
I didn't know where to post this, but wanted to share it with my MFP friends. Last night I had a rude awakening, a huge, some may even say XXL sized slap in the face as to what my issues have been my entire life with my constant weight cycle of ups and downs and it gave me a little inspiration this morning for a song.... now I'm sure it sounds much better in my head then it will read on paper (or screens), but I'd still like to share it. :)

So here it goes...

Keep On Keepin’ On

Sun shines on my pillow
And I reach for the window
Shade to my brown eyes
I don’t even miss you
I just want to kiss you
And say goodbye

Dreams that keep on dreaming
And I’m still believing
The hero of my story is me
I’ll keep on singing
Baby just keep breathing
Love won’t let me be

Keep on keepin’ on
I’ll always be strong
The sun will continue to fade
And I’ll see better days

Keep on keepin’ on
This wont be my last song
Goodbye to the fear in me
And hello to my dreams

Kiss me gently on my lips
Feel it through my finger tips
Prides lightin up my eyes
No one knows for sure
What pain they can endure
But it makes for a better prize

Keep on keepin’ on
I’ll always be strong
The sun will continue to fade
And I’ll see better days

Keep on keepin’ on
This wont be my last song
Goodbye to fear in me
And hello to my dreams

Thanks for the time if you got this far. I hope that those of you who need a revelation like the one I had will find it and to those of you who have already found it.... PHEW!!!!! don't it feel good?!?!?!? :happy:

