Which beach body program to start with?

Hi I am new to this site.

I have lived with yo-yo weight all my life, and am currently at my highest weight in my life!

Sadly, I have tried every fad diet you can think of. Was thinking of joining weight watchers...but accidently stumbled on this site.

I also have bought a lot of beachbody programs over the past few years (I have insanity, P90x3, slim in six...and my friend just gave me 21 day fix DVDs)...but have never ever completed any program.

I want to make a final honest attempt to change my life around.

I have looked around this site (since I joined here this morning)...and feel everyone is very supportive.

As such, gathered courage to ask two silly questions:

1) Should I still consider weight watchers...or just use this site to log in my food intake
2) I understand that every one's body is different...but any advice on which program I should start with?

I guess I need to get out of this horrid depressive slump I have been in over the past few days :(

Thanks in advance!


  • hobbeskastiel
    hobbeskastiel Posts: 221 Member
    Weight Watchers is great for support if you feel comfortable with a group. Plus if you go to meetings you are more accountable for what you're doing. Being on MFP is great, but we're just words on a screen. It's much easier to cheat yourself & not stick to your program when no one is seeing what you are doing. It all comes down to finding out what you like most.

    As for the Beach Body dvd's? My husband was doing them. He does P90X. But he still doesn't get through a whole dvd without hitting pause several times. They're all hard, but they're supposed to be. If you have a bunch of them just figure out with ones you think look interesting or fun & jump in. But be careful. I don't do them because I have a bad knee and they are pretty impact intensive. If I did more then what I have I would skip the plyometrics dvd's. They would have me crying in pain by the end because they are the ones with the most bounce them. Whatever you do you have to be careful not to get hurt.

    Have you gone to a Dr? Because that's your best bet. You can ask him what's appropriate for you and if he thinks the dvd's are a good idea or not.
  • abouck
    abouck Posts: 71 Member
    Weight watchers is great. And you are less likely to cheat when someone else is weighing you. If you are strong enough and disciplined enough to do it on your own then this site is a great tool. As for beach body I love Chalene Johnson. Chalene Extreme is an easier program in my opinion. It helps build muscle without the hardcore cardio. I also love Turbo Fire which is cardio but not extreme. It is super fun!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I liked P90x3 as it is so,varied. It's the first one I kept up with and didn't stop before I get bored. Within the last week, P90 (no X) has been released which is less strenuous. At the moment you can only get it through Team Beachbody. You could sell your others and use the money for this.
  • oviedojen
    Hi I am new to this site.

    I have lived with yo-yo weight all my life, and am currently at my highest weight in my life!

    Sadly, I have tried every fad diet you can think of. Was thinking of joining weight watchers...but accidently stumbled on this site.

    I also have bought a lot of beachbody programs over the past few years (I have insanity, P90x3, slim in six...and my friend just gave me 21 day fix DVDs)...but have never ever completed any program.

    I want to make a final honest attempt to change my life around.

    I have looked around this site (since I joined here this morning)...and feel everyone is very supportive.

    As such, gathered courage to ask two silly questions:

    1) Should I still consider weight watchers...or just use this site to log in my food intake
    2) I understand that every one's body is different...but any advice on which program I should start with?

    I guess I need to get out of this horrid depressive slump I have been in over the past few days :(

    Thanks in advance!

    Hi! Good for you for making a change! Taking the first step is so hard! I commend you for doing just that! I would suggest starting with the 21-Day Fix! A friend gave you the program, and it's a great beginnings set! I have done it (completed one round) and I've never completed a fitness routine/DVD program in my life. I found the containers a GREAT way to manage portions and get my eating under control! Another really great program is the new P90. It's geared towards beginners. I've done Weight Watchers too, years ago, and I found success in it. Again, another really great tool to get eating habits and portions under control. My advice would be to pair it with a 30 minute workout (per day, if you can do it). Its the best way to get results and who doesn't have 30 minutes in their day to devote to themselves and their fitness! Good luck!
  • oviedojen
    Hi I am new to this site.

    I have lived with yo-yo weight all my life, and am currently at my highest weight in my life!

    Sadly, I have tried every fad diet you can think of. Was thinking of joining weight watchers...but accidently stumbled on this site.

    I also have bought a lot of beachbody programs over the past few years (I have insanity, P90x3, slim in six...and my friend just gave me 21 day fix DVDs)...but have never ever completed any program.

    I want to make a final honest attempt to change my life around.

    I have looked around this site (since I joined here this morning)...and feel everyone is very supportive.

    As such, gathered courage to ask two silly questions:

    1) Should I still consider weight watchers...or just use this site to log in my food intake
    2) I understand that every one's body is different...but any advice on which program I should start with?

    I guess I need to get out of this horrid depressive slump I have been in over the past few days :(

    Thanks in advance!

