Heavy lifters willing to friend a noob?

So I have a *tiny* bit of lifting experience (crossfit-style, mostly with barbells), and would like to begin heavy lifting with freeweights at the gym. I'm a 5'4 female, current weight 157 lbs. I naturally have a more stocky, muscular frame. My goal here isn't to look like a guy, but I don't have a morbid fear of looking "bulky." I am a Type I diabetic developing insulin resistance, and I'm hoping to combat this via the glycogen drain and high muscle to fat ratio that heavy lifting provides. Until now, I have been doing HIIT cardio to control the insulin resistance, and I've seen a little muscle gain. I'm ready to step it up a notch, but I'm clueless as to the mechanics and form of lifting. I'm also terrified. I would appreciate any advice on how you started, beginning routines, coaching... anything you've got. FRs welcome. Thanks. :)


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I wouldn't suggest being terrified.

    I would however suggest looking at some of the pre-made protocols out there, I see something called the new rules of weight lifting for women talked about a lot. It sounds like a book with a lot of great pictures.

    I would also suggest hiring a trainer for a month to work on compound movement form, and mobility for the movements. It's a good investment.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Check out a group called Eat, Train, Progress. The two moderators are extremely knowledgable and very helpful. A lot of the people there would be able and willing to answer any specific questions you had at any point. As for starting out, New Rule of Lifting for Women, Starting Strength and Stronglifts 5x5 are all good options (and a search of the forums will turn up a lot of information about all three programs).
  • KatieMcCakes
    KatieMcCakes Posts: 294 Member
    Thanks y'all. :)
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    Check out a group called Eat, Train, Progress. The two moderators are extremely knowledgable and very helpful. A lot of the people there would be able and willing to answer any specific questions you had at any point. As for starting out, New Rule of Lifting for Women, Starting Strength and Stronglifts 5x5 are all good options (and a search of the forums will turn up a lot of information about all three programs).

    ^^This^^ is pretty much exactly what I was going to type!!!! Even was going to suggest the group. Other than that just remember a ton of people "think" they know what they are doing, few actually do! Be careful to listen to the right ones