bikini prep 2015

HI, I'm not new to mfp, I've been lurking for over a year and joined in January. I wanted to get some insight from the bikini competitors who post on here. I've been weight training since July and went from 125 pounds down to 115 (my bf % is 17.4)a few a weeks back when I last checked. I might be a pound or two down from there. My goal was to start bulking once I got to my goal weight of 110. I am currently doing split workout days for abs/butt, biceps/triceps, back/shoulders, quads/hams, and butt again on Fridays. I always do at least 40 minutes of cardio on the treadmill after each workout too.

My stats-
17.4% body fat

My goal is to reach 15%bf by Halloween and then do a reverse diet and lean bulk for winter. Then cut for spring in time for a few NPC shows in NY iI'm looking at.

I just want some opinions and insight on bikini prep timing, and training. I got my diet down good but Ican wait to increase it to start lifting heavier then the low mfp 1200 calorie set that I've been following.


  • araya90
    araya90 Posts: 10 Member
    Bump. Anyone?
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    IMO you'd be better posting on
  • paigerz3
    paigerz3 Posts: 1 Member
    110 is nearly underweight for your height. You should start bulking NOW and get on proper weightlifting plan, NOT just doing your own thing. There is no need to do that much cardio. 15% is not healthy or sustainable for a woman. Again, bulk now.

    No need to reverse diet. Work up to a bulk over 2-3 weeks, that's it. ~2200-2300 TOTAL calories, NOT NET. DO NOT eat back exercise calories burnt. Aim to gain .5 lbs/week. Be aware of an initial scale jump- normal, and it's water, not fat.

    You'll **need** a bikini prep coach and unless you're using steroids or competing in a natural division of NPC, you would be better off competing in a different organization.
  • araya90
    araya90 Posts: 10 Member
    I appreciate your response, but don't agree with a few things...

    The plan I have now is just fine. Its a regular split days which most people who bodybuild follow. I am gaining strength and getting used to the sets and reps I do on each day which is helpful when I start to go heavier. The cardio is just to burn more fat while losing the last bit of weight before I really start to increase my weights and lift heavier. Most women who compete in bikini are anywhere from 14-9% bf and the women I know who have my height and similar stats go down to 110 and below for competitions, not during off season. 15% bf isn't "unhealthy" its just really fit and lean, but not unhealthy and unattainable. Lot of women who engage in weight lifting have bf around that anyways and they aren't deemed unhealthy. I think it would be a good bf% in general.

    I also don't want a coach, due to not having the money and means to pay for one. The women I follow on instagram and YouTube all have done it alone and done fine for themselves. The only time I will pay for anytime of coaching is for posing practice but not for weight training.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    When did Instagram or Youtube become a logical substitute for real coaching?
  • araya90
    araya90 Posts: 10 Member
    Not everyone who does bikini comps hire a training. A lot do it on their own and get by fine. Plus, if you read my post above, I said that I do not have the money to afford a personal trainer (I'm college student on a budget) and will have to make due on my own, which I'm fine by as long as I stick the workouts and plans. I don't have the 'luxury' to afford a personal trainer, coach, or nutritionist to help me along my way.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    There is a major difference between receiving actual coaching and individual planning compared to watching something on Youtube and no matter how much you try to rationalize your choices, the difference remains. There is also a difference between truly competing and getting by fine. Actually, the two are closely linked.
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    There is a major difference between receiving actual coaching and individual planning compared to watching something on Youtube and no matter how much you try to rationalize your choices, the difference remains. There is also a difference between truly competing and getting by fine. Actually, the two are closely linked.

    OK....but she has said twice now that she cant pay for a coach right now, but still wants to proceed. She has also said she will pay for a posing lessons, which may be enough if her diet and training are up to scratch. She may need the extra insight a coach would give or she might be great on her own - either way, she gains experience by proceeding/competing.

    OP, Id suggest would have more help in their forums (certainly, be realistic about your physique+ be sure to get experienced third party critique before getting up on stage).
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    IMO you'd be better posting on

  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    Not sure what advice you are looking for, as everything has been pretty well shot down, but I'll give you my two cents. I can't imagine hitting hammies hard, then coming back to glutes the next day. In fact, I would think keeping glutes and hammies together in a workout would be easier to do, since they naturally work together. But to then start fresh the next week and doing glutes to begin the cycle seems to be a lot of direct work in a short amount of time. I know butt is where it's at for bikini models, but as a new lifter, you may be overdoing it.

