Trouble eating my calories

Hi everyone,
I'm a 41 year old female and started on a healthy eating plan 2 weeks ago. I punched in my numbers and MFP suggested 1400 calories for me to lose half a kilo per week. I was 77.3kg and am now around 74kg only 2 weeks later (I'm recording my weight on wednesday so it's not showing on my ticker below). I'm really pleased with my quick progress and do realise that this is pretty much excess water weight. Most days I eat more like 1200 calories and sometimes slightly over or under but I've never gone over 1400 calories.

In the last couple of days my anxiety has flared up (I'm very happy but I was worried about my husband flying home from overseas) and I'm finding that I simply don't want to eat. I'm literally forcing myself to eat. Today I've had a slice of sourdough fruit toast, strawberries and coffee for breakfast, roast beef sandwich on wholemeal with tomato, a smidge aoli and baby spinach leaves for lunch, and dinner was a steak with a mushroom and a little avocado salad. I've still got 700 calories to eat and frankly, I'm done. I guess I could fit in a yogurt for dessert but that will still leave 500 calories deficit.

is it possible that my stomach has shrunk a fair bit? I'm thinking it's more due to anxiety and I'm hoping that this will resolve as my husband is now safely home.

Has anyone else experienced something like this and should I just continue to force myself to eat? I should add that I do about 3 lots of 30 - 40 min walk/jogging each week.

Thanks in advance


  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Oh, please. Your stomach does not shrink.

    You're probably experiencing the first euphoria of starting something new. That happens when we're motivated by a change decision. It takes a while to reprogram your head to a new way of thinking. The theory is that it takes three weeks to break/establish a habit.

    I was diagnosed with silent reflux a while back, which entailed a change of diet. I ended up losing about five pounds, then gaining it back while I made the adjustment.

    Just be patient and read more than you post.
  • JuleWill
    JuleWill Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks guys. I guess that stomach shrinking thing is an "old wives tale", then. I think you are right about the motivation as I am very motivated at the moment and I do think this low appetite is more due to my anxiety. Thanks for your quick reply.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Remember that food is fuel for your body. If you want it to run properly, you need to eat. I wouldn't recommend that you eat less than 1200 cal/day. Actually, I don't even like people eating at that level. It's really the bottom of the barrel. If you're having a hard time getting in enough calories, eat more calorie dense foods like potatoes, rice, and beans.

  • JuleWill
    JuleWill Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks Allan, that makes sense. I'll give it a go.