Stomach pains


I suffer with really bad stomach pains, at worse after eating and even just drinking water, my stomach swells immediately and causes me a lot of pain, at its worse I can be doubled over in agony. I'm only 24, I eat healthy and exercise 5 times a week but this pain has been on and off for over a year now and the doctors keeps blaming it on IBS which I don't believe as I'm always sick with it and apparantely you aren't sick with that. I feel like I'm constantly been fobbed off with indigestion and constipation tablets.

The pain is mainly across the top of my stomach under my chest and down to my belly button but I also get it in my bottom right hand side and groin feels stiff. I've also been suffering with pains in the back of my head. The doctor says the pains are just from worry but it has been going on too long now, it flares up every 2-3 weeks and it can be unbearable and have me in tears. I'm going to worry when I have stabbing pains and when my stomach feels like it's about to explode. I also feel extremely full right after eating even if its just a few bites.

Any ideas anyone?



  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    IBS can be super painful. It can definitely be IBS but it could also be ulcerative colitis or ulcerative proctitis or a host of other gastro related illnesses. IBS is a somewhat generic diagnosis. Docs use it when they don't really know what's wrong usually. Think of it as you having a Charlie horse in your leg so bad you literally collapse because your leg gives way compared to someone who's got a mild side stitch from running with weak abs. The doc would diagnose both as muscle cramps but there is a huge difference between the two.

    Here's some ideas. Try an easy to digest diet. Ask if you can have the test done for lactose intolerance (lactose is in all kinds of items, even lunch meat). There are a few specialized diets for IBS. You can see if one works for you but it usually takes months for results. Get sleep. Sleep deprivation can really set off symptoms.

    Meds. There are different meds you can discuss with your doc. Lialda, Asacol for overall IBS, Omepherazol, Pantoprazole for reflux, refrexal (spelling??) as a muscle relaxer, and I can't remember the med that stop the stomach from spasming. If the doc thinks it's anxiety related then discuss with him the possibility of anxiety meds or stress relieving meditation or exercise. If it's IBS you'll have it all your life but you may not have to take the meds all your life. In our family those who have IBS have other issues as well. They take meds during a flare up and generally back off meds when things are under control.

    Best of luck to you.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Well I do get headaches in the back of my head from neck stress, it's not impossible...BUT - how many doctors have you been to?

    I would think that the reaction to just drinking a little water would have a doctor concerned enough not to just blow you off?
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    IBS or crones (sp).

    Or fart.
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member

    I suffer with really bad stomach pains, at worse after eating and even just drinking water, my stomach swells immediately and causes me a lot of pain, at its worse I can be doubled over in agony. I'm only 24, I eat healthy and exercise 5 times a week but this pain has been on and off for over a year now and the doctors keeps blaming it on IBS which I don't believe as I'm always sick with it and apparantely you aren't sick with that. I feel like I'm constantly been fobbed off with indigestion and constipation tablets.

    The pain is mainly across the top of my stomach under my chest and down to my belly button but I also get it in my bottom right hand side and groin feels stiff. I've also been suffering with pains in the back of my head. The doctor says the pains are just from worry but it has been going on too long now, it flares up every 2-3 weeks and it can be unbearable and have me in tears. I'm going to worry when I have stabbing pains and when my stomach feels like it's about to explode. I also feel extremely full right after eating even if its just a few bites.

    Any ideas anyone?



    I thought I had acid reflux and all these other things my whole life and just found out it was IBS last month. Been on IBS medication and have had 0 issues since. And your pain in the top of the stomach sounds like what I had. IBS can have many different symptoms. Don't be like me and disregard something the doctor says just because you think you're smarter and know you don't have it. They may just be trying to you. You know?
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Ibs, crohn's, an unknown food intolerance? Have they tested for h. Pylori?

    My doctors kept saying it was ibs until I URGED them to check for H. Pylori (they swore it wasn't common yet 3 others at my office had gotten it). Lo and Behold that's what it was.

    After an apology I was put on a reflux type medication (omeprazol) and antibiotics. I'm much much better now.

    Since my story is "not common" I'd check out your other options first. If you can, go to a gastroenterologist!!!

    Btw: I had upper stomach bloating and pain no matter WHAT I ate. If I stood up or walked within 30 minutes of eating I'd get so nauseas I'd pass out. Excruciating pain, burning, sloshing feeling in my lower gut. Constipation. Etc. Etc. etc. I sometimes looked like an alien would pop out of my upper stomach. Teehee