I'm starting to gain weight.

Long-story-short, I'm 19 years old girl, I wanted to maintain my weight in 50kg., but I let myself go and now I weigh 53kg., I'm back on 1200 calories, I exersize a LOT and therefore I want to eat a lot... I'm thinking about lowering my workouts a little bit? How do I get back on track? Please some advices, I was doin' so well...


  • Hello!

    I think it's vital to reflect on what threw you 'off track' in the first place before you can get back 'on track.'

    For this to be truly a 'lifestyle' change we kind of need to know our own kryptonite (mine are Pizza & Doritos) and what situation(s) triggers poor eating choices (binge on junk). ie. work deadlines, exams, week before the cycle start etc.

    Once the picture is clear on why we reverted to old behaviors it will help us be more aware of those triggers and either avoid them if possible or being more conscious during & maybe make better eating choices.

    In the mean time, just try not to get overwhelmed and down on yourself - everyone has setbacks.

    Also, I think it is important to mention that if you deprive yourself of ALL of the not so healthy treats ALL of the time, it's just human nature that we just want that more. From my own personal experience when I became too dogmatic & strict the thing I forbade myself to have is what I wanted most. And by the time I caved into my craving, portion control was ALL GONE! LOL So try moderation and don't bury yourself with so much guilt that getting back on track seems impossible. Perhaps give yourself a break and try the 80/20 rule because it is virtually impossible to make healthy eating choices 100% of the time - no one of us are infallible.

    Sample of 80/20 Week:
    3 square meals per day: 21 meals per week. 80/20 = 17 Neat & 3 Treat meals over the week.
    5 small meals per day: 35 small meals per week. 80/20 = 28 Neat & 7 Treat over the week.

    Best of luck to you!
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    thank you so much, great advices!!! :)
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Long-story-short, I'm 19 years old girl, I wanted to maintain my weight in 50kg., but I let myself go and now I weigh 53kg., I'm back on 1200 calories, I exersize a LOT and therefore I want to eat a lot... I'm thinking about lowering my workouts a little bit? How do I get back on track? Please some advices, I was doin' so well...

    If you're looking to lose about 7 pounds, there is no reason to be so aggressive, IMO. Set your goal to 1/2 pound a week, and if you exercise, eat those calories back.

    7 pounds isn't really letting yourself go, either. Be kinder to you.
  • lgpperry1
    lgpperry1 Posts: 11 Member
    Well, your body is probably freaking out at only 1200 calories plus exercise. Even when aggressively trying to lose weight, you shouldn't eat below your BMR. Go. Eat more.
  • JojoW8183
    JojoW8183 Posts: 540 Member
    Well, your body is probably freaking out at only 1200 calories plus exercise. Even when aggressively trying to lose weight, you shouldn't eat below your BMR. Go. Eat more.

    Good advice! Not going below your BMR is important. You shouldn't deprive your body of the nutrients it requires especially if you work out a lot.


    This will help you figure out what your BMR is and where you should be intake wise based on exercise. It's a general guide, if you're relatively normal then it should be helpful. If you have other health issue then it may vary, but even me with my PCOS and slow metabolism, it's pretty on point.
  • What is your height? From the photo you seem tall. Wanting to maintain a weight of 50kg or 110 pounds may not be healthy and your body may be gaining out of self-preservation. Sometimes we choose a weight that is simply not healthy for us and our body knows it. If you are under 5'1" tall, then 110 pounds would be ok. Anything over that and you are TOO thin and your body is going to fight you from letting that happen. Thin doesn't equal healthy, especially when its TOO thin.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    For one, unless you are short, trying to maintain this weight might simply lead you to a miserable cycle of binge eating and restricting, in turn messing up your body. At this point, it is surely how you look that is more important than a specific number that no-one else sees. You would be much better off taking up some strength/weight training, sticking to a small deficit or even at maintenance, and aiming to achieve an appearance you are happy with that way, rather than by the scale. In the end, a person weighing 10 Ibs more, with more lean mass, can be the same size, or even a smaller size, than a person 10 Ibs lighter, as well as looking better visually.

    1200 is going to be far too low for an active, young person.
    Don't mess up your metabolism at such a young age as you will regret it when you get older.
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    I realised I was "letting myself go" when I reached 66 kg. But it's difficult to say in OP's position because there's no height provided. I'm 5'8/173 cm btw. But yeah, 1200 calories plus exercise is a bit tough. OP could probably have 1200 cals and not exercise, and lose weight. OR they could have 1500-2000 cals, do the same amount/intensity of exercise and lose weight ( I have lost weight on 1800 net calories, I just keep going over my goals TT)
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    My height is 160cm. :(