Do you ever get used to it?

I have been doing this a couple of years now. Lost and maintained 5 stones for 2 yrs, just at top end healthy BMI, and now mostly love my exercise. Did my first sprint tri this year, and couple of other events. Eat pretty healthily but am picky veggie. and like many of us have kids and busy lives.

Some days/ weeks its fine, but some days I still find it so hard - like this week I am so freakin' tired and stressed and feel rubbish. I always try to push through as I know how easy it will be to go back to how I was and I really don't want that. But, should it still feel so hard? I'll keep on keeping on, but today I could just lie down in a darkened room and go back to sleep - actually, forget the darkened room - I could have laid down on the gym mat and gone to sleep today!


  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    I think and no doubt get disagreed with, you have to like what your doing to make it feel good all the time.

    If you start to get more and more days where it seems a struggle, look back at your diary, see what you been doing, and jazz it up a bit, have a few treats now and then, just plan them in advance, give yourself something to look forward to.

    I've been on my low carb almost no sugar lifestyle now for 3 years basically to keep my diabetes under control, and times I see people eating cakes and ice creams and other stuff and it is demoralising, but where before i denied them completely, now I might have the odd cake or treat and incorporate it into my regime.

    Hope that helps
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    That sounds like life to me. We all have days or even weeks where that's all we want to do is fall asleep on the closest flat surface. Days where we fantasize about how relaxing it would be if we were in jail right now.

    What is it that's so hard? Is it your workout routine that's getting to you? Is it constantly trying to find something healthy to eat? Or is something extra stressful going on in your life right now?

    What is your wondering if we ever get used to it? You've done great at maintaining for 2 years… so what is it that's killing you right now?
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Yes, it is called life. If you look at every aspect of your life (marriage, work, children, hobbies, health) you will find that you have good days and bad days.

    If everything was easy and hunky dory all the time - how would you know?

    Relax. Enjoy life a little.
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. From your profile you have your hands full and we are all subject to days when our battery feels run down. One thing that may help is making sure you are getting adequate rest. If you feel overly tired it may be a need for more sleep and/or more iron in your diet possibly? It may even be worth having a doctor do a blood analysis to rule out if something is lacking in your blood. Hang in there!
  • kaandersonw
    kaandersonw Posts: 9 Member
    Days where we fantasize about how relaxing it would be if we were in jail right now.

    i thought i was the only one who imagined this!
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    The diet stuff is generally okay in that I don't feel deprived. I have treats if I want to - I just factor them in, so there is wine, pizza, chocolate.

    I do exercise that I generally enjoy, and I do a lot of freestyle classes that keep me trying new things which I like - and make me work hard.

    Life is stressful right now - I've just gone back to work, and so working out new juggle of school runs, nursery shifts, work, meals etc, generally the exercise helps. I know I'm poor on protein and iron - I try and up this when I feel particularly tired. When I'm really tired I feel like my body just can't cope - my co-ordination goes, I feel dizzy, can't focus.... I don't sleep enough, but after 11 years with my son who always woke early I very rarely sleep after 6am, however tired.
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    we are all subject to days when our battery feels run down.

    feel like mine is totally flat lol!
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Sorry, can't work out how to edit! What I'm finding hardest is that some days I feel can't physically do as much and end up feeling really rough, and frustrated with myself. I don't know when that voice saying 'you need to stop' is my body being sensible, or my will being feeble! If I always stop, it only gets harder, if I don't stop I sometimes fall over and make a complete *kitten* of myself - which I don't mind occaisonally but feel its getting old now, and I should know better!

    Guess I'm just having a bad day
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm the same way. Some days it's just too hard. Especially the diet part. That's when I have a 'I don't care' day. And I get back on track the next day.
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Well no gym time today, see how I feel for tomorrows workout.