Weight training and can't lose pounds

jon161 Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been weight training and doing HIIT training (cardiovascular ) and can't loose weight. I have been following intake guidelines but don't see results. I have been weight training for 2 yrs and just want to lose some additional pounds, Any suggestions?


  • If you doing weight training, your muscles will be heavier than the fat. Maybe you're not seeing a weight lose caz you gaining muscles.
  • How much do you weigh first and what kind of program are you on? Drinking any water? Mulitvitamins? Good workout to loose weight is a speed interval program.
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    My suggestion would be to get Oxygen magazine (if you haven't already done so). There is a wealth of information in that mag. According to Oxygen, the way to get the fit, health body that everyone wants is 80% nutrition (shocker to me!), 10% exercise and 10% genetics.

    Good Luck!
  • Honestly, weight isn't what you should be worried about! It's your body fat percentage and inches that you should track. How is that coming along?
  • fat and muscle weigh the same amount. A pound is a pound., the difference is that fat takes up more room in its pound.
  • melissa1977
    melissa1977 Posts: 129 Member
    Are you eating enough? How much do you weigh? Are you taking any medications that might be interfering with your loss?
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 280 Member
    What's your caloric deficit?
  • Interval training works for me. My gym instructor has told me to do rowing intervals EVERY visit to the gym but only for 6 reps, so 30 sec on 30 secs off for 6 sessions going at it as hard as you can, then once a week do tredmill or sprinting intervals for 15-20 mins. Its hard to start off with but it really does show results quite quickly :D

    I have the same problem that I can go to the gym and work out hard but not really see a difference. Its truely frustrating!!
  • MrX8503
    MrX8503 Posts: 67
    I have been weight training and doing HIIT training (cardiovascular ) and can't loose weight. I have been following intake guidelines but don't see results. I have been weight training for 2 yrs and just want to lose some additional pounds, Any suggestions?

    What is it that you are trying to do with weight training?

    Are you trying to gain muscle mass? (Bulking)
    Or do you want to be leaner? (Cutting)

    These are two different things and you have to do at two different times. With bulking, you gain weight in muscle, with cutting you lose weight but retain the muscle mass you created from bulking.

    They both require two different diets and workout regimens.
  • jon161
    jon161 Posts: 2
    Thanks for all the information. I am trying to get more "cut" and it sounds like I need to modify my workout to make this happen. Also, the comment about losing inches is something I didn't think to track, all I have done is look at the scale !
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Well, if you're pretty satisfied with your muscle mass and want to cut body fat, most of that will come from your diet. I can't make specific recommendations without looking at your food diary. I can tell you that, in general, the recommended method is to eat lean protein (chicken, turkey, fish), fresh veggies and fruits, and go easy on carbs and sugars. No alcohol, or very little. Don't lose too fast, or you'll lose muscle. Try to eat around your body weight in pounds in grams of protein daily, and keep up the weights. These are broad generalizations, but should get you started. I also recommend you check out bodybuilding.com for tips on losing fat while retaining mass. Best of luck!
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