Gym Workout

Vicki_78 Posts: 81 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
ok so I've been working out at home consitently for the past year but I am going tomorrow to join a gym. I am looking forward to the classes and variety of cardio stuff that I will be able to do. The problem is, I haven't worked out in a gym in ages and I need advice for weight training. I want to mix in some light weight training to maximize my weight loss and improve my overall helath & appearance.
Soooo...... any advice????
THANKS!!!! :)


  • Join a gym that offers the Les MIlls classes. I sware by Les Mills Body Pump for my strength training. You can read about it here:
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    I have a personal trainer, and to me its definately the way to go! But for whatever reason you wouldnt or couldnt I'd suggest mixing it up- use all the machines and make your own daily work out eg- leg machine, arm machine, back machine do three sets of 15 at a comfortable weight... then start throwing in some sit ups, use the weight balls etc.

    You just need to make sure you dont let your heart rest and keep going!

  • Robynth
    Robynth Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to MFP...but have to chime in on this one!! I am a Body Pump instructor and totally recommend it. I fint that if I try to lift weights on the floor, half the time I wander around trying to think of WHAT to do and then I don't do it long enough to do any good. A strength training class such as Body Pump makes it FUN and interesting and sometimes pushes you a little beyond your comfort zone. It's designed to work all your muscle groups and will "tone" you...not bulk you up like so many women are afraid of. SO, if a Les Mills Body Pump class is available at your gym, give it shot!

  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Some gyms offer free assessment and one hour consult from the trainer. Like mine, Lifestart, I was being measured and given a exercises program target for my needs (3-4 days cardiovascular exercises, and 2 days weight training). You can check out if any gym around you offer something similar.
  • Another thing to note about Body Pump -- it makes you do lunges, squats, and push-ups -- things I know I'd be a lot less likely to do without the class.
  • I have to agree with Robynth and bethann1976 on Body Pump. I LOVE that class!! It is the ONLY way I have found to make lifting weights energizing and fun. Plus, I have been doing it for 3 years now and have increased my strength and definition big time! Would highly recommend this class for anyone who finds lifting weights boring. It's set to awesome music and is challenging!!
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    I would say take any classes that offer a mix of cardio and toning if you can! Everyone is raving about body pump, i havent tried but ive heard AWESOME things!!! I take a "cardio sculpt" class, and its a great hour long of cario step and sculpting with weights, balls and bars!!!

    Good luck :)
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    I have been wanting to do bodypump at my gym for a while now. I still have a lot of weight to loose and I am aftraid I won't fit in or be able to keep up. Do you think I should just go and try it and do what I am capiable of?
  • Absolutely!! At the gym I go to we have people of all fitness levels taking BodyPump. You have to start somewhere, right? Don't be intimidated! I have seen the age range from teenagers to people in their 70's in class. You decide what weight to put on your bar and how hard to push yourself. So start easy and work your way up. You can do it! Give it a try...if you don't like it, try something else. The important thing is to find something you like! Good luck!!
  • Hi, I am so encouraged to hear the support out there. I have been working out for years so I go to the gym and just do it 3 days a week. I do weight training and cardio classes plus play tennis 2 days a week. I find in the classes many times people are not encouraged to start slowly and gradually work your way up to the reps and pace where the class who have been working out for years is. When you are sore day after day week after week it is easier to sooner or later quit. The idea of working at your own pace and starting with light weights is key and gradually increase. I am in a place now where it is getting harder and harder to maintain the same level of work out as I get older and also trying to work around injury. Making the time to stretch thoroughly is another challenge but is very important to minimize soreness and increase flexibility. Thanks everyone for the support and don't give up!
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