Low Calorie Intake, very active, and always hungry..need adv

wilmelenne Posts: 113
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
So I'm a pretty active person. Before being really serious about losing weight, I was running 3.5 miles in less than 30 minutes 3x a week, but I wasn't losing any weight. When I decided to be serious about losing weight I figured out I had to cut my calories and be even more. Right now I only allow myself to eat 1200 calories. I don't let myself go over even when I have a workout planned that day. Basically total calorie intake is 1200 and that's what I use to burn. My workout schedule right now is a 3.5 mile beach run 3x a week in 25-27 minutes with strengthening after the runs, and 2 days of Yoga and Zumba. I burn about 500 calories each of those days. SInce I've started working on this I have been losing about 1 lb/week which is great for me because I want everything to go slow and be permanent.

But here's my problem....I think because I'm so active my body digests my food very quickly and I'm hungry very soon after I have a meal, and if I let myself be hungry for a long time I begin to get cramps in my stomach that don't go away even after I eat.

What should I do?


  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Sounds silly but you should just eat. Are u eating the exercise calories you're burning? If not then you are burning some of your 1200 calories and your body can't survive on that. So many articles on here about eating exercise calories (have a search) you should eat what you burn off to keep yourself at 1200 cals.
  • RMariaT
    RMariaT Posts: 35 Member
    are you eating six small meals a day so you don't go a long perios of time without eating something.
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    You need to eat more! Listen to your body. If it's telling you it's hungry then eat. If it's not then don't.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    So I'm a pretty active person. Before being really serious about losing weight, I was running 3.5 miles in less than 30 minutes 3x a week, but I wasn't losing any weight. When I decided to be serious about losing weight I figured out I had to cut my calories and be even more. Right now I only allow myself to eat 1200 calories. I don't let myself go over even when I have a workout planned that day. Basically total calorie intake is 1200 and that's what I use to burn. My workout schedule right now is a 3.5 mile beach run 3x a week in 25-27 minutes with strengthening after the runs, and 2 days of Yoga and Zumba. I burn about 500 calories each of those days. SInce I've started working on this I have been losing about 1 lb/week which is great for me because I want everything to go slow and be permanent.

    But here's my problem....I think because I'm so active my body digests my food very quickly and I'm hungry very soon after I have a meal, and if I let myself be hungry for a long time I begin to get cramps in my stomach that don't go away even after I eat.

    What should I do?

    you're hungry because your net intake of calories on exercise days is about 700 calories my dear.
  • MrX8503
    MrX8503 Posts: 67
    If you eat 1200 calories and burn 500, then you need to eat a total of 1700 calories. This may be the cause of your hunger problem.

    Outside of calories it also depends on "what" you eat. Healthier foods are larger in volume per calorie, thus filling you up more. The healthier you eat, the more you can eat.

    Another thing you can do is consume more fiber, whether from veggies or beans. Fiber will help curb your hunger, try it. I had some fiber and it helps a ton.
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Greek yogurt....and your hunger pains will be GONE :)
  • nicholasnam
    nicholasnam Posts: 4 Member
    Replacing some of your carb calories with protein and, to a limited extent, fat, will help to satiate you. Also, vegetables always make great, extremely low calorie snacks.
  • msumacc
    msumacc Posts: 2 Member
    I was having the same problem. This is the first time I have counted calories. In the past I have always worked out and eaten whatever I want. Well that's not working anymore, so I started monitoring. I've done some research and it is working for me.

    I have breakfast around 7:30
    eat a snack (half a Clif bar or serving of pretzels) at 10:00
    Lunch at noon (something light...not too many cals)
    Another snack at 3:00 or 4:00 Later is better so you aren't starving at dinner
    dinner between 6:00 and 7:00
    If you stay up late have another light snack if you get hungry. A handful of almonds and a glass of water will curb those hunger pangs.

    Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water. It keeps your stomach full but you aren't consuming any calories.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member

    What should I do?

  • Thanks for all the responses!

    I was actually eating more and burning calories to have a daily intake of 1200, but I wasn't losing any weight, so after doing some reading I thought I should just start only eating 1200 calories and that's when I saw the weight loss. I do watch what i eat and not just the calories...but I don't snack, which might help curb my appetite more.

    Here's my schedule and usual menu:
    Breakfast ~7:30 - Whole wheat toast and jam (can't eat big breakfasts in the morning)
    Lunch - 11:30 - salad or some kind of wrap (whatever salad they are serving at my work cafeteria) and a fruit on the side
    Dinner - 5:30-6:00 usually grilled chicken with a side salad and some fruit (it's always something different for dinner)

    Now that I look at it I think I need to put in some healthy snack in between lunch and dinner. So almonds and fibers huh?

    Thanks so much guys!
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