Confused on what P90x workout to start with..

I am finishing my third and last round of Insanity...
I now want to try P90x.. However, I do not know which one to buy..
I was looking at P90x3 because it is 30 minutes.. However, I don't wanna buy the P90x3 program if it is not going to challenge me..
If you have completed any of the P90x programs, please leave your honest opinions... If you have any advice or tips, please leave them as well


  • psyche3090
    psyche3090 Posts: 7 Member
    I love p90x, but I've never tried Insanity. P90x has great muscle workouts and only two or three 'cardio' days.

    So I've completed 5 rounds of just plain X, stopped working out for a while and suffered. lol. So I picked up X3 for fun. The workouts are super fast, and you definitely feel them... but in the end I didn't feel as much of a workout as regular X. So I went back to the original.

    If you're pressed for time, or worry about not doing a workout because it's too long... X3 is fantastic. If you have the hour to hour and a half to commit, and want a more difficult workout, I recommend P90X.

    That's just my opinion though. :D
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I am a P90X and P90X3 2 time grad and X3 WILL challenge you! I got better results with X3 than any other program and I've been doing at-home workouts since 1997. My results are in my profile pics somewhere, but I loved X3 enough to do back-to-back rounds, which I never do with any program! Good luck!
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I've done both, and enjoy both. But I deft prefer the orginal p90x. I just miss all the weights from the original where I feel x3 kind of focuses on core and bodyweight moves
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    P90X is so 2010. Try Q100Z.
  • MoochieRama
    MoochieRama Posts: 71 Member
    U have more energy than, I'm struggling to finish kettleworkx every other day, but it's working on me. Hats off to u whipper snappers!
  • rifadiva
    Insanity is lots && lots of cardio (everyday) with some core exercises.. I'm looking into building muscles..
    I love p90x, but I've never tried Insanity. P90x has great muscle workouts and only two or three 'cardio' days.

    So I've completed 5 rounds of just plain X, stopped working out for a while and suffered. lol. So I picked up X3 for fun. The workouts are super fast, and you definitely feel them... but in the end I didn't feel as much of a workout as regular X. So I went back to the original.

    If you're pressed for time, or worry about not doing a workout because it's too long... X3 is fantastic. If you have the hour to hour and a half to commit, and want a more difficult workout, I recommend P90X.

    That's just my opinion though. :D
  • rifadiva
    I am leaning more to P90x3 because it will be a challenge and it's in a decent time frame..I don't have the time to do a hour or more workout...
    I am a P90X and P90X3 2 time grad and X3 WILL challenge you! I got better results with X3 than any other program and I've been doing at-home workouts since 1997. My results are in my profile pics somewhere, but I loved X3 enough to do back-to-back rounds, which I never do with any program! Good luck!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Insanity is lots && lots of cardio (everyday) with some core exercises.. I'm looking into building muscles..

    almost any DVD you can do at home isn't going to get you the results you want in terms of building muscle- because it just can't challenge your body in terms of progressive loading.

    It's BETTER- than insanity- so you'll get some strength gains out of it- so not a complete waste- but if you really want true muscle gains- you need a progressive loading program- either via barbell training- or body weight progression.

    And a surplus in your diet.