Hi I'm Rosemary! Looking to build a support system :)

I've responded to a few posts already and just realized i should've started here first! I'm 9 days into my MFP account and I'm really loving the people and support. I've always been the chubby girl and at 5'2" and my highest weight of 203 have passed being chubby. For going on 4 years I've worked in an office at a desk and now work at home at a desk. Needless to say I'm at a point where my lifestyle is officially considered sedentary and I've become worried for my health, and am also terrified that I'll hit 30 and never feel pretty because I don't like what I see and I'm not proud of my body.
I'm also vegetarian, and granted I do like junk food, I try not to make junk food the majority of my diet. My problems are mostly portion control and binge eating disorder. I've done well in the past on WW and dropped 20, plateaued, and then gained it all back. I need to be down to 130 for my height and weight, I would even take 150, but I've got to change. I've noticed that I do really well when I have friends with the same problems to share my plight with, rather than the skinny people in my life who've always been skinny, or the bigger people who don't see anything wrong with their ways. By joining MFP, I'm using the calorie tracker to manage my intake and portions, my Diary and status updates to share and BE accountable.
I would like to build a support system for myself, and be a part of others' as well, to encourage and share in this journey to better being. Please add me if you can! Thanks!


  • BIggestLoseraddict15
    Yes I feel the same way! Especially agree with the fact that you said the skinny people in life who have always been skinny (my husband), and the bigger people who dont care to change (My bff). I need some strong supporters!! I want to lose 70 pounds, and 40 by Christmas. I am 196 right now, i would love to be 155-160. and 125-130 total.
  • WorkoutJunkie1
    Girl, I know how you feel. I have always been chubby myself. Before I found this website, I was 275 and decided to change for me last year. I managed to lose 100 pounds in a year's time. Now I am trying to lose my last 25 pounds and those are the hardest 25 pounds to lose. It's not just about exercise. It's about what foods I put in my mouth. I have 87,500 calories I need to lose in order to lose 25 pounds. That is crazy! So, I decided to hop on this forum looking for a support system as well. I will love to be as much of a support system for you as I possibly can. I need help too.

    I wish you the utmost success and hopefully BOTH of us can get to our desired goals healthily and easily!
  • awesomedjmcvey
    awesomedjmcvey Posts: 50 Member
    You can all add me if you would like. I have only been thin once in my life and even then the doctors thought I was obese because I lifted weights. I am changing that and looking to change my life and put this body into experiencing thing thin people could only dream of!
  • icflyinmonkies
    icflyinmonkies Posts: 24 Member
    Like being able to find clothes at almost any store would be nice :)
  • WorkoutJunkie1
    AND cute clothes. Oh my god, I hate going to a store's plus size department and the clothes look terrible. Like Macy's have the worst plus size department. I feel like the clothes should be in thrift stores because the quality is poor. So, I would love to be able to go to stores and wear anything!
  • PowerAJS
    PowerAJS Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Rosemary! I too am new to MFP. I'm looking to lose about 40lbs total, starting with a 20lb goal. I've already lost about 30lbs counting calories on my own. Feel free to add me!
  • ulala424
    ulala424 Posts: 35 Member
    I sent you a request. I'm down 57 out of 101 total pounds I'd like to lose. Support is definitely helpful!