Feel like s**t today

I havent been honest with myself at all this last week. I have had PMS and i feel like im lying to myself by using that as an excuse. I cant control my cravings and I give in way too easy when someone has offered me pizza, or burgers or whatever. 3 weeks is the longest i have ever stuck to a diet and ive been eating ok during the day at work its dinner time that has been killing me. The other day, i ate 800 calories over. WTF is wrong with me. And I havent been working out, I dont have any motivation to work out. I get tired and out of breath too easily and the minute it starts to burn, I stop. i have no motivation and no help, i want to lose this weight so bad but have zero support. My husband is just as bad, falling back into his old ways too. How do u motivate yourself to get up and go to the gym? I am paying for a membership i dont use and havent since before halloween. im so ashamed of myself i just want to give up, whats the point?i lost 5lbs then gained back 3lbs and I dont want to blame my PMS and period on it, im too scared to weigh in after its all done with, incase I really did gain that weight back and its not just water weight. OMG im such a mess


  • aschroyer
    Stay strong. You have to find it within yourself. People who enjoy working out are weird. I can find so many other things I want to do, but we have to do it to stay healthy. I love food also, I can eat and eat and eat, but we have to refrain from it so we can avoid looking in the mirror and hating ourselves. You will get back to it, just find it in yourself. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • smiley01x
    smiley01x Posts: 93 Member
    this post makes me so sad because i am feeling the same way. i was so upset that i didnt eat anything all day yesterday until dinner. and at dinner i ordered a pizza because i said to myself "i dont give a *kitten* anymore". But even thought it was hard, i got back on the bandwagon today. Have been eating healthy today and I am going to my exercise class tonight. You can do it- you just have to believe in yourself! good luck to you :)
  • inpaperclouds
    Pick one diet and stick to it. I can never stick to just "eating healthy". I need it to be specific or I ALWAYS fail.

    You can always go to a weight management doctor (its kind of cheap, actually..)
    They provide you with appetite suppressants and B12 vitamin injections. I lost 30 lbs in like 5 weeks and kept it off for over 2 years.

    The carb diet is also pretty quick, I lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks on it (but unfortunately gained it back from eating pizza and burgers all the time.. my boyfriend eats like a monster and never gains one pound. living with a guy sucks for this reason.)

    Also, I HATE THE GYM. Try going for a jog outside.. like at a park or a lake, its much more rewarding.
    stop paying for a membership if you're not going. I work at a gym and we have members that haven't visited in over a year and they're paying us $60/month. You could be using that money to buy healthier foods.
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    Keep your chin up, we all have days like that, and I am sure your pms doesn't help the way your feeling just now. You are worth it though just try and do it for one day at a time if you are struggling looking at the whole process and as for the gym membership sure it would be good for you to get back to it but why not just try walking in the meantime set yourself a goal even if its just 2 x 1/2 hour a day every little helps.
    We are all here for support on the bad days **hugs**
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    Man o man have I been there. We all have.

    A few strategies...

    I made myself a quote book with lots of great quotes to keep me going. One that relates to what you are going through, and that keeps me from throwing in the towel...
    "The longer you wait to decide what you want to do, the more time you are wasting."
    The longer you prolong this weight loss goal and lifestyle change, the longer it takes you to get there. If I hadn't given up last February, I might be at my goal weight by now. I instead, I am having to lose even more weight, because gained 9 pounds more than I was when I started.

    I have a lot of quotes I can share with you to help keep you going. Also, I know how hard exercise is. But I keep photos of me when I was younger/thinner. I also look at people in movies or clothes I want to wear and remember whey it is I want to get there.

    You CAN do this. So forget about the mistakes you made or the food you ate. It's too late to change it. If you pick yourself up now and keep going, think of where you will be in the very near future. You will always be ahead of where you were as long as you keep moving forward! Even if you get stuck, like I am now. Oh well, I am am still 6.5 lbs lighter than I was 3 weeks ago!

