Jillian's 30 Day Shred & Bodybugg

Just wanted to share some information with those of you who were interested in Jillian's 30 day shred. I just recently bought the bodybugg, and after just doing Level 1 of the shred, I burned 237. Mind you, it was my first time doing it in a long time, so I did not make it through all of the cardio intervals completely, or some of the really intense strength moves. MFP would have said I burned 290 calories by logging the 20 minutes of circuit training in. I would definitely suggest a bodybugg to anyone who wants to know how much they really are burning through their exercise programs. I tried wearing it all day yesterday, but that became just a little bit too much. I found myself constantly looking at the digital display and becoming obsessed with it. I much rather prefer to stick to my calorie goal intakes & then know how many calories I am burning during my workouts. Feel free to message me if you want to know more. Good luck to everyone =)


    Hi I just started the 30 shredd also. i do it in the morning before i get started for the day. i am fitness stupid what is a body bug and where can i get one to help me see how many calories i burn during work outs????

    thanks bunches
  • NykoleMazzola
    thanks for the info! i want to get a body bugg so bad! i love 30 day shred :) this just made me want to start using it again! thank you!
  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    I burned 288 calories exactly using my heart rate monitor doing the 30 day shred.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    When I go all out at the 30 day shred ot my HRM give me around 320 cals for level 1 and 360-380 for levels 2 and 3
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I've been doing this one all month. I don't do it daily but on weekdays I do it 3 days and do another cardio on alternating days. I do have the endurance to do it 2 days in a row so if I mess up my usual rotation of Mon, Wed, Fri I will throw 2 days in a row. Yesterday I got crazy motivated and added in a hip hop cardio dance a couple hours later. I was going to walk but had to head to church after so I wanted it out of the way earlier so I could shower.

    Interesting about the differences in calorie burn. I'm sure I'm not at what it says but I do make it through the cardio most of the time. I would love a bodybugg but just no way to afford it right now.

    Thanks to 30 Day Shred I've lost at least 4 lbs this month and an inch of my hips and tummy. I think I've even lost some on my arms but for me that is hard to measure.
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    just looked up the bodybugg online. interesting stuff! thanks for sharing! I have been wanting an HRM for the new year, I'm thinking this is definitely the way to go!!!
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Reading this post makes me want to pull out my 30 day shred!!! Thanks for the info!!!
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    If you get the body media at costco they are 149.99 with a 12 month subscription. Great deal. Its the same as body bugg ( same company makes it) You have to go online to see your results after you plug it in. Kinda nice that way so if your obsessed you cant look at till you plug in. Good luck on whatever you choose