New Year, Old Me ( need friends and motivation)

Today I started my journey to get back in shape after year of not eating healthy and not really exercising i'm having a difficult time getting motivated ! Just need a little push.


  • clareBrewster80
    clareBrewster80 Posts: 42 Member
    Yeah me too, you can add me I cud do with a kick up the butt x
  • Bellabrae
    Bellabrae Posts: 2 Member
    It's been a while since I've been on the site. Honestly I had forgotten all about my account, now that i've gained so much weight mainly due to medication I was taking. I gained weight on the medicine and now I have no motivation although I do not weigh as much as I did a few years ago when I joined my fitness pal I still feel like I am back where I started and it's so discouraging. I have started working out again I know it will take months to begin to see any results and that's what has me down, but I know if I want to get back in shape I have to push myself.
  • Beana217
    You can add me! New friend always encourage me to work harder and longer! :happy:
  • 31st_Proverbs
    31st_Proverbs Posts: 26 Member
    I'm fairly new to this. I see on my account that I signed up for this over a year ago, but I have no idea how I did that. About 2 months ago my daughter encouraged me to try this website telling me that it might give me the motivation I need. I "dinked around" with it for a few weeks and let life's busy-ness stop me. Now I am disgusted with my self and am trying again. I REALLY need a cheerleader who can tell me to "go girl". I am 53 years old and weigh in at 256 pounds. I tend to nibble all day and don't get motivated to fix anything remotely nutritious. I've been on blood pressure medicine for the last 12 years. Heart attacks and strokes run on both sides of my family so if I don't do anything soon, I will go that same path. My daughter (23) has battled a weight problem her entire life due to my poor example. This January she started to log everything she eats and has lost about 60 pounds. She started at 244. I am very jealous of her success. She keeps telling me to get a fitness partner to encourage me and keep me accountable. I tried my sister, but she is a skinny minny health-nut who only weighs about 125 pounds. She told me that I need someone in my shoes because I would only get more discouraged by her eating habits. I wanted to use my cousin, but she is very bad for me. She's my age and maybe 20 pounds younger than me. But every time she "cheats" she calls me and whines and complains how she cheated and how I need to do the same so we can be even. It doesn't take too much persuasion to get me to eat that doughnut or chocolate bar. I really need someone to motivate me when Im doing good or bad.....