Anyone get migraines???

Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm getting a killer one right now and am going to lay down but I was just wondering if you get them, what do you take? I need to talk to my doctor about going on some migraine medicine. I used to take Imitrex but that was about 10 years ago and I weaned myself off. I need a new medicine that works FAST. Thanks.



  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    I use Exedrin Migraine, I haven't refilled my prescription in years, if I take it as soon as I feel one, it works within 15-20 minutes! Lay down in a dark room with a cold compress on your forhead until it goes away.
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    Sometimes nothing works for me... I just have to wait it out. which is awful! I've tried excedrin, excedrin migraine, tylenol, bla bla blah... sometimes all it takes for me is good old fashioned ibuprofen. if that doesn't work for me... nothing does. Weird I know... haha
  • I get Migraines as well and my doctor told me to get Advil Migraine. It works really good and gets rid of my migraine fast if I take it soon enough.
  • hop3
    hop3 Posts: 61 Member
    I get them too and nothing I have tried worked. I even was put on Imatrex. That just made my stomach bleed. My Doc put me on Topamax and Fiorocet. They work Amazing for me. I have recently been weened off the topamax and now just take the Fiorocet as needed. It's like Excedrin Migraine but with a Muscle relaxer as well. As your doctor about it.
  • bbsimmons6
    bbsimmons6 Posts: 14 Member
    I get migraines and have for probably 20 years. I used to have them 3 weeks out of the month. Mine are usually hormone related. (Starting 2 days before my cycle starts every month.) On a good month they only last a couple days. On a bad month they last off and on for a couple weeks. I take Imitrex (which is generic now). When I was getting them 3 weeks out of the month I found out birth control was making them worse. They cut way back when I stopped bc. I have also used accupuncture which helped alot. I loved how I felt when I was doing that. We moved out of state four months ago and I haven't looked for someone here yet to go to. Anyways, I use imitrex. Also will take 1/2 vicodin with it. A whole vicodin will keep me awake though. Usually wait until I'm ready for bed at night because it doesn't usually help to take it and keep doing what you're doing. I have also taken Relpax and that worked really good. Too expensive for me though with no health insurance. Good luck. Brandi
  • I get migraines that have lasted an entire week. I take Imitrex but these bad boys wouldn't budge. I talked with my doctor and he thought it might be a sinus issue. He told me to take Aleve Sinus. Did the trick!! When I feel one coming on that is the first thing I pop, even before my Imitrex. Hope this helps and you feel better soon.

    P.S. Cold compress on the back of the head is a great idea and be sure you drink some caffiene.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I get botox injections every five months. Not only are my headaches greatly reduced but I look much younger :happy: I have done it now for three years, very good results.
  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    I use the excedrine migraine too. if that fails, i have to pop my perscription. i take relpax. usually after one tab its gone with a half hr.(which seems like an eternity with a migraine) if not pop a 2nd & i'm good. i take topamax everyday also to curb the headaches. this perscription has definitely cut back the amount. i use to take imitrex, but after the birth of my last baby it started giving me heart palpatations, so i had to find something new. definitely see a doctor for a perscription, migraine are a terrible thing to go through.
  • Some times having a soda with a high caffeine content helps. Take it along with your migraine meds. We have a wonderful Migraine Clinic at Kaiser here in Nor Cal. I like to get an Oxygen Treatments instead of meds. They put you in a dark room with a cool compress and you breath oxygen from a tank. This only work in the onset of the migraine.

    Some times I can sleep it off. The main thing to remember is that migraine's are caused by triggers (lack of water, wine and chocolate). Drink lots of water and take care of your self. Good luck.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I don't get migranes, thank GOD. But my fiance does and he takes excedrin migrane. It's the only thing that works for him. Sometimes if he doesn't take it as soon as he gets it then it doesn't help. Rest and a pain pill should do the trick. Feel better soon.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I've had them for about 20 years. I can't take prescriptions because of other health issues, but I've tried just about every other kind of cure. They've greatly decreased in the last few years.

    The main thing that helped lessen the frequency is I started tracking them, and as like most people, discovered mine are almost always either food or hormone triggered. My guaranteed trigger is combining cheese and chocolate. If I have both on the same day, I know I'll have a migraine. So of course, I just don't do that! lol There are others for me as well.

    After trying tons of cures, about the only things that really help mine are coffee, and taking a hot bath. That doesn't make them go away immediately, but usually can greatly decrease the duration.

    Anyway, I feel for you. Good luck!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I take 800mg of ibuprofen prescribed by my doctor. It's the only medicine that works. I get vascular migraines, which are incredibly painful and usually come with severe sensitivity to light and sound and nausea. If you are getting these symptoms, make sure you go talk to a doctor to rule out other issues.
  • Bethy25
    Bethy25 Posts: 73
    I get migraines and my chiropractor recently put me on a vitamin supplement called Myocalm (just google it) I take six pills a day when I am feeling tension coming on (which results in a screaming migraine). When I am feeling fine I always take 2 at night before bed (based off of Chiro's suggestion) This is a miracle vitamin and has drastically improved my headaches and migraines! I was basically addicted to exedrine before this and now I only take it occasionally when I havent gotten ahead of it fast enough with the myocalm! Also drinking additional water will open up the capilaries in your brain and in turn help with the migraine.
  • I got a precription for Fioricet....helps so much! I used to get them daily and since I've started taking this they have decreased a lot!!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I'll have a cup of coffee/cappuccino to see if that works especially since I used to have it every day before my lifestyle change. If that doesn't help, I'll take an excedrine.
  • I get the odd migraine, and I take a prescription medication called Zomig - if I catch it quick enough - the headache is gone in 15-20 minutes. Great stuff! But it is really expensive - so if you don't have health benefits through work, you might want to try something else :P Last time I got them, they were about $15-20 per pill (in Canada - not sure what they would cost in the US). Gotta love insurance!

    Also - make sure you drink tons of water - that will help to ward off the headaches :)
  • marindak
    marindak Posts: 168
    I get migraines as well, sometimes once a week. I have taken everything from Execedrin Migraine to Imitrex which did nothing. I have taken Relpax in the past and it worked pretty good but it is expensive, even with insurance!
    I now take Topamax daily and Maxalt at the onset of the migraine and it works great! The Topamax I just started taking a month ago, I've had one migraine since and it only lasted half of the day where they usually last 1-2 days. So I think its helping.

    Migraines are a terrible thing! But there are good treatments if you find what is causing them. Good Luck!
    I don't believe over the counter is good enough to tackle the severe migraines.
  • marindak
    marindak Posts: 168
    Also, if you don't want to take medicine, they say yoga helps and putting ginger in your tea. I haven't tried it but you never know!
  • I have tried all sorts of things but I have found that if I take Excederin Migraine early enough it kicks if but if not I rely on my prescription med which is Amerge.... I love it & it usually has one gone within 30-60 minutes... If it's not gone shortly there after which rarely happens now but if it does I know I have to wait it out... I have had migraines for most of my life starting when I was about 12.... I actually have ended up having my jaw broke in hopes to relieve things but that didn't help at all..... Well hope you head feels better soon.... :)
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I get cracking ones with aura sometimes too.
    I use Sumatriptan. (Not sure what it's called overseas - I'm in the UK,
    If I take it in time it's brilliant.
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