
    I've liked some elliptical machines in the past since it was easy one the knees, but the ones i liked had a long stride length, however everyone differs. The cheap ones I've seen have some very short stride lengths, which i found very annoing.

    what I'd suggest is that you and your husband go to a store that sells these machines and try out different ones, all types not just ellipticals, that way you'll see what you like and not waist you money on something you wont use and will just take up space in the house.
  • Pullwench
    I do not own either, but my doctor has told me to stay away from the treadmill and definately use the elliptical because running is very tough on your knees.

    Personally, I say skip all three and shoot for the pool in the backyard. Besides the fact that swimming is the best exercise for your entire body and is much easier on your joints, you and your hubby can show off those new summer bodies!!
  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    Definitely elliptical. More calorie burn than other machines and gentle to the joints especially knees.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    a good treadmill can be fun, but i did loose alot on our elliptical (till children broke it).
  • zarala233
    I personally don't enjoy working out on a treadmill! I've lost 30 lbs using my elliptical & I've never experienced any pain caused by it!

  • basmati21
    basmati21 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all for your responses! I'm leaning toward an elliptical (better for joints, good workout), but I'm still being pulled toward the treadmill. We may have to go to a sporting goods store or gym and try some stuff out, I guess.
    Jogging together outside is a great idea, but with kids and lousy weather, I know myself well enough to know that I wouldn't make the time for it. A pool would be nice too, Pullwench, but as I live in New England, it would only get used MAYBE 3 months of the year.