    I would think with less than a year under your belt, experience should be the goal and not winning. Bulk now to build a good base, then use the cut to learn what works for you. Decide if you want to cycle sodium for contest prep and learn about that. And about a million other things :) But TBH, the best advice has already been given. Go to if you are serious about it.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Just wondering how your BF% was tested?
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Where are the pics?
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I appreciate your response, but don't agree with a few things...

    The plan I have now is just fine. Its a regular split days which most people who bodybuild follow. I am gaining strength and getting used to the sets and reps I do on each day which is helpful when I start to go heavier. The cardio is just to burn more fat while losing the last bit of weight before I really start to increase my weights and lift heavier. Most women who compete in bikini are anywhere from 14-9% bf and the women I know who have my height and similar stats go down to 110 and below for competitions, not during off season. 15% bf isn't "unhealthy" its just really fit and lean, but not unhealthy and unattainable. Lot of women who engage in weight lifting have bf around that anyways and they aren't deemed unhealthy. I think it would be a good bf% in general.

    I also don't want a coach, due to not having the money and means to pay for one. The women I follow on instagram and YouTube all have done it alone and done fine for themselves. The only time I will pay for anytime of coaching is for posing practice but not for weight training.

    1. Your plan is not "fine".

    2. If you think your plan is "fine", why are you here, asking us for advice?

    3. If you can't afford a coach, you can't afford to compete. It is an extremely pricey hobby, and you need to shell out to do it right.

    4. You need to post pics if you want objective advice and constructive criticism.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I appreciate your response, but don't agree with a few things...

    The plan I have now is just fine. Its a regular split days which most people who bodybuild follow. I am gaining strength and getting used to the sets and reps I do on each day which is helpful when I start to go heavier. The cardio is just to burn more fat while losing the last bit of weight before I really start to increase my weights and lift heavier. Most women who compete in bikini are anywhere from 14-9% bf and the women I know who have my height and similar stats go down to 110 and below for competitions, not during off season. 15% bf isn't "unhealthy" its just really fit and lean, but not unhealthy and unattainable. Lot of women who engage in weight lifting have bf around that anyways and they aren't deemed unhealthy. I think it would be a good bf% in general.

    I also don't want a coach, due to not having the money and means to pay for one. The women I follow on instagram and YouTube all have done it alone and done fine for themselves. The only time I will pay for anytime of coaching is for posing practice but not for weight training.

    1. Your plan is not "fine".

    2. If you think your plan is "fine", why are you here, asking us for advice?

    3. If you can't afford a coach, you can't afford to compete. It is an extremely pricey hobby, and you need to shell out to do it right.

    4. You need to post pics if you want objective advice and constructive criticism.

    This. All of this.

    Bodybuilding is an expensive sport. From the sound of it you really just need to focus on growth. The mistake so many women make is not taking the time to build the foundation and just try to jump on stage ASAP. I'd put money on you eating next to nothing while doing tons of cardio and rebounding when the whole thing is done.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Well luckily you'll be in a beginners and/or novice NPC show in the bikini class so you really have to worry about being lean and proportionate.

    Since you can't afford a coach I suggest following one of the bodybuilding programs for prep. Pick one.

    Then, wing it I guess. The dieting portion would be tweaked as you got closer to the stage.

    I personally (since competing is so damn expensive) would rather spend my money on a trainer and a posing coach then the suit, tan, hair, makeup, accessories, etc. either way, you're looking at big bucks here. And I just have to,point out that if you see someone on YouTube or Instagram (doing just fine by themselves) then you're not seeing the whole picture.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    1.) why do you want to get to15% by Halloween? Why not maintain right now the n bulk. I don't see the point in putting that much stress on your body. You could even start to reverse diet NOW and get a nice big metabolic capacity so when you do need to cut for comp you wot be consuming 800 cals a day.

    2.) you can absolutely do this with out a coach, and those that say you can't can suck it. but when the going gets tough it sure is nice to have that coach to help and support.

    3.) have you fully looked into the cost of competing? I only say this because it is VERY expensive and it would suck to put in all the work only to find you can't afford it. Some of the costs are; the show fees, testing fees (if natural) the membership fees, shoes, suit, accessories, tan, posing classes, make-up, hair, etc.

    4.) I still am not sure what your actual question was? LOL Are you asking what an adequate amount of time to prep is?
  • araya90
    araya90 Posts: 10 Member
    1. Your plan is not "fine".

