
I get lost in posts sometimes, so much to read!...

I wish I could just have one plan and stick to it. I keep reading this works, this doesn't. eat this eat that. There's SO much out there, its overwhelming. Eating wise I think im doing just fine. Exercise wise, I get on the machine and do my cardio and burn about 650-700 at least 5 times a week but that's it. I wanted to incorporate weights/exercises later.

Should I be doing that now as well??? :explode:


  • tara3103
    tara3103 Posts: 107
    I began using the weight machines now along with my cardio. Not realy heavy lifting, but as I lose weight, I want to make sure I am toning as I lose so I don't have flabby skin. I do a couple of rep's on each maching. Usually last less than 30 min.
  • tara3103
    tara3103 Posts: 107
    I was also told that if you do weight training the same day as cardio that you should do cardio last. Not sure how factual that is though.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    At about 130 lbs I do this:
    I do 4 days a week of cardio, burning about 700 calories each day
    I do 2 days of lifting for about 90 minutes, lift hard and burn around 600 or so
    and one day a week i rest

    Its good to lift so that you can build lean muscle mass, and burn calories even while you are at rest. Will help you lose a bit of extra fat :] really work those legs! they are the biggest part and need more calories the more muscular they get :]
  • karljp
    karljp Posts: 30 Member
    I think you and I are in the same boat. My thought is to focus on my cardio and get into good shape for at least a month, then I will begin lifting weights again. If you feel ready now, I say go ahead and do it if you can, but I want to wait for when I can alternate my workouts and do cardio one day, weights the next and so on. Also, if you can do classes that incorporate cardio and strength, I would do those. Good luck!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I was also told that if you do weight training the same day as cardio that you should do cardio last. Not sure how factual that is though.

    Do not mix the two, Do them on seperate days. You are over working if you do, need time and carbs to repair those muscles!

    I find that lifting for me seems to be cardio enough. Lift till my face is red and sweat is drippin >:]

    beat mode ladies!!!
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    I agree with incoporating the weight/strength training in so you tone and firm all the while you lose. I had a friend who strictly lost weight by changing diet and didn't do any sort of exercise and she had lots of flabby skin that she couldn't get rid of and she regretted not doing any kind of toning.

    i personally do a mix. I do cardio 3 days a week and weights/resistance bands 2 days a week.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I was also told that if you do weight training the same day as cardio that you should do cardio last. Not sure how factual that is though.

    Do not mix the two, Do them on seperate days. You are over working if you do, need time and carbs to repair those muscles!

    I find that lifting for me seems to be cardio enough. Lift till my face is red and sweat is drippin >:]

    beat mode ladies!!!

    Actually it's perfectly okay to mix lifting and cardio. Many personal trainers create routines that involve a fast-paced combination of cardio/weights/cardio/weights and even some exercises that are both cardio and strength at the same time! Several people have told me that lifting weights before doing cardio increases the effectiveness of the cardio workout - I don't know the exact reason why but it has to do with byproducts of the energy-burning from weight lifting being used in the fat-burning cardio process.

    I'll do about 40 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of good solid weight lifting several days a week, then I have one or two days that are just cardio and one day that's just weights.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I was also told that if you do weight training the same day as cardio that you should do cardio last. Not sure how factual that is though.

    Do not mix the two, Do them on seperate days. You are over working if you do, need time and carbs to repair those muscles!

    I find that lifting for me seems to be cardio enough. Lift till my face is red and sweat is drippin >:]

    beat mode ladies!!!

    Actually it's perfectly okay to mix lifting and cardio. Many personal trainers create routines that involve a fast-paced combination of cardio/weights/cardio/weights and even some exercises that are both cardio and strength at the same time! Several people have told me that lifting weights before doing cardio increases the effectiveness of the cardio workout - I don't know the exact reason why but it has to do with byproducts of the energy-burning from weight lifting being used in the fat-burning cardio process.

    I'll do about 40 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of good solid weight lifting several days a week, then I have one or two days that are just cardio and one day that's just weights.

    I had learned in my human nutrition class that it is better too keep them seperate, if it is an intense workout. Like before I lift ill do a warm up mile jog to get the blood flowing. But a lot of people are at risk of over training or actually causing muscle break down. After i do my 10k run i feel like jello haha normally like to have a rest so I can lift hard and build more on another day
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I had learned in my human nutrition class that it is better too keep them seperate, if it is an intense workout. Like before I lift ill do a warm up mile jog to get the blood flowing. But a lot of people are at risk of over training or actually causing muscle break down. After i do my 10k run i feel like jello haha normally like to have a rest so I can lift hard and build more on another day

    Fair enough. I just think it's important to distinguish between the need to separate cardio/weights on the days where you go all out, and not needing to separate them on days where you do moderate workouts. Most people on MFP aren't running 10k's regularly! :laugh: I don't lift weights on my "long-run" days and I only do a short warm-up walk/jog on my heavy weight days, but on the other days I'll mix moderate cardio and weights together.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Just an FYI i have not done hours of research on the subject of mixing them xD I have just read a few sites for better understanding. And asked my trainer who gave me my workout plan. So if I am off i apologize :]
  • amchain
    First off I love your picture. Regardless of weight you’re a beautiful. Cardio is awesome and it sounds like you’re on the right track with that. Weight training is a good way to actually change the shape of your body in addition muscle burns calories; it all depends on what kind of physique you want to achieve. If you’re a novice start off with light weights and focus on proper form and becoming comfortable with weight training in general. has a lot of great info on weight training and how to achieve sleek and toned physiques. It also has a female transformation section where women talk about how they lost weight, what they ate, and what kind of work outs they do. Really inspirational. Hope this helps and good luck!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Fair enough. I just think it's important to distinguish between the need to separate cardio/weights on the days where you go all out, and not needing to separate them on days where you do moderate workouts. Most people on MFP aren't running 10k's regularly! :laugh: I don't lift weights on my "long-run" days and I only do a short warm-up walk/jog on my heavy weight days, but on the other days I'll mix moderate cardio and weights together.

