Hi guys!

Hi everyone!
My name is Neena, I'm 18 and work as an overnight manager in fast food. My job and school took up all my time in the past year and a half and I gained over 70 pounds after losing only 30. The only way I know how to describe myself is weird, my sense of humor is very Bob's Burger's. My best friend and I joined this website and got a gym membership together.

I just begun working overnights in July, and in the past month I went from 3 to 5 nights with different days off, driving my body crazy. My sleep schedule is very sporadic and I'm not sure when to log my food or when to eat.

I'm looking for people to add to support me and not let me give up like I did last time! :blushing:


  • Vrj_v79
    I totally know what you mean about the crazy sleep schedule driving your body out of wack. In the same boat! I ended up joining a 24hr a day gym, it has helped me anyways. Though I would prefer to not go to the gym web I should be sleeping lol

    Welcome to the site
  • MoochieRama
    MoochieRama Posts: 71 Member
    You can add me.
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi Neena! Add me as a friend if you like!
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    Hello & Welcome to MFP! ... I like weird! :love:

    An irregular work schedule does pose some unique challenges to getting into a routine however still very doable ... you may just need to put in a bit more work in the beginning.

    For Exmaple:
    Plan your meals. Don't show up for an 8-hour shift empty handed then resorting to partaking fast food because you're about to pass out from starvation. lol Yes it's a pain, Yes it's less convenient than just grabbing that burger & fries, but if working in fast food is the current means to make ends meet while in school, then it's just better to take it into consideration when trying to set goals.

    If you are working an 8-hr shift set times when you want to eat during those awake hours. ie. If your shift starts at 8 p.m. to 4 a.m., plan to eat a light snack (fruits, complex carbs like a whole grain waffle) around 8:30, a healthy lean protein 'lunch' around 12:30 a.m., then another lean protein with veggies when you get home.

    And more importantly make sure your environment is optimum for sleeping when you are suppose to sleep - aim for 7-8 hours of sleep if at all possible. Try white noise machines if your neighbors are loud during the day. Have black out curtains if you like to sleep in the dark. etc. Sleep is vital to a healthy lifestyle & not getting enough could hinder progress.

    Just because your work day goes on when most people are asleep you shouldn't treat it differently from when I get up & go to work every morning. Ya know?

    When ever you eat log it because in the end, MFP will still do it's thing and let you know how you are doing nutrition wise.

    I'd HIGHLY suggest to tackle one meal at a time. For example if you are on an 8-hr shift overnight and you have been showing up around 8 on an empty stomach, waiting around midnight before you eat, try to eat something small around 830ish just to get that habit going.

    Perhaps others who has more experience with shift work can provide better suggestions ... best of luck to you!
  • Sim123one
    Sim123one Posts: 36 Member
    Good luck with your journey!

    Feel free to add me:)!