
Anyone else experiences super extreme or routine binge eating? Because everyday I wake up in the morning, have a healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs with cheese and a tomato, have lunch at college (usually something I made the day before like a sandwich or rice with baked chicken breast) THEN the minute I get home I ruin my whole day! Everyday I NEED to buy something sweet like chocolate, but that's usually not enough... it's never enough! If there's something in my fridge I will eat it! I have this stupid mindset to eat everything I have in the fridge! I cannot stop and I am so scared I am gaining weight! I don't want that. It's stressing me out! All I think about is food! I frighten myself! Please, someone, help me. I need motivation. I need someone to empathize with me and show me the way to break this vicious circle. I tried everyday to be good and eat normally, but I can't. I can't do this by my own...


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Anyone else experiences super extreme or routine binge eating? Because everyday I wake up in the morning, have a healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs with cheese and a tomato, have lunch at college (usually something I made the day before like a sandwich or rice with baked chicken breast) THEN the minute I get home I ruin my whole day! Everyday I NEED to buy something sweet like chocolate, but that's usually not enough... it's never enough! If there's something in my fridge I will eat it! I have this stupid mindset to eat everything I have in the fridge! I cannot stop and I am so scared I am gaining weight! I don't want that. It's stressing me out! All I think about is food! I frighten myself! Please, someone, help me. I need motivation. I need someone to empathize with me and show me the way to break this vicious circle. I tried everyday to be good and eat normally, but I can't. I can't do this by my own...

    I'm a grazer. After work I would have a bite of this, a sample some of that, etc. When I started logging these small portions it really added up. I can't eat this way and keep the weight from coming back.

    Now BEFORE I get home, I have a healthy snack. Typically some fruit. I pack something extra in my lunch for this express purpose.

    I too love chocolate. I buy Ghiradelli squares and save them for late in the day. They are individually wrapped. I "get to" have one if they fit within my calories. Don't deprive yourself of what you love.....but manage the portions, and log them.
  • I'm a grazer and I feel like I will always be a grazer.

    Some tips are to have bigger breakfasts. Maybe you're unintentionally starving yourself in the morning and then you eat everything once you get home. My breakfasts lately have been close to 700-900 calories, and it has helped a lot.

    If you like sugar, always keep fruit in your house!! ALWAYS!!!
