stopping in to say hello

First time using this site, using a few others at the same time, interesting how the same foods have different calorie counts, certainly will keep me busy, good luck everyone!:happy:


  • NessaReh85
    NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member
    I have found this site to be extrememly helpful, although it reads different, it has been a great help in me losing 10 lbs over the past 2 months. I do see that a lot of the same things have different calories. I try to use the barcode scanned as much as possible, otherwise I choose the one with the higher calories to make sure I dont overdo it. Good Luck on your journey!!
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Good luck! Add me if you are looking for support!
  • jfederspiel85
    jfederspiel85 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Jenny!
    I've been chasing down weightloss from my couch for entirely too long. As much as i want this and as much as i love working out, i baffle myself at my laziness! It's just SOOO much easier being fat and being mean to yourself than it is to put forth the work to fix it. My issue is that i need to STAY motivated and aware of what i'm doing to myself with every "going out" meal and every day i skip a workout. I always find excuses....Oh i can't go to the gym because i'm a new mom and need to be with my daughter, I can't eat healthy because i'm working late tonight and i didn't bring anything, I can't pack healthy food for work because i am so tired i slept in...and so on and so forth. The thing is i know these are silly lies and excuses, there are solutions to each of these excuses, but in the moment when i want to believe these things i do, because it's easy. I know there is time the night before to pack meals. I know that if im working late, i can take a quick break and run to publix to grab something healthy, and I know i can get up early and go to the gym if i get to bed at a decent hour instead of staying up watching TV. I know i can get results if i put forth the work, the question i always have is why do i let myself get in my way. Obviously, this is a personal battle....There are no tricks or tips that i can use to beat this. Seriously, if my sister, a single mother of 5 can find time to take care of 5 school age children, work full time, find time to date, AND lose weight, then really what good are my excuses!?!? I just need to do it, to be me again. I used to be Awesome and Fun and even though i've always been bigger, i was SMOKIN HOT! I miss the woman i used to be and i know it's all my fault. Does anyone else have these struggles?