Physique 57 Exercise DVDs

Hi everyone, I just started (2nd week) the Physique 57 exercise DVDs last week and would like to start a P57 board. Anyone out there love P57 as much as I?


  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    Hi, I purchased them last year and LOVE them too. I started to see major results last spring after just a couple of weeks but then I stopped doing them for a while but I just got back into them. It's such an awesome and fun workout. The only problem is I can never figure out how many calories I burn with the Classic 57-minute DVD. Anyone have an idea??

    I'd like to purchase the 2nd series of the DVDs but I'm saving that as my reward for reaching one of my weight loss/fitness goals. Figured it's a good way to motivate myself since I need all the motivation I can get!!:happy:
  • student0007
    student0007 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I just love the P57 workouts too! Glad to know I have a P57 buddie on-line! Have a great day!:wink: