Trying Zumba tonite--advice?

merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
So I'm giving this whole Zumba thing a shot tonite--does anyone have any advice? I have a very small lung capacity (I know it sounds crazy, they just don't hold that much air. I sneeze like a chipmunk) and so get out of breath very, very easily. Is this going to be a problem? Also, I'm extremely uncoordinated, with no rhythm. (Seriously, the more I write here the worse an idea this sounds!) No joke. None. I probably make Eileen from Seinfeld look like Beyonce.
So I guess my question is, should I look into other options in terms of classes instead, what should I expect, and am I going to die (either of exhaustion or embarrassment)?


  • Terrilu428
    Terrilu428 Posts: 7 Member
    No advice but you're my hero for the day for trying! I really think it sounds like so much fun, but the whole "shaking it" thing intimidates me! Good for you...enjoy! Let us know how it goes!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Zumba is soooo much fun so with that said just have fun, don't worry about how you look and even if you don't quite get the moves right away just keep moving and burning away those calories!! It's a great workout but alot of that depends on the instructor's intensity!!!
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    This is my favorite class, I do it 3 - 4 times a week. Here's my advice: You will probably feel super awkward. My first class I left half way through because I couldn't follow the steps. (They are easy and repetitive, I just psyched myself out.)

    A year later I am a zumba addict who never misses a beat. I just persevered and now I can anticipate what the instructor does before she does it because the steps are familiar.

    If you like to dance, this is the best class ever. Huge burn, lots of sweat, major laughs, and no clock watching. I am so excited for you! Let me know how it goes!
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    I agree that you should definitely keep it up if you tried it and were discouraged. It's an AMAZING workout and it makes working out go fast and keeps it enjoyable. Good for you!
  • My instructor always says "just smile and everyone will think you know what your doing!"

    I look forward to my zumba classes every week! They are fun and dont feel like your burning 500+ calories in an hour class. Just go and do what you can, and most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!! :o)

    Let me know how it goes! :o)
  • MHW22
    MHW22 Posts: 10 Member
    You know what Im just sitting here asking myself all of these very same questions!!! Will I keep up? - Will i look like an idiot? - Good luck - i think Im gonna go next week - keep me posted!!! (friend me!)
  • Let us know how it goes--I'm trying it next Wednesday!
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    It was...interesting. Due to my lack of rhythm, I felt like I spent more time trying to find where I was with the beat (also, the chest/booty shaking moves, I lack the coordination to do) than actually doing the moves, and we had a new instructor for a couple of the songs who was awful (seriously, the entire class was kinda looking at each other going wtf is she doing?), but I worked up a decent sweat and definitely didn't feel like I was working out, the class was over before I knew it. I'm going to go again next week and see if I get better at it. It's worth checking out--I had fun even though I felt retarded, lol. And the class had such a wide range of experience that I didn't feel like the odd man out not knowing the moves at all.
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    I went to Zumba tonight for the first time as well! I however, feel like i have rhythm...that was UNTIL i stepped into class! haha, i was still dancing my butt off just making up my own moves when i got lost, but it was super fun! I am glad you had fun too, it is a great work out! How are you logging your workout? I wasnt sure what to i did ballroom dancing, fast?..haha, let me know what you do, maybe i'll use the same idea for logging! :)
  • Zumba is SO much fun! It's the first real workout that I actually enjoyed & look forward to!
  • I just got it and will try in tonight...! :happy: How do you log in Zumba as exercise?
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