Meniscus Tear?

Hope this is the right spot. So my right knee has popped since I can remember. But the past few months it started to actually grind. It has gotten worse over the last week or so and today after doing some basic squats, I think it was the "f-you all". My knee is in quite a bit of pain now and pretty sure my meniscus finally had it. Problem is, I am not sure what i need to do as far as who to see doctor wise. Do I just go to a GP and have them look at it? The ER? Find a orthopedic doctor? Since I finished my squats, the pain is kinda radiating and getting steadily worse. I have a high pain tolerance, but even this is bothering me. :/


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Go to a GP, they will probably send you for an x-ray and/or MRI, then refer you to a specialist.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Go to your GP. He/she will probably send you for imaging, then refer you to a specialist if necessary.

    If it is not an emergency, do not go to the ER.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    depending on your insurance, you either need to see your GP for a referral to an ortho (or possibly a physical therapist), or you can go see an ortho (or PT) directly.

    I haven't had the need to see an ortho...but I know my insurance does not require a referral (or script) to see a PT, so I just went directly to a PT when I started having ITBS issues.
  • airica25
    airica25 Posts: 50 Member
    Find a orthopedic doctor, why waste your time with the GP. X-rays are useless for this type of injury, waste of money. I have had 4 knee surgeries. You need a MRI so they can see the damage. Orthopedic doctor will do an x-ray even though they don't really use them. Its more just to see if you broke/fractured a bone.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Find a orthopedic doctor, why waste your time with the GP. X-rays are useless for this type of injury, waste of money. I have had 4 knee surgeries. You need a MRI so they can see the damage. Orthopedic doctor will do an x-ray even though they don't really use them. Its more just to see if you broke/fractured a bone.

    Not everyone's insurance allows them to skip the GP and go straight to the specialist.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I would actually recommend the PT first, before the ortho. Assuming you're going to have surgery, don't expect the surgeon to help you prepare at all. Doing some PT before the procedure can help your recovery x10000000. I speak from sad experience :) Not to mention, you may be able to make improvements doing PT that can put off surgery.
  • lqichick
    lqichick Posts: 162 Member
    Find a orthopedic doctor, why waste your time with the GP. X-rays are useless for this type of injury, waste of money. I have had 4 knee surgeries. You need a MRI so they can see the damage. Orthopedic doctor will do an x-ray even though they don't really use them. Its more just to see if you broke/fractured a bone.

    Not everyone's insurance allows them to skip the GP and go straight to the specialist.

    Yeah, find out what your insurance needs you to do first. Nothing like thinking all is well and then finding out you a ton of money.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    Well going to sound like a "loser" here, but I am a single-stay-at-home mom right now, so I am under Medicaid. :/ I don't want to post it, but I guess I kinda need to...which is why I was wondering if I should go to the ER.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Well going to sound like a "loser" here, but I am a single-stay-at-home mom right now, so I am under Medicaid. :/ I don't want to post it, but I guess I kinda need to...which is why I was wondering if I should go to the ER.

    It is difficult (impossible?) to find a GP that takes Medicaid. Most communities have some type of health clinic that sees medicaid patients.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    Well going to sound like a "loser" here, but I am a single-stay-at-home mom right now, so I am under Medicaid. :/ I don't want to post it, but I guess I kinda need to...which is why I was wondering if I should go to the ER.

    It is difficult (impossible?) to find a GP that takes Medicaid. Most communities have some type of health clinic that sees medicaid patients.

    I will see. Was waiting for my mom to get home so I can use her car. Ugh, I hate being so "helpless" at 27.,...x_x
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Depends upon your insurance.

    If you have an HMO you need to see your primary doc, if you have a PPO or if you have Fee for Service, bypass the primary and head to the Orthopedic Surgeon.

    Xrays are not helpful for non-bony injuries, you nearly always need an MRI, unless the history and examination are classic for a particular condition, and even them most docs do an MRI so as not to meet the JD.

    Just saw that you have medicaid--you will need a referral most likely. If you have a primary, see the primary and they will generally refer you to an orthopedist that takes medicaid. You will likely need prior authorization from Medicaid to obtain the MRI. Going to the ED likely will be a waste of time, as this is not an emergency, they will not do an MRI there, and will not be able to get you a referral to an orthopedist.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    Went to a general practioner. That was the worse experience I have ever had at any doctor. I was treated like some drug seeking idiot. He acted like I was wasting his time gettin seen because it wasn't an ample amount of time I had been in pain. He made some remarks about me being too young and why I was on Medicaid. Then kept making comments if I wanted "morphine". Just beyond rude....he said it is possible I could have torn it but I need to wait two weeks then go back if it is still bothering me. I have a 5k Friday....I am just overall a bit upset with how that went and how I was treated. I don't take medications other than my prescription anti-depressant. I won't take anything pain med wise but be treated like a drug seeker, idiot and like crap because of my insurance....welcome to freakin America....
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    That sucks :( I used to live down the block from a low-income health care clinic, and I went there once even though I had good insurance just because it was close. They treated me like crap, the doctor was awful and they LOST my blood sample! Grrr!

    So, in the absence of good medical care - skip your 5k. Rest, ice and wrap it. Do that for two weeks and then go back and tell that doctor you want TREATMENT.

    Also, you may be able to get PT covered - - worth a try?