low carb diet?

does anyone know if doing the atkins diet for 2 weeks is bad for you?


  • buckeyereavis
    it wont kill u but once u look at a carb funny,...poof....back to where u were...ur body needs carbs...complex carbs....message me for more info...
  • melissa1977
    melissa1977 Posts: 129 Member
    If you're choosing Atkins, do it by the book. Do your two weeks of Induction, and then progress up in levels to add back in more fruits and veggies and whole grains. It's really a great program when done properly. :)
  • spuzo
    spuzo Posts: 50
    does anyone know if doing the atkins diet for 2 weeks is bad for you?

    Im going to say yes and no to this...

    Yes, it's bad to do it only for 2 weeks because you'll regain any weight you've lost, plus more. It's not a quick fix type diet. It's a complete lifestyle change. Which brings me to the No part....

    No, it's not bad if you're thinking of doing Induction for 2 weeks and then following the carb ladder for the next phase: OWL [Ongoing Weight Loss] and continuing with the plan.

    PS: I eat low carb because I have to [digestive disease] - if you have any questions about low carbing..just PM me.
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    It is hard to maintain yourself. I've been on a low/no carb diet before.
    First you'll drop about 5 lbs in a day or 2 (it is all water)
    then you feel like crap for about 4 days while your body goes into ketosis then you do start loosing fat quickly. Make sure you drink a ton of water, you may need vitamin supplements. You will stop pooping (especially if you only eat lean protein)
    On the plus side, some people turn into complete *kitten* while on the diet.
    Then the day you come off you gain about 5 lbs (remember the water weight from day 1?)

    2 weeks is not worth it, use this website track your calories and change the quality of food you eat and you will see results
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm on Primal Blueprint which is another LC lifestyle. I've found that my BMs are more regular, I have TONS more energy, and I'm stronger. I'm loving the change. I wish everyone would open their eyes to this way of life. It's amazing.

    EDIT: Just wanted to add, that I've yet to "feel like crap". I had 1 or 2 headaches but felt fine otherwise. I haven't missed anything. I've eliminated bread and grains from my diet.
  • melissa1977
    melissa1977 Posts: 129 Member
    then you feel like crap for about 4 days while your body goes into ketosis then you do start loosing fat quickly.

    This is not so much going into ketosis as it is detoxing all the processed junk from your body. Atkins Induction is very much like a detox and you WILL feel sick for a few days. Google "Induction Flu" and you'll see what I mean. But once it's over [anywhere from 3-5 days usually], you will feel REALLY good. Also, if you progress in the program as written, you will not have a major jump in weight gain unless you simply go from eating your 20 grams of carbs to eating junk food again.
  • packmomtwo
    Try the 17 Day Diet; similar to Atkins but much easier to incorporate.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    It really depends on the person in terms of "how bad it is for you".

    I agree with the person above and say do it by the book.

    I am on a lower carb diet myself but not specifically anything.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    It is hard to maintain yourself. I've been on a low/no carb diet before.
    First you'll drop about 5 lbs in a day or 2 (it is all water)
    then you feel like crap for about 4 days while your body goes into ketosis then you do start loosing fat quickly. Make sure you drink a ton of water, you may need vitamin supplements. You will stop pooping (especially if you only eat lean protein)
    On the plus side, some people turn into complete *kitten* while on the diet.
    Then the day you come off you gain about 5 lbs (remember the water weight from day 1?)

    2 weeks is not worth it, use this website track your calories and change the quality of food you eat and you will see results

    Uh besides the specific ketosis mentioning, this could be said about the start of dieting for many people as they give up their usual processed foods and go through a period of changing as they incorporate healthier food choices.

    I did Bernstein diet (Canadian clinics and some in Florida I think) where I was in ketosis for a good month. I didn't go through whatever the heck you're going on about. When I visited the clinic and they tested my urine and I found out I was in ketosis (which is the goal), I didn't even realize it.

    Way too many generalizations in your comment so I will just stop here. People need to find what works for them.
  • melissa1977
    melissa1977 Posts: 129 Member
    The common misconception is that Atkins is and remains a "no" carb diet. It's not all meat, all the time. The program is written to gradually add GOOD carbs, like whole grains, back into your life. If you're considering doing 2 weeks of low carb just to kick start your weight loss, you most likely are setting yourself up for a weight gain. Do it properly, do it by the book. :) I follow a low carb diet, although not Atkins anymore, and it's amazing how much better I feel without all that junk food in my life.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    You can put yourself into ketosis (if that's the goal) while still eating carbs. They're called VEGETABLES. Limit yourself to 50-100 cabs/day (less will get you to ketosis a little faster, but not much). Cut out grains, they're poisonous for you (causing inflammation and water retention among other things), and focus on eating extremely clean. If it doesn't have a mama or come straight from the earth, DON'T EAT IT.
  • spuzo
    spuzo Posts: 50
    You can put yourself into ketosis (if that's the goal) while still eating carbs. They're called VEGETABLES. Limit yourself to 50-100 cabs/day (less will get you to ketosis a little faster, but not much). Cut out grains, they're poisonous for you (causing inflammation and water retention among other things), and focus on eating extremely clean. If it doesn't have a mama or come straight from the earth, DON'T EAT IT.

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