Should stay with Weight Watchers or Leave for MFP



  • bingo_jenn
    bingo_jenn Posts: 63 Member
    I prefer the WW points system, but the MFP forums...

    Even though it's gimmicky, I find the free fruits and vegetables take away the stress of counting. If I have a salad, I can enter in the points of all the extras, then just do a quick add for the lettuce and other veggies at 0. I don't have to worry about 3 cups of lettuce, 12 cherry tomatoes, etc.

    I just do online. After a while of going to meetings, I found it was the same old thing every few weeks and I just I got tired of it.
  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    The WW system is an over-complicated system of calorie counting. Calories are already universal and don't require any further calculations to add up.

    WW sets calories far too low, setting people up to feel hungry. "Free" foods can set people up to overeat calories.

    WW's eTools site and app are slow and difficult to navigate, whereas the free tools available through MFP are more nimble and superior overall.

    Plus, it’s a strange a conflict of interest when you’re teaching people to eat healthily and eat fewer processed foods, but you also sell them your line of processed foods at every meeting.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have been a Weight Watcher for a very long time and it seems like I have lodt snd gailed the same amount of weight. Wgeb I first started with weight Watchers I was excited, and then the honeymoon was over and I realized that counting points started to get a liitle troublesome for me. Especially when your points target would drop as you lost weight. I was always hungry and my mind always stayed on food. A friend told me about MFP and here I am. I have tracked on MFP and I am really enjoying it. I am now trying to decide if I am going to keep the WW membership or do MFP exclusively. Are there any people that have tried WW and if so what is your insight on the program? Thanks in advance for your words of wisdom or beliefs.
    Which one works best for you? Which one is sustainable?

    That's the one to choose.
  • fontenotR
    fontenotR Posts: 12 Member
    I have had success with both WW and MFP and am currently tracking both. I have a question for those of you that have done both in regards to exercise points and exercise calories.

    For example, when I eat back ALL exercise calories using MFP it exceeds (almost by double) the amount of activity points that I earned. So, personally, I cant get over the fact that I feel like I am overeatting on MFP? Does anyone else have this issue?
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    I just can't see spending the crap-ton of money that Weight Watchers charges when I can, and did, get the same or better results with MFP for free. Plus there isn't the paid public humiliation of weekly weigh-ins like there is with WW. MFP is a workable plan that you can adapt to fit your personal needs and food preferences, whereas WW is alot more restrictive (ie their prepackaged junk).

    Like the old adage says... Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    The WW system is an over-complicated system of calorie counting. Calories are already universal and don't require any further calculations to add up.

    WW sets calories far too low, setting people up to feel hungry. "Free" foods can set people up to overeat calories.

    WW's eTools site and app are slow and difficult to navigate, whereas the free tools available through MFP are more nimble and superior overall.

    Plus, it’s a strange a conflict of interest when you’re teaching people to eat healthily and eat fewer processed foods, but you also sell them your line of processed foods at every meeting.

    THIS X 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    WW: Costs money for the meetings and other services.

    MFP: Completely free.

    No-brainer for me. :wink:

  • Weightwatcher72
    Weightwatcher72 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm doing WW AND MFP simultaneously, not to mention the little goal app that comes with fitbit lol

    I find the meetings help a great deal and keep up the motivation for weight watchers, are you attending their meetings?

    I also like the pro points as I can discard something on accept something based on the worked out points, omg no that's like 3 points for a tiny little thing or yes that's 0 points, at the same time I also input food into MFP as free foods do add up, bananas for instance are over 100 cals each but free on WW
  • Deannas69
    Deannas69 Posts: 18 Member
    I lost weight on WW and did it all online, but after I left my job I had to stop WW because of the price. I had way more success with WW then I have with MFP and find that the information that I have gotten and the habits that I created with WW has helped me to continue to lose weight. I come here for the free tracking with is the key to helping everyone lose weight. It will all come down to what you think is going to be the best for you.
  • purplelilac123
    purplelilac123 Posts: 37 Member
    I downloaded an app called Points Plus Diary which was $2 on my android phone. It has a database and allows me to scan or manually calculate points. I could also do the old method but prefer the PP. I admit I do go back and forth with WW and MFP program. No matter which program i follow I get comments that I look like I lost weight. When I use WW tracking I strive to get extra activity points and eat those before my weekly points. This method feels similar to MFP. The only real difference for me is that I do eat more fruit on WW which may be healthier. I guess whichever works for you or whichever you prefer.
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    I prefer the WW points system, but the MFP forums...

    Even though it's gimmicky, I find the free fruits and vegetables take away the stress of counting. If I have a salad, I can enter in the points of all the extras, then just do a quick add for the lettuce and other veggies at 0. I don't have to worry about 3 cups of lettuce, 12 cherry tomatoes, etc.

    I just do online. After a while of going to meetings, I found it was the same old thing every few weeks and I just I got tired of it.

    This is how I feel about it too. Also I'm doing the simple start ( or whatever it's called now) and don't have to count unless it's not on the list. And it's working beautifully so far. I need to count something to stay on track but tracking everything tended to make me say forget it, plus I feel like the range in a point no less accurate than counting 15 (not 14 or 16) calories for a grape since it should more or less balance out eventually.

    I have also stumbled across THE BEST leader and she is really helping motivate me to stay on track.

    I do enjoy these forums though. Whatever you find that works for you is best.
  • Flookbird
    Flookbird Posts: 81 Member
    I lost 5 stone on WW and can't speak highly enough of it. The more recent change of having daily points plus 49 weekly points has particularly struck a chord with me, in that I can 'spend' more points at weekends but gave to be 'good' the rest of the week to make up for it! That's been a really valuable lesson to me and taught me something which I hope I can sustain.

    I have recently (2 months ago?) started tracking here as well as on the WW app, as I have hit my 'goal' weight with WW and wanted to try something a little easier for maintenance. I don't think I'd have done as well if I'd only used MFP since the start though and here's why:

    1. The support, both online and at meetings, is not as personal here.
    2. MFP is far less strict. Going under/over by 200 cals on here never feels too bad, but going under/over 'points' always felt like a big deal!
    3. I feel there's too much margin for error activity-wise on here. If I'd eaten back the cals given on here due to exercise/my fitbit I'd have reduced my weight-loss dramatically! You basically have to burn 70 cals in exercise on WW to earn 40 cals of food. Here it's almost the opposite it seems?!

    As a maintenance tool though, I'm finding MFP much easier, and to be honest, I'm not maintaining yet - I'm losing and have been for weeks. But I've been eating at WW 'maintenance points'.

    Hope that's help to someone. I think all of this is very personal and only you can know what works best for you at a particular time in your life!