College Students



  • Skylarfit181
    Hi! I'm 1st year postgrad student starting school on September 1. After checking my schedule, I noticed that I have classes from 8-18 on Thursdays... Pretty rough, a bit worried about the nutrition. It's difficult to take the whole food with you that day, so I need to figure something out, since the food around campus is not only expensive but also mostly unhealthy....
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Starting uni on 8th September. Feel free to add me. :)
  • felblossom
    felblossom Posts: 132 Member
    I've been doing my masters in medical science, while being very involved with a student organization. This semester I'm taking a break from the studies but still doing a bunch of student activities while working part-time. I know all too well that the college experience is the reason for my weight gain (I'm on my second go of MFP after losing a lot of weight and then gaining half of it back again).

    I know I'll have a big struggle ahead of me to get back on track when the semester and all "unhealthy" student activities start again, and it'd be nice with people who are in sort of the same boat as me :)
  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    Last year civil engineering student here. 1 year till graduation ^_^
  • RibbonRhino
    Starting classes in two days but on campus already, this is going to be tough, bacon pizza in the dining hall and 100 dollar gym membership but I'm determined!
  • abbeyjones1994
    abbeyjones1994 Posts: 188 Member

    Starting my second week of sophomore year today! Last year was really rough because healthy dining hall options at my school (or at least from what was around me) were limited to the soup and salad bar, and occasionally the stir-fry line. As that got boring pretty quick, the Freshman 15 (and then some) unfortunately became a reality for me. This year I have my own apartment, which means I'm learning to cook cheap, healthy meals for myself...I've actually lost a few pounds since I've been here already!

    Anyone please feel free to add me, I would love to have some college weight loss buddies! :)
  • Dhiraj_singh
    I am in college too..first yr..still being count among junior in college.
    I would love to add college students..
    feel free to add me...
  • vtemp2013
    vtemp2013 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in my 9th and final semester of college here. Can't wait to be as small receiving my college diploma as I was for my high school one.
  • alyssapark16
    alyssapark16 Posts: 7 Member
    I just started my second year last month! I made some reverse progress over the past year, but I'm aiming to actually get fit this time! Feel free to add me. ^^ I'm a Korean major at University of Hawaii, by the way. :)
  • amysteffens
    I'm planning to start in January and I'm a little nervous about it. Coming over from Germany last July I only now received my work card and hope to get my green card within the next month so that I can finally apply for college. Hopefully I won't get sidetracked with everything being new and having so much to learn!