Saturday night dread! Please help

Hello everybody! On Saturday night we have planned to go out for dinner with company. Usually when we do this I eat a lot and we get also desert. Do you have any tips about how to stay strong and don't ruin my diet?


  • GogoDri
    GogoDri Posts: 32
  • ItsJordanNicole
    ItsJordanNicole Posts: 110 Member
    Look at the menu before you go. Choose what you will have before hand and when you get there don't even open the menu. When your food comes ask for a to go box and put half of your entree away to take home. Even if you choose something that is high in calories, you can plan your day around that meal.
  • GogoDri
    GogoDri Posts: 32
    Sounds reasonable. I will try that. I have already be thinking all day from today what to eat on Saturday night. I will go for grilled chicken and avoid chips and desert.
  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    Look at the menu before you go. Choose what you will have before hand and when you get there don't even open the menu. When your food comes ask for a to go box and put half of your entree away to take home. Even if you choose something that is high in calories, you can plan your day around that meal.

    Exactly! And have water with your meal. That can help keep the calorie count down a little.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Pre-log what you will have. If you are concerned about going over on calories, today is Wednesday, you have 4 days you can steal 100 calories from each day and use them Saturday. OR, you can just go over, log it and move on.
  • 748marie
    748marie Posts: 61 Member
    This may sound silly but eat before you go! At home, maybe make yourself a nice low fat sandwich (enough to fill you up and an apple or something and then at the restaurant order a large salad with dressing on the side or no dressing at all. I have done this a lot. This way you are social eating and don't feel weird or guilty. Restaurant food is not only loaded with fat but also Sometimes 2 days worth of sodium in one meal!!!! If you do this, go ahead and have some dessert!
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    i wouldn't skip dessert! if that is your "usual" then order your favorite, take TWO BITES, then pour coffee (or tea, etc.) on top if it, cover it with your napkin, push the plate away and be done.

    order healthy but don't finish everything. i once read to leave one bite on your plate so YOU are in control!

    have fun!!!!
  • GogoDri
    GogoDri Posts: 32
    Thank you everyone! I think I will small portions of everything I like. I hope to manage this portion control, I will inform you on Sunday how I did. XD
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I plan my day around that meal.

    Go to the website and look at their menu, make decisions based off of that. If possible fit a little extra exercise in during the day as well.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    If overeating at a restaurant is an issue, I agree with the idea to eat something beforehand. That way you are not in ravenous munch munch munch mode by the time dinner arrives at your table. I'd probably eat something with protein beforehand, have a salad there, and then get dessert, skipping the entree entirely (have them bring the salad when they bring everybody else's meals.)
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    Every time I go out for a meal I always check the menu beforehand and select 2-3 options. I will then choose something from my options depending on what I fancy.

    You have 2 choices:
    1) avoid anything fried. Go for grilled/poached/steamed meat or fish with salad and/or vegetables. If you order a salad ask for no dressing, dressing on the side or something simple and low cal like balsamic vinegar (most restaurants will have it from my experience)
    2) enjoy yourself - eat what you want. Forget it and move on

    Your choice.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    If overeating at a restaurant is an issue, I agree with the idea to eat something beforehand. That way you are not in ravenous munch munch munch mode by the time dinner arrives at your table. I'd probably eat something with protein beforehand, have a salad there, and then get dessert, skipping the entree entirely (have them bring the salad when they bring everybody else's meals.)

    This is a good idea in theory. But a lot of people (myself included at times!) can be very influenced by others round the table. If everyone else is getting a dessert you may feel compelled to get one too, regardless of whether you're hungry or not.

    In my experience, if everyone is getting dessert but I want to be 'good' I will order a coffee or herbal tea instead. That way you're not the only one not eating/drinking but you will consume far less calories than everyone else!
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    Here's what I do:

    1. Review the menu ahead of time and pick the 2 healthiest and most filling meals on the menu (this way you'll have a backup in case one isn't available or whatever).

    2. Pre-log everything on MFP and leave yourself a 100-300 calorie cushion for the unknowns (for example you eat a bread stick or have a few bites of a dessert or a taste off of someone else's plate and aren't sure how to count it.

    3. If you have a dessert (one of my weaknesses) split with someone if you have the calories, or just have 1-2 bites of theirs. (I usually just sneak 1-2 fork fulls from my husband's dessert). Usually just 1 bite (if you savor it) is enough to kick a craving, and keeps you from feeling deprived. Just don't let that dessert sit in front of you too long. Put it out of hands reach or, cover it with your napkin... something to keep it away from view... or you'll be mindlessly eating it. (Learned this the hard way!)
  • xero2099
    xero2099 Posts: 49 Member
    this happens sometimes when I go to family parties and we cook a lot of good food, I log what I can and just figure i am over that day but one day over wont kill you, you get back on track the next day
  • GogoDri
    GogoDri Posts: 32
    Hello everyone. At last I ate a bit more, I am almost 400 calories plus because I did have that damn desert! It is dissapointing that I didn't manage to hold myself, but I keep going.