Are my calories too low?



  • Honestly yeah I think your calories maybe a little low (i'm half an inch shorter than you, female and about 40 pounds lighter and I'm losing 2-3 pounds per week on 1,654 per day (as a basis plus on big burn days I eat back 20-40% of my exercise calories, I have a heart rate monitor so the burn is fairly accurate). Honestly the best place to get an idea of what your daily calorie intake should be is: (be honest when you fill it out). I loved the couch to 5K program, (I'm doing the 10K one now) and strength training is a very good idea. Feel free to friend request me if you wish.

    Thanks for the reply! What brand/model HRM do you have? I just briefly started looking into getting one to sync w/ my Galaxy Note 3 so I can get a decent estimate of how many calories I'm burning.

    I checked on Scooby's website, and it says I should be eatting at 2386 based on the 20% calorie reduction, which is a 604 calorie increase from what I'm eating now. That scares me... O_O I'd feel like I'd be doing NOTHING to lose weight..

    Just did a quick weigh-in after 1 week of eating 1790 calories per day with only 1 day where I walked 2 miles, and I dropped 7.6lbs over the week. Not sure if that's good or bad... lol
  • haildodger
    haildodger Posts: 181 Member has the answers to a lot of the questions you're asking with regards to cardio and weight loss.

    Bottom line is start with what you think is about right, and then fine tune it week to week to suit your needs. Also, the Stronglifts app is quite handy; you might like it.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    The Heart rate monitor I have is the Garmin FR70 Fitness Watch with Heart-Rate Monitor (there is a Garmin Connect app for the iPhone (which is what I have, I am guessing that the Garmin connect app is also available for android products).
    I have my calories set via scooby's TDEE number minus 500 (which gives me the 1654, this is lower than scooby's recommendation of 1732) I recalculate it every 5 lbs lost. When I did this calculation it is based on sedentary (so if I miss a workout day I don't have to worry that I am going over on my calories). 7.6 pounds is not a healthy weekly loss for long term (you are going to lose more the first couple of weeks (then it will slow down) but for healthy maintainable weight loss you should be going for a goal of 2 pounds per week (if you are losing 50 pounds or more) the less you have to lose the slower you should aim for. You want to burn Fat, and limit the amount of muscle that your body is burning for fuel.