    Add me as a friend if you need motivation!!!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Don't give up! My mom always told me anything worth having is worth working toward. Winter is the hardest time for any project. It is gloomy and cold in most places. When down simply throw on some music and move at home, this is better than nothing and might lift your spirits enough to re-motivate towards the gym. I am not a gym person. Don't like the smells and usually feel lost. Love classes, but most don't offer early enough morning classes for my schedule. AT home I can work out when and how I want to. I too have been slacking this winter and have gained back 5 pounds. Kicking myself, but as a adult child of an alcoholic and also an ex smoker, will take the best I can do one day at a time! Remember you are worth it and sometimes baby steps will get you there in a more manageable way! Good Luck and keep the faith!
  • K3LLYSU3
    K3LLYSU3 Posts: 56 Member
    We all have bad times. I hear every thing you are saying & it sounds just like myself. You can do this you, just have to push yourself. I have an eliptical at home & DO NOT want to do it , but I get on for 20 minutes at night sometimes at 9:30 & I have to work in the morning. You can add me as a friend & we will do it together. Dieting is the hardest thing when you have no willpower. I am the same as you 3-4 weeks & I go back to my old habits, but not this time! I just cant do it, I am not getting any younger! So come on lets do it togehter. I need support to! Kelly
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    Go to youtube and look up toby mac's song 'get back up again'. That should help you. Sometimes its my moto!
    It is hard to get out of your normal every day habits. Getting healthy means a total rearrange of your lifestyle. Its not like you
    just woke up today and started bad habits. Its been a lifestyle for most of us.
    So dont be ashamed of yourself. That you are here and talking about it means you 'do' want to make something happen in your life. Lots of people get gym memberships and then never use them. Your paying..so go and take advantage of your money. No body is going to be judging you on how often they see you. When I did go to the gym (when we lived on military installations) there were not that many people who I actually saw on a regular basis. People's work shifts change, life changes, things happen.
    It is hard to 'grow' you own motivation. What has really motivated me through this last week was reading on the success stories about how they would do something. Sometimes they did a little when they had no energy, because they believed that every little bit helps. So you know what? I took that to heart and when I did not have any desires to do anything I would just do something.
    I am the cheer section in our family, so I know what you mean by you having no support. Its not that the fam discourages me, but I dont get the 'go team' that I would love to hear.
    And that is why we are all here. We can be each others cheer section. Start something small. Go to the gym and get on a treadmill for 20 minutes. Put a headset on and crank it up high. Or go for a walk. Just start by getting something. It is hard to start something new.
    you can add me if you want ;-]
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    try some small steps, like walking for 30 minutes. Once you get use to working out your body can actually like it, and miss it when you don't work out.
    Log everything you eat, when you eat it, it may just help you when you see that you'll be adding 250 or more calories. For me it is the goal that is important, so I have for the most part stuck with the program.
    I'm a morning person so I wake up early and hit the gym, for me I feel better and have more energy all day. Find a time that works for you, even walking at the lunch hour can do a lot for you.

    You are worth it and can do it
    Good luck
  • fatBgone80
    I know the feeling. This is my 100th time trying to loose this weight. I'm had 7 gym memberships that I had for a year or more and only used its 5 times for the year. I always mean to go after work, but I am just so exhausted & just wanna go home & be with my man.

    This time I think will be different, because I budgeted for a personal trainer & I go to him in the mornings. I have more energy in the mornings so I thought it would be better to go then. there are times when I don’t want to wake up, but by the time I brush my teeth & put on my shoes, I’m wide awake & ready to go with my granola in my hand. this is expensive, but the money I pay for him make me not want to waste it, & I told him I better get my money's worth :bigsmile:.

    Well, that’s my motivation; we'll see how it goes. :flowerforyou:
  • gracieb1
    gracieb1 Posts: 8 Member
    I am trying to find a weight management doctor in Rochester MN, anyone know of one?
  • autumn5gabby
    I find what helps me is no junk food in the house! I cant have it in the house.Im doing a 12 week fitness callenge in my community and that helps.I have a coach I can talk to any time and a class I go to weekly were I get weight in. Try to think positive, come up with a game plan, try to advoid situations for awhle that will be hard to resist. This site is great so you made a step in the right direction. Im not big into exersize either. I dont were you live but how about walking?Doyou have a dog? How about a play statinor a Wi? That can be fun and if u use it alot then its worth the money. Do you like to dance there are dancing games.
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Thank you everyone. I must be really emotional too, all your posts made me cry but smile too. I need to realise I AM worth it and i DO deserve this. it will take some time but I have to keep motivated and learn to say NO when a friend or my hubby suggests burgers or pizza for dinner. I need a reminder every once in a while of why im doing this. Pizza is not going to get me anywhere. I do have a dog yes and I think I need to just start taking her for a walk, she needs it anyway, she is a hyper dog lol. Maybe she will get some energy into me too. I plan on getting a wii once my tax return comes in too, so I can get the wii fit or dance revolution. I think its the general thought of exercise that bothers me, knowing that its going to suck and hurt bad, naturally I dont want to do something that Im not going to enjoy. I do much better with things like the dance games because i dont actually feel like im working out. I need to break my bad habits of eating food when Im down, i know everyone says, oh just grab a healthy snack when your hungry but i dont know if its just me, but the last thing i want when im down, feeling sad or stressed is a bag of lettuce or carrots,lol. Im gonna grab a bar of chocolate, or some cake, because whatever evil stuff is in the ingredients to those kind of things, they make me feel better temporarily. I need to focus on how much better I will feel once i lose this weight and get healthy. I think a lifetime of longer living, feeling great about myself, and loving the way i look and feel will be no competition to how good i feel for 20 minutes because i ate some chocolate. Thank you everyone for being such a great support, i really appreciate it
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    Don't give up on yourself!!!!