Need Advice ad guidance

Hi im new to MFP and was looking for some advice or for someone to point me in the right direction.

I've been inactive for the past 3 years due to medical reasons and multiple failed operations and am now eager to get back on the road to fitness and to lead a healthier lifestyle.

I work in a very active job and spend 8+hrs on my feet.

I started insanity 2 weeks ago and it is kicking my *kitten* and im loving it!! However due to the excessive jumping and my knees taking a beating along side the neighbour that lives below me ive chose to stop it and move to T25 (loving it even more).

Now here is the questions and advice i need.

weight: 162 lbs
height: 5ft 5in
age: 34
My BMR = 1669
BMI 27.2 (recommended 22)
I require healthy weight loss to around 136 lbs

On Insanity I was taking in around 2300 calories (wasn't on it long enough to note any significant changes)

OK now the help req,

On T25 it recommends 1600 calories and that to me seems too low considering i'm not supposed to go below my BMR, I work in a very active job and do T25 on a 5 day rota after work but before my main meal.

Some input would be appreciated and I am aware that I should listen to my body and I don't feel fatigued, tired or drained being on approx 1600 -1700 calories

Im currently following a mix between insanity meal plan and T25 meal plan and ain't short on protein, carbs or Healthy Fats, Taking in carbs from fruits before workouts, Whey protein after and healthy whole foods the rest of the time all while maintaining 1600 - 1700 calories.

I apologise for rambling on so to keep it to the point,

IS 1600 too low for me based on previous info?




  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Find your TDEE based on your activity levels, and eat 10-20% fewer calories than that number. You should not go below your BMR.
  • Ok Thank you very much for your feedback, my TDEE is approx 2483 - 20% is 1986 so is it ok for me to float between 1600 - 1900 depending on the day. I.E weekends without work and excercise, maybe just some walking i would take around 1600, on work days and maybe friday which is a double workout day ill have 1900.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    Alan 136 is on the extreme lower end of the "ideal weight" scale for a man your height so just be aware it might be somewhat difficult to attain it. Also since you are hardly obese don't expect large weekly losses as I think you will be replacing fat with muscle. (I'm same height but way heavier)
  • I totally understand, i don't want the weight to fly off its just mainly the saggy midsection the rest is fine and just needs toning up.
    I dont expect perfect abs etc as the reason I was in and out of hospital was due to umbilical hernia that progressed and was failed to be repaired on 3 separate operations.

    so over the past 3 years my body has remained the same except the waist size which gained 5 inch and would very much like to return to my healthier active old lifestyle.

    i would like to lose the 5 inch from the midsection and tone up everywhere else.