    2. If you think your plan is "fine", why are you here, asking us for advice?

    3. If you can't afford a coach, you can't afford to compete. It is an extremely pricey hobby, and you need to shell out to do it right.

    4. You need to post pics if you want objective advice and constructive criticism.

    This. All of this.

    Bodybuilding is an expensive sport. From the sound of it you really just need to focus on growth. The mistake so many women make is not taking the time to build the foundation and just try to jump on stage ASAP. I'd put money on you eating next to nothing while doing tons of cardio and rebounding when the whole thing is done.
    1.) why do you want to get to15% by Halloween? Why not maintain right now the n bulk. I don't see the point in putting that much stress on your body. You could even start to reverse diet NOW and get a nice big metabolic capacity so when you do need to cut for comp you wot be consuming 800 cals a day.

    2.) you can absolutely do this with out a coach, and those that say you can't can suck it. but when the going gets tough it sure is nice to have that coach to help and support.

    3.) have you fully looked into the cost of competing? I only say this because it is VERY expensive and it would suck to put in all the work only to find you can't afford it. Some of the costs are; the show fees, testing fees (if natural) the membership fees, shoes, suit, accessories, tan, posing classes, make-up, hair, etc.

    4.) I still am not sure what your actual question was? LOL Are you asking what an adequate amount of time to prep is?

    Interesting insight from women who both compete or body build. Thanks to some of the replies regardless of some that appears to be discouraging. Its great that I like to prove people wrong, so I don't mind. :tongue: Critique is the best form of motivation.

    I appreciate your response Dizzieferg, I need to start reverse dieting now to a bulk. I'm giving myself 6/7 months to prep so I think in terms of timing, I think I should be fine (yes my original post did as about my timing and if it was adequate). The 15% bf was just a personal goal of mine, but at this point, I should just go to a bulk now and start building more muscle.

    I still can't afford a coach. Unless someone is willing to foot the bill for me on that one? As far as the bikini, shoes, and tan goes, I will save up for them in months prior since I don't plan anything until spring/summer of next year. I wouldn't mind paying for a posing class or two just to get the gist of posing properly so I can practice on my own. If I could, I would love to hire a whole team of people regarding nutrition, training, and coaching, and a custom made bikini that is all blinged out, but that is too much for me money wise at this point.

    Shoes are cheap from amazon, and the bikini I can get for under $100 from a few websites I've found, the tan I can pocket myself when the time comes, as far are jewelry, hair, makeup, I can do that on my own. The show fees I can cover in advance and will wait for January so I'm god for the next year They wont be the most flashiest but then again I'm new to everything, have a college budget, and just want to get out there and compete. I follow lots of college students who are on budgets and compete, and like I said numerous times, they do fine and even get their pro cards or make it top of their competing class, without all of the extra expense.

    As far as my 'dieting' goes, I follow iifym and plan on increasing my macros and calories once I start reverse dieting and bulking. Right now I am at 120 carbs, 120 protein, and 27 grams of fat (40/40/20% ratio) and at 1,200 calories. I feel like I should have more carbs and protein to really build a stronger muscle base. I don't eat extremely clean and do include "fun foods" to my macros along with nutritious whole foods so I don't feel deprived or feel the need to binge eat on junk. I know when you cut, you cant fit the "fun foods" in there and it will have to be clean up more to the plain foods and basics.
  • araya90
    araya90 Posts: 10 Member
    Not sure what advice you are looking for, as everything has been pretty well shot down, but I'll give you my two cents. I can't imagine hitting hammies hard, then coming back to glutes the next day. In fact, I would think keeping glutes and hammies together in a workout would be easier to do, since they naturally work together. But to then start fresh the next week and doing glutes to begin the cycle seems to be a lot of direct work in a short amount of time. I know butt is where it's at for bikini models, but as a new lifter, you may be overdoing it.

    I would think with less than a year under your belt, experience should be the goal and not winning. Bulk now to build a good base, then use the cut to learn what works for you. Decide if you want to cycle sodium for contest prep and learn about that. And about a million other things :) But TBH, the best advice has already been given. Go to if you are serious about it.

