Alcohol and weight loss

agulling Posts: 9 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I drink alcohol, and lately it has been more than usual. I just moved into a new town and started a new job, so I have found myself going to happy hours to socialize with these new friends and co workers. I have a great time, but with my new weight loss goals I need to change this up. I still want to go out, but what should I drink if anything? Does anyone else have this kind of problem?


  • Can you order a seltzer, or wine spritzer? Something to "go with the flow" and have a good time but dilute the calories?
  • renaconnor
    renaconnor Posts: 38 Member
    Me!!!! I go out ALOT and I like hard liquor so I stick to vodka/sodas. And I carry around little Splenda packets to sweeten it with, and a splash of lime! Vodka is about 65/cals an oz, and 1 drink has about 1 and 1/2 ozs in it. Just make sure you're working out alot to lessen the effects of the happy hours!
  • LauraSchaller
    LauraSchaller Posts: 106 Member
    Vodka & Diet is right around 60 calories.. I'm not a Diet Pop drinker, but I will drink it with vodka :)

    Stay with Clear Liquors (Vodka, Gin, etc) and away from darker ones (whiskey, bourbon, etc)

    If you are a beer drinker - opt for a Michelob Ultra. *Michelob Ultra has 90 calories.. Bud Select 55 has 55 calories.. BUT.. when comparing alcohol content, you have to drink 2 Bud Select 55 to = 1 Mich Ultra. Save yourself the money!)

    Stay away from Margaritas.. and try to drink a glass of water between each alcoholic beverage :)

    Good Luck!
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I switched from champegne and beer to vodka diets. Vodka has about 70 cals/shot. Mixed drinks typically contain 1-2 shots per drink.
  • I order water with my drink and try to drink equal amounts of water and alcohol. Helps fill up, helps avoid the brain dehydration alcohol promotes! Gives you something other than alcohol to drink/hold...
  • chicolitilv
    chicolitilv Posts: 9 Member
    I've been going out also drinking lately and drink kettle with soda and a lime!
  • Wine spritzer is a great idea. I go with mixed drinks usually, like a gin and tonic (to fight off malaria, of course,) to avoid maxing out your daily caloric allotment.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    alch calories are just empty intake. i have been trying to have lower cal stuff when i go out. having a social life is important.
    my latest fav drink is vanilla vodka & diet coke (70 cals a glass) or select 55 (beer with only 55 cals each, but less alcohol than a regular beer) & they say red wine is good for your heart. :o) you could always just have one or two yummy drinks & milk them through happy hour!
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Keep in mind that drinking alcohol will slow down fat metabolism. Since the liver is too busy detoxing the alcohol, it can't convert fat to sugar/glycogen very effectively so it's put on the back burner.
  • KRob9
    KRob9 Posts: 7 Member
    What kinds of things do you normally like to drink? If it's beer, you could switch or at least try drinking Bud Select 55 or MGD 64. (I prefer the Select, I think it has better flavor.) If you're a liquor person, try mixing your drink of choice with diet, or no cal soda instead of regular. Wine...I'm not so sure on!

    Also, something I tend to do is make sure you order water with your beverage and be sure to drink a glassof water to every alcoholic drink you have. It slows you down and keeps you hydrated.

    The other thing you can try, but I'm not always successful at when out with friends (and not driving), is giving yourself a limit. Instead of a long night out with 5 or 6 drinks, make it only 2 or 3. Not only will you lessen your intake, but you'll feel better in the morning!

    Good luck!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    If you MUST have a drink, I agree with other posts, stick to clear alcohol with sparkling water (juice is high in calories) and have a BIG glass of water for every alcoholic beverage.
    I have realized that it is possible to have a diet pop or water and still go out for the socializing!
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    This Irish Whiskey and Ale girl has downsized to Vodka and Corona Light.:brokenheart:
    I drink my Vodka with Vitamin water or Lemonade I make using splenda. Don't forget to drink water!
  • dmisom79
    dmisom79 Posts: 112
    8 oz. of red wine such as Cabernet Savignon is 180 calories. Just fyi. I like the vanilla vodka and diet coke mix idea. i'm going to try that because I like me a drink every once in awhile but i also don't like to record those calories.
  • KittMahan
    KittMahan Posts: 106
    MMhmm, vodka and crystal light and a spritz of lemon juice or grapefruit juice is one of my faves...

    Main "other" danger is snacking that goes along with drinking... keep fingers away from appetizer plates as much as possible.. alcohol definitely impairs your defense against unhealthy behaviors, including eating the wrong things...

    Stay strong :)
  • jamielyster
    jamielyster Posts: 3 Member
    I hear ya! I love a drink but it doesn't go so well with trying to loose weight so i tend to try and avoid alcohol altogether if i can. Having said that, you got to socialize and make friends and why should you stop living? You can still go out and have soft drinks., Say to your new friends you have to drive later to stop any badgering to take part.

    If that doesn't appeal, first step is to bank some extra exercise calories to use for the event. A good 1 hour of cardio could get you around 500 to play with. If you are going to a night club for the evening out and intend to have a good few hours dancing, skip the first step.

    Next, try making better alcohol choices.

    Always avoid Beers and Cider - loaded with calories !
    Wine is not much better.

    Spirits like vodka and Gin are among the lowest calories, around 50 or so calories per drink, but if your having mixers make sure they are slimline/diet choices.

    Never ever drink cocktails or cream liqueurs such as Baileys.

    The next big issue drinking alcohol when trying to loose weight is alcohol can make you really hungry, and can seriously inhibit your will power and ability to resist some fat laden calorie binge. The following morning your blood sugar will drop very low, as your body will have used allot of resources processing the alcohol and therefore, you will be very hungry the next morning, and probably craving carb, fat or sugar laden food.

    Also alcohol makes you dehydrated. Not good if your on a low calorie diet as you can tend to loose more water and water is essential to keep the body metabolisim going. So to combat that, after each alcoholic drink, make the next round water. Sometimes i get sparkling water with ice and a slice and it at least looks like a Gin and Tonic. The added bonus is your less likely to get a bad hang over the next day.

    I will be facing this issue myself over the long weekend, flying over to meet friends in Dublin where the only recreation they are planning will be surely drink related!!! I will just start again Monday I suppose. x
  • agulling
    agulling Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone. I always thought wine was a good choice, but I think I will be a lot better drinking a gin or vodka drink with a glass of water. I am going out tonight with some girlfriends from work for one of their Birthdays, so I will give this a try.

  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Good luck! I struggle with this as well, as I love me some alkeehol. I basically allow myself a cheat day every couple weeks. I'm not very good at just having a little, so every couple weeks, on a Saturday night, I get to have several drinks. At home. With the hubby. But it's shocking how quickly those calories add up! *sigh*
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I think it's an Oxymoron
  • bump
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