    Hi! Good for you for making a change! Taking the first step is so hard! I commend you for doing just that! I would suggest starting with the 21-Day Fix! A friend gave you the program, and it's a great beginnings set! I have done it (completed one round) and I've never completed a fitness routine/DVD program in my life. I found the containers a GREAT way to manage portions and get my eating under control! Another really great program is the new P90. It's geared towards beginners. I've done Weight Watchers too, years ago, and I found success in it. Again, another really great tool to get eating habits and portions under control. My advice would be to pair it with a 30 minute workout (per day, if you can do it). Its the best way to get results and who doesn't have 30 minutes in their day to devote to themselves and their fitness! Good luck!

    PS - Do anything that provides you with SUPPORT! That will help you stay motivated! If that means attending WW meetings, do it! If that means joining a challenge group with the 21 Day Fix, do it! It will only benefit you in the long run!
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    WW is good. I did it from Feb. - May and then transitioned to MFP.

    As for BB: I think T25 would be good. It's 25 minutes with a 1-3 minute cooldown. It's difficult, but it does have a modifier in every workout. So just follow Tania, if you decide to use T25. P90X3 is good as well. I'ts 30 minutes with a 2-4 minute cooldown.

    I completed T25 (alpha, beta, and gamma), and it inspired me to complete Insanity, and now I'm in month 3 of P90X3, and I plan to do the Elite Block.

    T25 has 3 blocks - Alpha - month 1, Beta - month 2, and Gamma - month 3 (optional and not a part of the base kit).
    P90X3 has 4 blocks - Block 1 - month 1, Block 2 - month 2, Block 3 - month 3, and the Elite block - month 4 (optional and not a part of the base kit).

    For both programs, you don't need much equipment, a few resistance bands and you'll be good.

    Good luck with your choice.

    ETA: don't let anyone get down on you for choosing to do 21 Day Fix. There is a lot of backlash against the program because of the name and the containers. But if you decide to do it, just do it and ignore anyone who has anything negative to say. If it works for you, then good. I would recommend also logging along with the containers, so you have an idea of the calories you are eating.
  • oviedojen
    WW is good. I did it from Feb. - May and then transitioned to MFP.

    As for BB: I think T25 would be good. It's 25 minutes with a 1-3 minute cooldown. It's difficult, but it does have a modifier in every workout. So just follow Tania, if you decide to use T25. P90X3 is good as well. I'ts 30 minutes with a 2-4 minute cooldown.

    I completed T25 (alpha, beta, and gamma), and it inspired me to complete Insanity, and now I'm in month 3 of P90X3, and I plan to do the Elite Block.

    T25 has 3 blocks - Alpha - month 1, Beta - month 2, and Gamma - month 3 (optional and not a part of the base kit).
    P90X3 has 4 blocks - Block 1 - month 1, Block 2 - month 2, Block 3 - month 3, and the Elite block - month 4 (optional and not a part of the base kit).

    For both programs, you don't need much equipment, a few resistance bands and you'll be good.

    Good luck with your choice.

    ETA: don't let anyone get down on you for choosing to do 21 Day Fix. There is a lot of backlash against the program because of the name and the containers. But if you decide to do it, just do it and ignore anyone who has anything negative to say. If it works for you, then good. I would recommend also logging along with the containers, so you have an idea of the calories you are eating.

    What a wonderfully positive response and thoughtful description of some BB programs! :)
  • adelinax
    I have the 21 day fix and t25

    I am mainly just using the dvds for the 21 day fix but I really love it, its really great for starting off and boy to I work a sweat up. I like that it has small breaks in between exercises because I think that is much more achievable (for me anyway). I do like t25 as well but I definitely have to modify with that dvd.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I have never done WW so I don't know about that.
    As far as the BB workouts, if you are new to working out, Slim in 6 is a great beginner workout. 21 Day Fix and T25 are more advanced but have beginner modifications you can follow. P90X3 is the most difficult, I personally would save that for once you have a program under your belt and need a challenge :)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Do what works best for you - just make sure it's something you can stick with if you want this to be a permanent lifestyle change, and not just another yo-yo. :)

    Personally, I don't want to have to be dependent on any rigid programs to maintain my healthy lifestyle. I've been here using MFP for quite awhile and I've found it's really all I need. I've been maintaining at goal weight for well over 3 years now.

    I have the flexibility to do whatever I want without having to stick with an exercise schedule or a food plan. MFP is totally free and super simple. The only thing I have to worry about is keeping within my calories. The less complicated, the better for me.

    As long as whatever you do to lose the weight is something you are willing to keep doing long term, you should be able to get to goal and STAY there! Have fun with whatever you decide!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I would go find someone who has a strong beautiful fit body like the one you are aspiring toward, and ask them which program :D
  • lmsaa
    lmsaa Posts: 51 Member
    Do you have a friend to keep you accountable? I kept putting off losing some weight I gained around menopause - starting a diet every morning, and postponing it until the next day by lunch or dinner - until a friend and I started dieting together this summer. We walk most days and tell each other what we've eaten and what we weigh. We're both doing well this way. She had tried WW in the past and liked it. I have always watched my weight, but never needed a formal program. For us, working together keeps us on track without the expense of WW or the need to fit meetings into our schedules. I love how easy tracking my food intake is with MFP.
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