Weight loss slowing down...

Hi :) I've never posted on here before but thought I would ask for some help. I originally start off at 220lbs and have moved down to 201lbs in 6 weeks with eating a daily calorie intake of 1,200 calories. Its worked pretty well for me, only having the odd days were I feel that bit of extra hunger.
Looking at the scales for the past 4 days I am not moving at all, Im starting to wonder if my body has now started to adjust to the calories and preserving my energy supply. Would I be wise to increase my calorie intake to 1500?
I have to admit I am pretty scared about this, because I can't quite get my head around the whole calorie thing, to me I think if i eat another 300 calories I am going to put on weight and my hard work will go plop! I just need some advice on this if possible as Im determined to change my life for the better :) I am 5 foot 10 and weigh 201lbs. I am not active at the moment, I suffer from sciatica, so I wanted to decrease my weight before I start the gym in 2 weeks so its a bit easier on my back. Thanks for any help in advance!


  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    You need to eat a bit more!!

    Increase your calories a little bit each week & see what happens!
  • KarenLH88
    KarenLH88 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for your reply! :) Ive just updated my goals to loose 1lb a week and its increased it to 1,400cals. Going to lock the scales away for a week and see if theres any change at the end of it :)
  • Upping to 1400 isn't a bad idea. But also remember there are times where you may plateau for a bit. It's frustrating but so long as you are continuing to eat at a deficit it will eventually come off. Factors like sodium and tom can make us bloat which can put a damper on things for a few days.
  • Natashalou15
    Natashalou15 Posts: 18 Member
    I usually find changing my calorie goals every now and again helps keep my metabolism on it's toes! :)
  • KarenLH88
    KarenLH88 Posts: 6 Member
    thanks rose :) i will up it to the 1400 for a bit and see if it helps me, I'm just worried about extra calories, but i need to shake that out of my head, just when you see results from doing 1200 you worry about increasing it! but slow and steady is probably the best way to go forward for a life change! tom has passed for me, so wouldn't be that, but i do notice that my weight increases and then a drastic drop after it, but i think this is my plateau of weight now, so will make this slight change to see if it helps! :) thanks again!
  • KarenLH88
    KarenLH88 Posts: 6 Member
    awesome natasha :) thanks! its good to hear it from more people as helps you get the worry out of your head :)