Should stay with Weight Watchers or Leave for MFP



  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    I've done both ww online and MFP.

    I was exclusive with ww online first, and had success. But a friend talked me into trying out MFP, so for a while I double logged everything.

    The advantages of MFP began to make themselves more apparent.
    Yes, its free and thats a huge benefit. But even if it it wasn't, I would still choose MFP.

    Calories are so much more predictable and universal. If I'm in the grocery store trying to make the best choices in types of granola cereal, I know right away what 220 calories means to me and where it fits into the MFP program. With weight watchers, I'd have to look it up online before I could buy it, because I had no concept of where it fell into my points.

    I'm also a big snacker. With ww points being in a range of around 30, its easy to let rounding issues affect total points. So many items were listed at, for example, 5 points. But go ahead and have two of them, and it becomes 11, not ten. But ww won't tell you that that 5 point item was really 5.5. As a snacker, several half point rounding errors in a sample size of only 30 can really add up.

    I like the precision and level of specificity with MFP much better. 120 calories is not the same as 180.

    I quit WW 2 months ago and haven't looked back.
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I did WW for a while. I wasn't an official member, but my mother had all the scales and booklets left over from her days. I lost weight, but I definitely gained it all back and then some once the excitement wore off. But I've also struggled at times with MFP. To me, counting points and counting calories are similar but also completely different. I find myself eating a lot more variety and healthy foods than I did when I was on WW. And I find there's a lot more education about nutrition involved in MFP than in WW. At it's root though, counting is counting. It can still be tedious and annoying.

    No matter what way of dieting/eating you choose, you still have to deal with the same issues of staying motivated, honesty in tracking what you eat, and building a lifestyle change through new habits.

    If you use the forums and groups, then you can get the same level of accountability on MFP(if not more) as you can in WW. There are even some groups that are structured like WW--with weigh in times, etc. Rather than only meeting once a week like with WW, with MFP you can reach out 24/7 for help, which I like. I also feel more comfortable talking about my weight and relevant issues online and could almost never talk about these things in person, which is why I never officially joined WW.

    I never used WW online, so I'm not sure how that compares to MFP.
  • cmoir
    cmoir Posts: 2 Member
    I hav3e been a lifetime WW member for about 13 years. That being said, I have gone back more times than I can count after having regained and lost the same 7 pounds. I just got tired of paying for it! So, I bought a fitbit which WW did not support (I have read something recently that they are supporting fitbit data and turning it into activity points now). I love the fitbit and how it interacts with MFP so, currently these are my tools of choice. Why pay for something you can get for free? Either way you are tracking points, calories and activity.
  • bfergusonii
    bfergusonii Posts: 208 Member
    I have tried a lot of different things, including WW. I lost weight on WW but eventually gained it back.

    I think anything that "hides" the concept of calories and doesn't feel like something you can do forever is eventually going to fail.
  • Makterbro
    Makterbro Posts: 101 Member
    MFP > WW
    Why pay for a weight loss program when there is a better source for free?
    I have lost 43lbs with MFP and counting. I've tried some weight watchers products and the points system seems kind of iffy. The amount of sodium and carbs in their frozen food is frightening.
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    I've never done WW and even though it seems like a great program, I'd much rather use FREE MFP, which has been proven to work. I could be wrong, but isn't WW counting points, counting calories seems like it is the same amount of work (if not less), and again....completely free!
  • ccbulldog83
    ccbulldog83 Posts: 25 Member
    I have tried WW, but got annoyed trying to get to meetings (30 minutes away), then I tried the online WW, until I found sparkpeople (which was free)...I loved that it was free. Decided I needed a change and moved to MFP...I'm really liking it. I think the key is to find active people to help motivate you. Me personally will pick "free" every time :bigsmile: Good luck with whatever you decide.:happy:
  • Kathisue1
    Kathisue1 Posts: 1 Member
    I don't know if I have a lot of insight but I tried WW for 6 months and lost over 55 lbs on the core plan (like simply filling but a few changes) and then had gall bladder surgery. After that I struggled to get back into the rhythm of it. I eventually gained it back. I tried for the next few years and then took a break and tried again. Both times doing points and weighing my food. It was never successful. I tried again in 2013 with very little success. I quit in december and that's when my SIL told me about mfp app for my phone. I didn't realize it was available on the computer too until this past week. On my phone only I didn't do well but since I've been online here I've had 5 days of dedication . I am still getting used to how to use the journal and how it effects my food but I'm getting better. I might go back to WW some day but a change might be what I need. Ending your WW membership doesn't need to be permanent. I have a friend that has lost over 80 lbs that has been switching from one weight loss program to another over the last year or so and feels great. She looks great too. Some people need a change as long as it's healthy.
  • whitehorse67
    whitehorse67 Posts: 101 Member
    Personally speaking, regardless of what you stay with, you still have to "keep track" of something.....whether calories or can still be tedious and difficult. However, with that said, I have tried WW before, lost some weight but fell off after my points started to drop. With MFP, I have found that it tends to reform how you consume food! You start to look at not only calories, but carbs, sodium, sugars, fat, protein and MORE!