    I was thinking about changing the days for legs. Instead of separating them, I could just do a general leg day and include all of my leg muscles on two separate days of the week (not back to back, I need a rest, lol). Thanks for the response!
  • araya90
    araya90 Posts: 10 Member

    I get it checked with the calipers at my university's gym bi weekly.
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    Try playing with slowly increasing you calories now and see if you can maintain your weight and put more into your workouts. I have competed the last 2 years in figure and have tried to do it as cheaply as possible. I did invest in a coach for nutrition though. I can say I t was a very good investment , I have learned through the whole process and I did not want to invest months of my time winging it and not looking my best on stage. Your body may hit plateaus so I am thankful for the expertise to get through them. Each person is different and my prep compared to 1 year ago was totally different. Learn to read your body! Plan for extra time just in case 20 week preps I did for both of mine. GOOD LUCK- hope you enjoy the process and competing! It can be very rewarding experience if done healthy and right!!
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    1. Your plan is not "fine".

    2. If you think your plan is "fine", why are you here, asking us for advice?

    3. If you can't afford a coach, you can't afford to compete. It is an extremely pricey hobby, and you need to shell out to do it right.

    4. You need to post pics if you want objective advice and constructive criticism.

    This. All of this.

    Bodybuilding is an expensive sport. From the sound of it you really just need to focus on growth. The mistake so many women make is not taking the time to build the foundation and just try to jump on stage ASAP. I'd put money on you eating next to nothing while doing tons of cardio and rebounding when the whole thing is done.
    1.) why do you want to get to15% by Halloween? Why not maintain right now the n bulk. I don't see the point in putting that much stress on your body. You could even start to reverse diet NOW and get a nice big metabolic capacity so when you do need to cut for comp you wot be consuming 800 cals a day.

    2.) you can absolutely do this with out a coach, and those that say you can't can suck it. but when the going gets tough it sure is nice to have that coach to help and support.

    3.) have you fully looked into the cost of competing? I only say this because it is VERY expensive and it would suck to put in all the work only to find you can't afford it. Some of the costs are; the show fees, testing fees (if natural) the membership fees, shoes, suit, accessories, tan, posing classes, make-up, hair, etc.

    4.) I still am not sure what your actual question was? LOL Are you asking what an adequate amount of time to prep is?

    Interesting insight from women who both compete or body build. Thanks to some of the replies regardless of some that appears to be discouraging. Its great that I like to prove people wrong, so I don't mind. :tongue: Critique is the best form of motivation.

    I appreciate your response Dizzieferg, I need to start reverse dieting now to a bulk. I'm giving myself 6/7 months to prep so I think in terms of timing, I think I should be fine (yes my original post did as about my timing and if it was adequate). The 15% bf was just a personal goal of mine, but at this point, I should just go to a bulk now and start building more muscle.

    I still can't afford a coach. Unless someone is willing to foot the bill for me on that one? As far as the bikini, shoes, and tan goes, I will save up for them in months prior since I don't plan anything until spring/summer of next year. I wouldn't mind paying for a posing class or two just to get the gist of posing properly so I can practice on my own. If I could, I would love to hire a whole team of people regarding nutrition, training, and coaching, and a custom made bikini that is all blinged out, but that is too much for me money wise at this point.

    Shoes are cheap from amazon, and the bikini I can get for under $100 from a few websites I've found, the tan I can pocket myself when the time comes, as far are jewelry, hair, makeup, I can do that on my own. The show fees I can cover in advance and will wait for January so I'm god for the next year They wont be the most flashiest but then again I'm new to everything, have a college budget, and just want to get out there and compete. I follow lots of college students who are on budgets and compete, and like I said numerous times, they do fine and even get their pro cards or make it top of their competing class, without all of the extra expense.

    As far as my 'dieting' goes, I follow iifym and plan on increasing my macros and calories once I start reverse dieting and bulking. Right now I am at 120 carbs, 120 protein, and 27 grams of fat (40/40/20% ratio) and at 1,200 calories. I feel like I should have more carbs and protein to really build a stronger muscle base. I don't eat extremely clean and do include "fun foods" to my macros along with nutritious whole foods so I don't feel deprived or feel the need to binge eat on junk. I know when you cut, you cant fit the "fun foods" in there and it will have to be clean up more to the plain foods and basics.

    Competing is a ton of fun and totally worth it all I will say that! I met some really great friends through the process and found it to be uplifting and encouraging. Re your diet . I think you have a pretty good base to begin reversing. Your fats are a little low so you really need to up that (hormones are pretty important). When you go to cut it's important to have those fats high enough to keep your hormones in check.
    I do legs and butt 2x a week; on sun and Thursday. ;0