    Quite true xD haha but i have seen a lot of people burn 600+ calories, which is about how much I burn during my 10k run haha
    Like I said though, I basically count lifting as cardio if you really go after it :] I have burned up to 700 cals in one 90 min session
  • aethorne
    I hear ya on the confusion. But it's all in what works for you.

    Over last summer, I had a personal trainer for 3 months who I saw once a week. She would put me through a half hour of lifting hitting multiple body parts each session. Then I would do cardio after. I was told to do lifting first then cardio when you do them on the same day. I only get the chance to work out 3-4 days a week because of my work schedule so for me it would be impossible to split up cardio and lifting. But that's what works for me. I ended up losing 10 lbs in those 3 months with her. It's the most success I've seen ever with losing weight.
    Cardio is easiest to do I think for everyone cause you can just get on a machine. Lifting can actually be a lot of fun. Use the internet - there's tons of websites with lifting routines that you can use to get started. Try Or if you have an iPhone, there's apps you can download.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I was also told that if you do weight training the same day as cardio that you should do cardio last. Not sure how factual that is though.

    You should always do a little cardio as a warm up to your weight lifting. Doing a full blown cardio work out before you lift will tire your muscles and could cause you to have improper form when lifting. Improper form can cause injuries.

    I like to do my cardio in the morning and then weight train at nights. This is not always possible for me so when I can't do this I will warm up on the eliptical for 20 minutes, lift for 30-40 minutes, and then do another 30 mins of cardio.
  • peachez650
    wow thats for all the great advice!!

    When I was working out about a year and a half ago I lost close to 30 pounds, I watched what I ate, and i DID alternate. Thats something i havent done this time. I used to run one day, then do a full body work out the next. My gym has the interval training area, a minute on each machine, 30 machines....full body work out. Maybe I will start doing that again. On weekends when I have the extra time I can do that then hop on a machine and get my cardio done. I just cant help but feel guilty because I know how many calories I burn on the elliptical, and then on the machines I dont burn as much, but I guess its a different kind of burning? Or I continue burning after? I definately want to tone while loosing weight. My roommate and I started working out at the same time, she hit her goal and I gave up so im back to dquare one, either way....she did a lot of cardio and not much of anything else, she no has a lot of flab on her arms etc that can even hang out of her tank tops. I definately want to sculpt my body.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    wow thats for all the great advice!!

    I just cant help but feel guilty because I know how many calories I burn on the elliptical, and then on the machines I dont burn as much, but I guess its a different kind of burning? Or I continue burning after?

    When you strengthen/build your muscles, you burn more calories AT REST than you did before. So - the trade off of burning less during the workout (compared to cardio) is burning more ALL THE TIME. Granted, it takes a long time to really build significant muscle, but it does have a long-term positive effect. Add to that the fact that strength training helps to strengthen bones, protects joints, and many other similar effects. Check out this article:

    Strength training is vital for a well-rounded workout plan, and will NOT make you bulk up unless you're trying to do so. (For women, especialy, it's very difficult to bulk up.)
  • MissEmDizzle
    MissEmDizzle Posts: 20 Member
    Iwas told by a personal trainer to switch it up.... not to do the same thing everytime cause your body gets use to the routine... so when I exercise for example...

    day 1 - 60 mins of arc trainer
    day 2 - rest
    day 3 - 45 mins leg/butt exercises
    day 4 - 30 mins on arms 30 min arc
    day 5 - rest
    day 6 - 30 mins abs and 30 mins leg
    day 7 - 35 mins jogging

    then switch it up!

    I also combined that with Ian K. Smith's Extreme Fat Smash Diet...... its hard im not gonna lie but i lost 20lbs in 8 weeks

    so now im starting that again hopeing to loose the other 35lbs that i have been dying to do since last year!!!

    I hope this helps..... :happy:
  • peachez650
    wow thats for all the great advice!!

    I just cant help but feel guilty because I know how many calories I burn on the elliptical, and then on the machines I dont burn as much, but I guess its a different kind of burning? Or I continue burning after?

    When you strengthen/build your muscles, you burn more calories AT REST than you did before. So - the trade off of burning less during the workout (compared to cardio) is burning more ALL THE TIME. Granted, it takes a long time to really build significant muscle, but it does have a long-term positive effect. Add to that the fact that strength training helps to strengthen bones, protects joints, and many other similar effects. Check out this article:

    Strength training is vital for a well-rounded workout plan, and will NOT make you bulk up unless you're trying to do so. (For women, especialy, it's very difficult to bulk up.)

    thank you so much!! that actually makes a lot of sense and makes me feel better haha. I actually went and did some ab and leg machines before I got started on my cardio yesterday. I think I will continue to switch it up and feel less guilty, I would also like to invest in a calorie counter/heart rate monitor so I know just what im doing :)