Has anyone lost weight using mfp and gained it back



  • austinsneeze
    austinsneeze Posts: 220 Member
    I stopped using MFP and gained about half back, but I sometimes get the mindset, "Oh, I'm skinny now, I can eat whatever I want." Poof. There goes all the hard work.
  • molonlabe762
    molonlabe762 Posts: 411 Member
    Lost 60 lbs pounds, from 250 to 190. Got a little sidetracked when my wife and I bought our first house. Being so busy with the house, a 1 year old boy and having the treadmill taken apart for moving realy threw me off my game. Iv'e gained about 20 lbs back and am starting again today. Hopefully this time I can be more faithfull once I start trying to maintain again.
  • KeysGirl23
    KeysGirl23 Posts: 117 Member
    Yep, I gained about 20 back being on maintenance and that's why I started getting serious again yesterday. I started 30DS as well as doing much needed heavy duty yard work, painting, shoveling rock, etc. I am going to make this happen and try to figure out a great way to keep it off. If ya'all have any suggestions, I am open to them as well as being friends. Let's tie up those laces!
  • Slinn1985
    Slinn1985 Posts: 58 Member
    225 down to 184....... Up to 197 today

    But. You live and you learn. It's not a race, I eat 300 less that I need daily and it will come off again
  • fighterwithin
    fighterwithin Posts: 33 Member
    bump so i can finish reading later. the thought of maintaing gives me anxiety because there has never been a point (outside of being a toddler) that i haven't been focused on needing to loose weight. I am only 18lbs away from goal now and reading this helps. so yeah...like i said bump for later :)
  • U can't EVER stop tracking or start slacking, or else the weight will come right back. U may change the calorie count a bit when u get to maintenance but just try to realize that this thing u are doing is permanent. Chew gum and have low cal beverages if you need a mouth fixation.

    I think for some people, yes, you're right! They should always track if they want to keep with this healthy life style. But, some people, internally really are rewired. I think they can do it without tracking.

    You just have to listen to body signals! If you're hungry, eat! If you're thirsty, you need to be drinking more because you're already dehydrated!
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I've finally accepted that I'll have to log my food forever. I think that's part of the whole lifestyle change. Does it have to be MFP? No. But some type of logging is going to have to occur for me. Some people can go off on their own and manage just fine, but I already know I won't be one of them. Recognizing and acknowledging this fact is what keeps me coming back in every day to log, even when I really don't want to.

    I know plenty of people who have lots tons of weight on a variety of plans or just by using a good old fashioned paper journal, but its when they stop being mindful of what they're putting in their mouths that they see the weight come back on. I still have a LONG way to go, but by realizing this early on I hope that I can transition more easily and successfully into maintenance when that time comes.
  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    wow.......I am not alone......lost 30 over a year ago regained 30.....just lost 25 of that. I always go back to old eating habits.....never learn....I dont know if we are weak but the pounds creep back....this time I will continue to log.......the only way for me of reminding myself......I love fitting in my clothes.....feel better.......good luck to all of us.......
  • gamerguy123
    gamerguy123 Posts: 48 Member
    I am in this exact same boat. I lost 15-18 lbs & gained it all back. Not only did I stop tracking, but I ate like a monster. But I am trying to loose again. Luckily I enjoy exercising and have been going to the gym for 7 yrs straight. However, my workouts were only moderately intense. I now work out harder than I ever did before. So for me it's 90% nutrition.

    So my goals this time is to have a cheat day every once in a while. But also this time I have a new strategy: when I get hungry or want to graze (in between meal times), I reach for fruit & vegetables. I have eaten more fruits and vegetables than I ever did doing this and it helps somewhat. I only lost 3 lbs in 3+ weeks which is way under my goal, but I had a couple of bad weekends. I hope to reduce the bad weekends to just a bad day, then maybe a bad day per month.

    Hopefully intense working out and healthier eating becomes a lifestyle habit for me.
  • tasharock
    tasharock Posts: 136 Member

    2) Toss your "fat pants" and buy pants with a non-elastic waistband. If you can't fit into your pants, you're eating too much.

    This is what I've done to maintain. Works pretty darn well.
  • 3 years ago I lost 30lbsand got to my goal weight of 125lbs...now 3 years later I need to lose 40lbs to get back to 125lbs....so yes, if you go back to your old lifestyle you will gain the weight back....ugh! Here I go again!
  • ChrissyLu723
    ChrissyLu723 Posts: 153 Member
    This is exactly what happened to me, it is my fault. I stopped tracking and all hell broke loose...and my pants :/
    I only have few pounds to lose until I reach my goal .It feels amazing being lighter and fit into my skinny jeans again. However, i am still going to track my calories when I reach my goal. Has anyone reach their goal and gained all back ? Was it because you stopped tracking and got too comfortable ?

    Yes, I've lost weight using MFP.

    Yes, I gained (most of) it back.

    Yes, it was because I stopped tracking. Specifically, it was because I didn't retrain myself how to eat to maintain. When we lose weight, we learn to eat at a calorie deficit. When we hit our goal weight, we have to learn how to eat at maintenance. That's what I'm in the process of doing now - learning to eat at maintenance.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    1st time using MFP I hadn't hit goal yet and a trip to Asia got me off of my routine. This time around I'm staying dedicated to my new lifestyle and plan to for the rest of my life.

    Build healthy habits that will stick and you will have success! Best of luck to you! :)
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    :explode: :grumble: Yup! I am battling this now. I stopped logging and I gained 30lbs. I restarted today with a new mind set. I went bad to my comfort habits and boom! Makes me regret tossing my fat clothes.
  • NadDrew
    NadDrew Posts: 56 Member
    Same here, I've lost a lot of weight and gain 25 pounds back by letting myself comfortable around trigger food ....it is too soon for me to be on my own...I need to track my food and weight myself everyday....Good luck everyone...it is our journey and a lifestyle change so be good to yourself.:wink:
  • ToriLynnYoung
    ToriLynnYoung Posts: 10 Member
    Great process story Diane! Thanks for sharing how you are doing things differently this time. :smile: :happy:
  • tallvesl99
    tallvesl99 Posts: 231 Member
    I agree with tossing the "fat" pants. I had worn the same size forever...when i got down to a smaller size I was so motivated, i didn't want to go back up...I really really have to watch it though...I pretty much know what I can eat now but I like to log in alot to stay on track. LOVE MFP and so glad it is here!:smile:
  • stonegirldancing42
    stonegirldancing42 Posts: 76 Member
    Lifestyle change was my main thing. I was in maintenance for like 1.5yrs until I started dating someone & gained a whopping 50lbs in like 6 months. No fun! Emotional stuff creeps up, too. Now back in action and hoping it drops quicker due to how quick it gained.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    Has anyone reach their goal and gained all back ? Was it because you stopped tracking and got too comfortable ?

    No, I didn't reach my goal.
    But, yes, I lost a bunch doing the TDEE-20% and logging on MFP.
    And, yeah, that's how I gained it back.

    "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
    But in ourselves, that we are [obese]."

    --adapted from Julius Caesar (I, ii, 140-141)

  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I only have few pounds to lose until I reach my goal .It feels amazing being lighter and fit into my skinny jeans again. However, i am still going to track my calories when I reach my goal. Has anyone reach their goal and gained all back ? Was it because you stopped tracking and got too comfortable ?
    I lost 50 pounds and gained 25 back, then lost it again. Seems that for me, as soon as I quit tracking calories, I quit thinking about what I eat and gain weight.

    The moral is: Whatever it is you are doing to lose weight (tracking calories, lowering carbs, working out maniacally etc) you will gain it back once you stop doing it.