Started exercising and now craving fast food

Hi everyone

I started working out with a PT last week and after both my sessions I started craving fast food - I gave in after my second session and had a McChicken burger :(

This is quite unlike me as generally I keep my meals clean and only tend to eat unhealthy when I'm snacking on 'treats' (like chocolate/biscuits) or if I actually have a dinner out planned. On the whole, I don't crave fast food at mealtimes so I'm finding this change difficult to handle. Also, I have never really managed to keep on track with working out and these sessions are probably the toughest things I've ever put my body through, but my fear is that I'm going to undo all of this through developing bad eating habits.

I would appreciate any advice on how to deal with this. I have my third session today and am hoping my will power will get me through the cravings but if anyone has any tips or recommendations on foods I could incorporate into my diet to put them off I would be really grateful.

Thanks and apologies if this has already been discussed.


  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Can't see your food diary but I would recommend double checking the amount of protein you're getting. It's good for satiety and you need it if you've increased your workouts especially. I'm guessing adding one McChicken to your day probably didn't hurt too much. :)
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Best way to deal with it is to quit demonizing foods as unhealthy and "unclean" (whatever the heck that means).
  • Nobody is forcing you to get a McChicken but you. Nobody is going to turn the car into the parking lot and drive through the drive through, buy one, and stuff it in your face... except you.

    Find a route home that doesn't pass a McDonald's as possible and have a different healthy treat (or non-food reward) at home waiting for you.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Best way to deal with it is to quit demonizing foods as unhealthy and "unclean" (whatever the heck that means).

    Agreed. If you're craving fast food, having it after a workout every now and then won't kill you. I try to limit my fast food but on days when I burn a lot of cals I have no problem with eating it.

    The only way it's an issue is if you're unable to control yourself and having one fast food meal will cause you to start eating it for three meals a day haha. But seeing as you normally eat clean I doubt that will be a problem.

    Relax and enjoy the McChicken. That's not even unhealthy. Like, it's pretty much no different than making a grilled chicken sandwich at home.
  • Maybe your problem lies in categorizing food as good and bad. Making something taboo can make you crave it. Some fast food here and there won't harm your weight loss or health.
  • marlyu
    marlyu Posts: 24 Member
    I agree with others. If you crave/want fast food, and it fits into your daily nutrition goals, so be it, enjoy. Other than protein, check how your sodium intake is. It's easy for it to be too high, but if not enough, could be another reason you're craving fast food, as it's generally very high in sodium.
  • Ye!!1 lately, I have een craving the french fries from Checkers and when I can I go and get them. I work hard and sacrifice everyday; for the most part. So every once in a while, a cheat day is not bad. If you want fast food, try the healthier options. Don't eat the bread if you get a burger. Get the 4 pc nuggets as opposed to the 10. Do not get the meals and instead stick to the $1 menu so you can control what you are having. Small size as opposed to supersize. Wendys has great salads and the baked potato is pretty good. I guess no matter where you go to eat, there is always the option of choosing the not so good foods or the healthy options. The choice ultimately is always yours on what you actually put into your system.
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    Sounds like the new workouts are taking a lot out of you (more calories out than coming in). If the new "clean" diet is boring and bland, it's no wonder you are craving fast food after your workouts! Keep healthy and exciting meals on hand and eat small meals throughout the day. Look up new recipes that will keep you excited to eat. If you are always eating, you wont get hungry and crave bad (and fast) things. You can most likely eat up to 4 times a day for the same amount of calories as one mc-fast meal. Make sure you are getting the macros at every meal, if you eat empty carbs you will have a blood sugar spike and it will leave you feeling even more hungry than you originally were.

    It's ok to have a cheat meal every once and a while but make it a reasonable cheat meal and make sure you REALLY want it, not just because you are super hungry. Everything sounds good when you are a super hungry. Use other things as treats rather than food. If you do the hard workout, buy yourself a new shaker bottle or t-shirt. Use food as an energy source and not a reward.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    I agree with others. If you crave/want fast food, and it fits into your daily nutrition goals, so be it, enjoy. Other than protein, check how your sodium intake is. It's easy for it to be too high, but if not enough, could be another reason you're craving fast food, as it's generally very high in sodium.

    This is what I was thinking as well, protein and sodium. I agree that the occasional fast food is fine as long as it fits into your goals. If you see this becoming an issue, then fiddle with your diet and see what helps.
  • Maybe your underrating in calories? I can't see your diary to check. Maybe your brain has linked high-calorie food to the McChocken and that's its way of telling you that you should eat more food. This is very likely especially if you just started a planned exercise routine with a trainer. You need more energy.

    I calculated the McChicken and it has close to 400 calories
    Try increasing your daily calories intake by 200-400 and see if that helps with the cravings.

  • ashoona
    ashoona Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for taking the time reply everyone, I'll take on board what you've all said.

    I know I said I like to eat 'clean' but I don't generally deny myself cravings (like I said, I'm a sucker for treats and also happy to eat unhealthy meals when I'm out). I agree that one meal won't make or break my health goals, but my fear was more that this would become a habit and as I'm quite new to working out I wanted to make sure this wouldn't impact my progress too much. I have struggled in the past with binge eating so it felt a bit like a slippery slope back to a place I didn't really want to go.

    I'll double check my protein intake and tonight I'll keep driving and have a reward for myself at home.

    Thanks again for the replies.
  • ashoona
    ashoona Posts: 42 Member
    Lots more people have commented while I was replying! I really appreciate all your comments and will take them on board.
  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    You should start food prepping. When I have food at home that is already made, for example I have chicken breast, with grilled onions, mushrooms and spinach and brown rice in my fridge at home, I am much less likely to go for something bad when I know I have something nutritious I can have ready to eat right when I get home.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    To be fair, that's why I changed my diet before adding exercise... but I've found I've been way hungrier lately now that I've increased my exercise intensity by quite a bit.
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Increased activity in some people does cause increased appetite.

    Make sure you are hitting your protein and other macros (fat, carbs, etc), and that your calorie allotment is set to your new activity level.

    Also, perhaps you need to bring a healthy snack with you to your sessions so that you have a healthy handy alternative for post workout. A lot of folks use protein shakes, either before and/or after their workouts, or drink chocolate milk following. Not sure what your personal goals/macro settings are, but it could also be that you are carb craving, especially after a workout.

    Try a few different things, including indulging if it fits your macros and see how you feel and perform following each. That will tell you what works best for you, as that is all that matters.

    Good luck and don't give up, you deserve to be healthy and strong.