Advice on weights/cardio routine please!

Just wondered if anyone could give me some pointers on my current workout routine.
Monday - 45 min spin class
Tuesday - upper body weights - training arms, shoulders and chest
Wednesday - sometimes day off or light cardio, but could so something more challenging
Thursday - 20 min run then yoga
Friday - lower body weights - training glutes and legs
Saturday & Sunday - days off

With weights I go as heavy as I can for 3 sets of 12 reps.

My issue is that I love my weights and worry that only doing upper body once a week and lower body once a week isn't enough. However I can't really add a third weight session as I can't workout how that would fit alongside my spin and running. I can't workout at weekends at all but have the other five days of the week.
Should I stop splitting upper and body routines and do a full body workout twice a week instead?
I would love to hear anyone's advice,
Thanks x


  • jessicagrieshaber
    jessicagrieshaber Posts: 167 Member
    I agree with you in that two days of strength training a week is not enough (for me at least), but then again I can work out on the weekends. What you could do, is switch your cardio and lifting days. For example:

    Monday: Chest/shoulders
    Tuesday: Spin
    Wednesday: Leg day
    Thursday: 20 minute run and yoga
    Friday: Back/Arms
  • cconant0728
    cconant0728 Posts: 4 Member
    What is your goal? Lose weight or build muscle? I would not take the weekend off so you could get more workouts in. I only have one rest day a week but I vary the day depending on my schedule. You could double up your cardio with strength training to get more in.
  • adammeynell86
    adammeynell86 Posts: 13 Member
    How important is your Cardio? What you could do is a full body routine three times per week (Monday and friday being your sets and reps)...however make your wednesday weights session a metabolic circuit (rather than set and reps, work you way through one set of each exercise as fast as you can, then rest for two minutes, then start again - this isn't a pure strength workout but it keeps the muscles ticking over in between monday and friday whilst getting your HR up and a little sweat on the brow?) If your doing this in a gym setting plan carefully so you don't have to wait for any equipment (I tend to use kettlebells, bodyweight and a TRX for this workout) could also throw some high intensity cardio intervals into the mix (finish each circuit with a minute hard of running/cycling rowing etc).

    If you going to do this, I would however take the thursday as a rest day/light cardio day at the most to allow recovery for friday, so it swings in roundabouts.

    Whatever you decide, remember the basics, exercise is made up of Volume, frequency and intensity, since volume and frequency seem to be fairly fixed for you, I would suggest upping the intensity as mentioned above...hope this helps! :)
  • punkeson
    punkeson Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks guys.
    Weekend workouts are definitely out for me as it's family time so I have to make the best use of my time in the week!
    Something else I'm confused about is how long to leave between workouts for muscle repair. I always thought it was 48hrs before working the same body part again, but a couple of bodybuilders that I respect have said 72 hours, or even one week! I'm not training to be a bodybuilder but it did make me wonder.
    Also in answer to the question what are my goals, I honestly don't know! I think if I could prioritise either weight loss or muscle growth then it would definitely help me organise my workouts better, but at the moment I'm doing a good mix of what I love and it does seem to be working. I'm sure if I had a clearer goal then I would see results much faster