Any vegans/rawvegans/rawtill4ers/801010ers? :)

Hey there! I've been interested in the vegan lifestyle for about a year. Although I'm not fully vegan yet myself thanks to my extreme binge eating habits, I do aspire to be.
I'm just interested in results from others on variations of the vegan diet such as fully raw, raw till 4, 801010, or just vegan.
Weightloss, calories, levels of vitamins/minerals etc.
Anything worth sharing, please do!
I'd absolutely love for youse to add me as a friend on mfp, message me, or just post on this forum. :-)


  • Raw till 4 and 801010 here! :)
  • Crvega96
    Crvega96 Posts: 7 Member
    Raw till 4 and 801010 too(: Still learning
  • I eat largely vegan. I try to do as raw as possible, but when I've tried switching to 80/10/10 I was actually gaining weight even though everyone was telling me I wasn't eating enough (which is all too common in 80/10/10) but when I increased my intake I increased the scale.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Going vegan won't make you lose weight (OP that's not directed at you). This is also for lurkers who may read and think that it will. I'm not trying to discourage anyone from going vegan either. I have a lot of respect for vegans (I'm vegetarian).

    I just want any lurkers who are reading to know that going vegan doesn't mean you'll lose weight. I know vegans who are over weight. So just like everything it's about moderation.
  • I just want any lurkers who are reading to know that going vegan doesn't mean you'll lose weight. I know vegans who are over weight. So just like everything it's about moderation.

    This, just sooo much of this. It's really surprising how many people think I am joking when I say I am vegetarian just because of my weight. What's even more surprising is that people think it's ok to comment on myself and others being overweight thought we're vegetarian. I lack meat and often any animal byproducts (ugh cheese why must you be so delicious) but it doesn't mean I suddenly lose weight. You can certainly fry up almost anything. And you can definitely over eat on anything.

    I do have to say it is a shame that 80/10/10 didn't work for me, I didn't try it for the sake of weight loss it just makes sense to me and I did feel "better" on it but weight gain was not an option.