Soda pop, Soft Drink??

HI Everyone,

I am just curious on everyone else's thoughts!!!

I have cut soda completely out for going on 2 months now. I also started about a month ago watching my calories. Then I am on week 2 of Focus T25. I have seem some awesome results.

Do you think/know if cutting out soda is really contributing? I used to drink pepsi a lot. But cut soda cold turkey. I am curious is still talking myself out of soda is really doing anything for me. Other than the obvious, sugar content!!!


  • ajnb88
    ajnb88 Posts: 339 Member
    I initially cut soda completely, but tbh I missed it, so now I still drink it, but in moderation. This way I don't miss it, just the majority of my drinks are water/shakes, with a cold can at the end of a long day :)
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Cutting out full-sugar soda is definitely a contributing factor for me. Without that ~700 calories a day, I'm maintaining a hell of a lot lower without really trying.

    Edited: To be clear, the only difference I've observed is because of the calories, not the sugar. When I cut calories but kept a lot of soda, I lost at very close to the rates MFP predicted -- I was just hungry a lot because I was drinking so much soda instead of eating.
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,152 Member
    For me, it makes a big difference. I used to drink 20 oz of either Pepsi or Coke a day a few yrs ago. When I stopped cold took me two weeks to drop 7 lbs. I wasn't even trying, just quit the sodas. When I have them now, I feel the difference (fluffier feeling and not as lean/tight). I still allow myself a can here and there, but I prefer feeling leaner. For me, the sodas make a big difference.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Drink water, skip the diet soda as well as the sugared ones. They are all junk to me. Beer, scotch and wine are all on the approved list too.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    You bet it matters. Coke's (I'm from Texas, all soda is coke) are a very big part of the reason I got fat, I was drinking 5-6 a day (so about 900 extra calories). I cut all but 1 - which I have with dinner every night. I wind up having half usually, but yes - it matters.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I cut soda out years ago. I will drink it occasionally, but I don't feel like it's worth the calories or sugar. It's not something I really crave...
    I'd rather splurge on a high calorie coffee drink or alcoholic beverages. Plus there are few sodas I like the taste of (but root beer is amazing:) )

    I think cutting soda out is definitely contributing to your weight loss, but only because it's saving you A LOT of calories! It's so easy to drink too many calories away. When you begin to monitor what you're drinking and aim to have more low calorie drinks (tea, water, coffee, diet drinks, etc) you have more calorie allowance and it's easier to lose weight without feeling restricted (because you're having well balanced meals and feeling full).
    Just keep in mind if you ever crave a soda and end up having some, you're not going to suddenly ruin all progress or gain back. But you could always get those cute small soda cans :) or try a diet instead.

    You're awesome for moving towards a more healthy you, keep up the good work!
  • NessaReh85
    NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member
    You're awesome for moving towards a more healthy you, keep up the good work!

    Thanks! I have to say, I really didnt drink that much soda before. Some days I would have 1-2 cans or a fountain soda from the gas station but mostly I would drink kool-aid or lemonade. I really didnt have cravings for soda, it was more that I was feeling completely drained and tired for teh first two weeks. I dont feel as tired or feel that I am near as lazy as I was before I started all this.

    Thank you everyone for the comments, they are helpful. For being 210 lbs I stick with a 1200 cal/day diet. I am not sure if it is worth it going back to soda. I am afraid that I might revert back to being more lazy than I am now. I pretty much drink water from the time I get up until the time I go to bed.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Each can is 150-170 calories depending on the drink, so it definitely is. I cut down to one can of diet soda with dinner so I'm not using up calories on something I'm drinking.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    You bet it matters. Coke's (I'm from Texas, all soda is coke) are a very big part of the reason I got fat, I was drinking 5-6 a day (so about 900 extra calories). I cut all but 1 - which I have with dinner every night. I wind up having half usually, but yes - it matters.

    I'm from Kansas City. All soda is "coke" there too. From the thread title, I thought this was going to be about what to call it. It was always a big controversy in college with the St. Louis contingent.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Soda is high in sugar each can is like 150 calories. So 2 cans is 300 calories.

    I hate pop (soda) it makes me more thirsty. I think it's designed that way to make people drink more and more.
  • Karen_DisneyFan
    Karen_DisneyFan Posts: 130 Member
    A long time ago (25+ years) I realized I was drinking way too much pop - 2 or 3 cans every day at work. I switched to drinking water at work after I had my hot tea in the morning. If I don't want water, I'll get unsweetened iced tea with lemon; no sugar needed. I do still occasionally have a *regular* dr pepper and thoroughly enjoy it. I make sure to log it into my calories for the day... I can't drink diet - my body doesn't tolerate aspertame/nutrasweet.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    You bet it matters. Coke's (I'm from Texas, all soda is coke) are a very big part of the reason I got fat, I was drinking 5-6 a day (so about 900 extra calories). I cut all but 1 - which I have with dinner every night. I wind up having half usually, but yes - it matters.

    I'm from Kansas City. All soda is "coke" there too. From the thread title, I thought this was going to be about what to call it. It was always a big controversy in college with the St. Louis contingent.

    I thought so too. I am from Wisconsin and the eastern part calls it soda, the rest calls it pop so we are a bit mixed up here.

    To the OP, assuming you are talking about full sugar soda (why do people call it full fat when there is no fat in it?), yes, it makes a big difference in the number of calories you are ingesting. If it was diet soda you drank, no, the difference was not caused by cutting out soda.
  • ajnb88
    ajnb88 Posts: 339 Member
    All this talk of calories reminded me that when I was out of work (I. E. Sat at home) I'd drink two energy drinks and three cokes a day - roughly 500cal from drinks alone..!
  • christinelimei
    christinelimei Posts: 30 Member
    Cutting out all soda has made a HUGE difference for me and I'm sure that it is contributing for you too! Congrats on your progress by the way! <3
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    I've cut back a lot on fizzy soft drinks....although i'll drink them occasionally (or as a mixer with an alcoholic cocktail or something).
    For me, it was the gassyness......... and the pot belly that came along with it. :noway:
  • christinazaia
    christinazaia Posts: 135 Member
    I enjoy my soda pop..when I do decide to have it :-) ....I don't drink it everyday though....I love dt.pepsi and dr. pepper and cherry coke which you cant get here in Canada
    too much of anything is not really good for u...I also find that fizzy drinks make me bloat...but it goes down eventually...just a gas build-up lol hehehe
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I initially cut soda out. Not anymore. It's about moderation. So if you like it, it's okay to fit it in.
  • NessaReh85
    NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks everyone for your posts. I stil l don't drink any as of now and I don't like to drink alcoholic beverages. Unless you count Homemade Apple Pie. I will drink that around Halloween some years but htat is about it for me. Drinking makes me sleepy. I guess I will stick with the path that I am on. I am feeling more energetic.
  • Zephalia
    Zephalia Posts: 79 Member
    Sugar is immediately turned into fat by insulin when it is digested. Cutting it out is absolutely, 100%, the right choice.