    For me, it completely changed how I eat. I never really looked at food that same way with just forced me to look at "points" and I was not really changing my behavior.

    I hope that helps!
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I prefer MFP.

    I have used WW to lose weight (under 20 pounds), but couldn't keep it off. With MFP, I have done far better. The support and great friendships I've made here keep me going. MFP is free and I love a good bargain.
  • brandigyrl81
    brandigyrl81 Posts: 128 Member
    I tried WW at the beginning of this year (2014). It started off okay but after a while, I couldn't figure out why I stopped losing. Eventually I realized I was eating too much sodium, which was causing me to retain water. WW was not allowing me to track all of my macros & nutrients (sodium, cholesterol, etc.) so I was over-consuming in those areas. Here's an example: according to WW, 1 dill pickle is 1 point. If WW, tracked sodium, then that pickle would probably be more like 10 points.

    MFP is way better in that it allows me to track everything. My advice: don't spend any more of your money on WW.
  • LosingLaurensWay
    LosingLaurensWay Posts: 86 Member
    The one good thing WW can offer is the close, physical community. You can find the same one on MFP but it takes much more effort. Otherwise MFP wins hands down every time.
  • i tried weight watchers ALONE many years ago. i lost a few pounds. not very much.. and i was CONSTANTLY starving. i felt so deprived. the points just werent ever enough. so then i gave up.

    MFP, is amazing and i owe EVERYTHING to this website. it is the only thing that has EVER worked for me.. and i surpassed any inkling of a goal that i never knew could even happen!

    figure out what you like best. the weight watcher community is more in person and that might be more beneficial to you. but there is also a great support system here too.

    best of luck with your decision.
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    I joined and quit weight watchers many many times. I joined MFP over a year ago and also quit for a while. I am back to MFP now and really doing good. The main thing is no matter which program you are on you have to track what you are eating. I am finally willing to do that and doing it every single day. I track everything to the best of my ability. If I go over the calorie limit for the day I do not beat myself up but I know where I need to make better choices.
    I never liked weighing at ww and now I just weigh myself. If I go up I know it but no one else knows. I always felt bad even if the ww leader was the only one who knew if I gained.

    If you are concerned about losing the group support you have at ww just take a look at the number of comments you have.
    We all support each other.

    You have to see what works best for you
    Good LUCK welcome aboard:flowerforyou:
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    i want to add one more thing about ww. I did buy their food scale a few years ago and I love it. It is so easy to measure the food I am eating on MFP using that scale. many of the nutrient counts on MFP are in ounces and some in kg. the ww scale will measure either one.
  • I've done both, but before I had kids. Now I can't see taking time out of my day to go to meetings, and the database at MFP seems a lot more extensive. I lost 40 lbs on WW and had my first child, then lost all that weight (half of it on WW and then half on MFP after I quit WW), now after my second child I'm on the journey again. To me I can find so many better ways to spend my money.
  • cyalbert
    cyalbert Posts: 1 Member
    I have never used WW primarily due to the cost and it is a for profit company. However, I have been a member of TOPS for years and like their approach. They are non-profit and contribute money to weight loss research. I like having to face the scales weekly and everyone is in my boat. You can count calories, count WW points whatever you want. They provide good support for keeping the weight off. Whatever you decide to do, do it for yourself and make a plan, journal your progress, how you feel, what you eat, what exercise you are doing.
  • SerendipitySkye
    SerendipitySkye Posts: 202 Member
    I have done both. MFP is a much better way to go for me especially now that I am doing Paleo/Primal eating.

    The people I have met here are is priceless to me!! =)
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    I've done WW online and MFP (plus about a million others, more of a serial dieter than a cereal dieter though I did that once too)

    MFP is free to 11.95 pm for WW
    MFP database is better
    WW has the weekly points but tbh I just accept it if I go over my goal a day a week on MFP instead
    Ive kinda fallen into the forum and I am learning LOADS on MFP
    I can buy something knowing its value in calories without having to convert to points
    I didnt like the fact WW didnt do half points so would have 10 points left and end up eating 11
    Ca adjust my allowance depending on how quick I want to lose instead of having an ever decreasing amount of points

    MFP for the win
  • bingo_jenn
    bingo_jenn Posts: 63 Member
    I prefer the WW points system, but the MFP forums...

    Even though it's gimmicky, I find the free fruits and vegetables take away the stress of counting. If I have a salad, I can enter in the points of all the extras, then just do a quick add for the lettuce and other veggies at 0. I don't have to worry about 3 cups of lettuce, 12 cherry tomatoes, etc.

    I just do online. After a while of going to meetings, I found it was the same old thing every few weeks and I just I got tired of it.