What you learned by tracking?



  • Echo_Dan
    Echo_Dan Posts: 310 Member
    I realised just how many sweet things I eat :( Its my kryptonite. I almost never ate them when I was younger and living with my parents. When I moved out I seem to have them every day now :p
  • splashtree2
    Is very helpful to track calories, when I did it I immediately lost weight and got the right diet as well, cause I was eating too little carbs, really helpful!!
  • tweetypixx
    tweetypixx Posts: 65 Member
    I have definitely learnt so much since tracking everything. I never really paid much attention to my calorie intake before. I realise now that some foods I thought were the better option fro me, were still in fact high in calories. I now check everything I eat and what is value is before it goes in my mouth. It makes me think about what I eat.

    I love that I now feel more in control of what I eat.
  • elpidamaria
    elpidamaria Posts: 12 Member
    I learned how much a portion is! I used to eat two portions each time especially for pasta.. Now I weight everything..
  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    To be accurate and looking at calories on the lable.

    I just realized that one butter cookie with chocolate has 70cals.
    I can remember eating a whole pack in the old times - so 630 cals - in 10 min.
    Not that I would have realized then. Or said that I ate so much...

    Bread still shocks me every time. But I couldn't live without it.
    Ouch! Yep, that is an eye opener! Once I started thinking about what I ate in the past im surprised I don't weigh 400 pounds!
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    For the first six months, everything in the MFP food data was incorrect. I had to correct every single food item, I logged. It was a total nightmare. A year later, I'm correcting food items at least three times a week. In UK, there's not as many members, and they're just lazy in logging food items. I should get a wage, for being a member on this site, to be honest.
  • QuillensMom
    QuillensMom Posts: 100 Member
    The portion sizes/calories for pasta. I was WAY off. Now when I'm cooking and actually measure the pasta I think of how big the bowls where before, and I'd usually have seconds. Tracking definitely shows you about portion control and being honest with yourself.
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    I've also learned the divine and sacred presence of digital kitchen scales!

    *cue angelic choirs and shining light from above*
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Oh yes, I have definitely learned you can't mindlessly snack on chips or even nuts for that matter!
  • WhoWasGivenToFly
    WhoWasGivenToFly Posts: 64 Member
    Although I was eating healthy food I realized when I started logging that I was eating WAY too much of it.

    It was scary to find out just how many calories were in the serving sizes I was eating.
  • chickwithpencil
    chickwithpencil Posts: 26 Member
    I realized I wasn't eating enough for my activity level. Opposite problem, I guess.
  • livetoride2112
    I learned to make better choices. I knew the beer I like was bad, but not how bad. I still drink it, but in more moderation. Hummus was a surprise for me. I used to eat a whole container in one sitting. The first time I did that, I got sticker shock.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I learned I was eating way too much... large portions, easily 2 or 3 portions and I usually back went for seconds!

    That my favorite burrito at Chipotle is 900 calories!
    That my favorite combo meal at Chick-fil-a is 1200 calories!

    That calories add up fast if you are mindlessly munching, which I did just about every evening in front of the TV. I think back and wonder how I am not 500 pounds...
  • littl3xlion
    littl3xlion Posts: 28 Member
    I was amazed that the portions of food I was eating would be 2x more than what I should be consuming. When I first dropped my calories I was so sad to see how much smaller the portions were, but then within weeks I realized that I could get full from a smaller portion of food as long as I had water.

    I remember sometimes eating fast food twice a day for lunch and dinner, and just one combo meal at a fast food joint could easily fulfill my calorie intake for the day. ><
  • TheCrawlingChaos
    TheCrawlingChaos Posts: 462 Member
    I was really shocked about how many calories I was consuming. Some days I'd be under eating by a great deal and others I'd be overeating by a great deal. Salad has way less calories than I though, and crap food has way more than I thought.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Uh, PEANUTS! I thought I was making a healthy choice by having them as a snack. One day I decided to weigh out a 1oz portion and I was soooo sad to see how little it was. I was easily eating 4oz before that.