Looking for Support Friends

Hello everyone! I'm looking for some supportive friends to add so we can lean on each other while we make this journey!

A little about myself...I'm a 29 year old single Mother of two (8 and 6) who works full time. I don't exercise much - just walking a few days a week on my lunches. I try to eat better but I don't obsess about square meals - just limiting my intake and making better choices. I find that having my kids around helps me as I spend more time preparing meals/lunches and buy healthier foods. When it's just me, I find it harder to put in the effort but I'm working on it.

I have two Italian Greyhounds that I love to pieces. I also hobby breed chameleons. I'm an animal lover and homebody and spend most of my free time with the pets.

In January of this year, I started using this app and found it paramount in helping me lose 17 lbs. I was 167lbs and got down to 150lbs by the spring. At that point I got comfortable and lazy and gained back to 162lbs. An oral surgery with complications had me on a very limited diet recently and I dropped to 156lbs so now that I'm in better health I figure I will get back on track and continue on my journey.

My biggest challenge will be finding the motivation to be more active! Please feel free to add me.


  • feexbee
    feexbee Posts: 21
    Friend request sent! I'm pretty active on here.

    I recently gained back a lot of the weight I lost a while ago, and am on my way back down.

    Hope to see you on the flip side!