Hey y'all! I'm new here...

Hello everyone! Y'all can call me Fiona. I'm 27 and I have just experienced the "aha!" moment where I realized I cannot live in this body any longer. I am determined to get in better shape and I believe that I have what it takes to commit to it. I am so glad places like this exist to uplift and encourage one another, as well as hold each other accountable! I am a praying woman, so if anyone needs prayer for something, just let me know and I'll add it to the list. :o) :bigsmile:


  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Welcome! This site is a great source of support and motivation.
  • jeep2961
    jeep2961 Posts: 32 Member
    We can all use a little prayer !!! My dad has Parkinsons for some 10 years, he is 83 now and the disease is really taking its toll, a little prayer for my dad Ron would be appreciated :) Its not just a weight loss journey, a spiritual awareness often comes along with being more in tune with your body. Sounds like you already have the spiritual part down, now you just need to access that to help and encourage you on your weight loss journey.
  • fabulousmomma
    fabulousmomma Posts: 172 Member
    Hi Fiona!
    Welcome! This is a tough journey but also a very rewarding journey. I'm some what new to this as well. I joined MFP a couple of years ago. Didn't use it at all then, but just recently rejoined a couple of weeks ago. I love it. I feel better than I ever have! I've been really diligent in recording everything I eat in my food diary, and try my hardest to stay in my calorie goal. I like this because it keeps me accountable!
    Best of luck to you!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Read the stickies on the forums as well as the forums in general ro learn and understand the task that its before you. It will help you set up your account properly, get an idea how to lose weight and alert you to the common mistakes people make. If you learn proerly then you will feel a lot more in ccontrol of what is required and how fast or slow you lose the weight. We all find out own diet plan but MFP is based around creating a calroie deficit so you burn more than you consume. To get control of this deficit you need information and that means logging all your food so you have an accurate picture of just what you are eating.

    There are other aspects dealing with nutrition based on what you eat as well as health and fitness based on exercise.

    Good luck
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Hey Fiona, I would love to encourage and support you on your journey. Feel free to add me to your friends list.
  • shay609
    Hey there Fiona! I'm so glad you had that aha moment and i'm sure you will find a lot of support for yourself here! You or anyone new can feel free to add me!