Free weights or circuit training?

Or both?

Which is better for fat loss? Or are they both fine?

I've signed up to do a circuits class 3 time a week for a month. I'll do walking on off days with the pushchair.

I was doing heavy weights and HIIT with a PT before I got pregnant (and poor) and it was great though. Wondering if I should plan to add weights in or just focus on those after I've finished using this month to get back into the swing of exercise.

Confusing! I've got 70lbs to lose.


  • YouHadMyCuriosity
    YouHadMyCuriosity Posts: 218 Member
    I will defer to other posters who know more than I do, but I will say that I think the program you can stick with and motivates you is usually the best option. What does the circuit training entail? I love lifting heavy, but also like mixing it up with a circuit once in a while.
  • natajane
    natajane Posts: 295 Member
    I loved lifting weights when I did it before and there's a great, cheap weights gym not far from home but I'm a bit afraid to go on my own! Like I might injure myself don't know what I'm doing. Or like the flexibility might mean I'll not go.

    The circuit training is also near home and cheap, he does different things each week and its run by a martial arts guy who's a personal trainer. It was my first time last Friday and we did varying squats, plank, sit ups, kettlebells, step ups, jumps. I think the set class times will keep my focus and the guy will push me more than if I was alone. I'm aching all over still so I'm sure it was a full workout.

    I guess I want to optimise my time use and I keep seeing all these great success posts on women lifting.
  • MargaretSobers
    MargaretSobers Posts: 167 Member
    If you really want to loss your weight the then you have to take some tough steps like first is your diet that will make a great effect on weight loss, second is a workout which helps you great in loosing weight, take a medical checkup find the exact reason for your loosing weight.
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member

    I was doing heavy weights and HIIT

    I do this, unless it bores you
  • why not incorporate both into a workout? You could do routine of weight bearing exercises via a circuit e.g. 5 mintues, rest for a minute or two then do the circuit again. Essentially, supersets / giant sets do this. The rationale is you do e.g. back, then shoulders then legs then chest, then biceps then shoulders (or something like that) so you work each muscle group and immediately go to next muscle group and also get a good cardio workout at the same time. Its great as it saves a lot of time as well.