New job, stress, running...HELP!

Hi everyone. I have been tracking my calories and running again since around the end of May. Prior to May my binge eating habits came back full force and I got up to around 180 pounds. After I graduated from college the beginning of May, I decided to get back into running and eating healthier again.

Well, I had graduated college and was in the period of looking for a job, so I had a lot of free time where I was able to fully focus on this lifestyle change. I now weigh around 154 pounds.

However, I started a new job at the beginning of this month. I am a new RN so the level of stress I am under right now is unreal and often times I feel so far in over my head. Stress is a big trigger for binge eating. It is what caused my binge eating habits to start again the last time and the time before, etc etc.

I am currently working about four 10 hour days at my job. I am on my feet all day except for sitting down a couple minutes to make phone calls or charting. I hardly get time for a lunch or break.

On my days off I try to run. I am always very tired on my days off and still stressed from work and thinking about when I have to go back. I have noticed that little binge eating behaviors have started to creep back. I haven't had a "full on binge" yet, but I have come close. I know myself very well and know that when little behaviors start to creep back, it isn't long before I give in.

I have noticed that I am eating more, I still keep track of all of my calories, but I have not gained weight...yet. I fluctuate a lot though and I think that's because some days I do eat more and I'm not getting in enough water. I can fluctuate from 153-156 on any day.

What I am mostly asking for help is, how can I manage all this stress and keep my binge eating under control? I do not want to fall back into that lifestyle but it is a very demanding and controlling mind set and I fall easily into it when I am stressed.

Also, I am very unsure of how many calories I should be eating now. On work days I work from 2pm to around 12am with little time to eat anything so I come home and eat most of my calories then. On my off days I run anywhere from 40-60 minutes or workout at the gym but the rest of the day I am resting. So I am totally confused on how many calories to eat now. I am still looking to lose around 20 pounds.

I am 5'4 and 22 years old.

I appreciate any help or advice!!


  • rhonda6374
    rhonda6374 Posts: 38 Member
    The only thing I would say it is good that you recognize those old behaviors are creeping in. It is good to recognize your triggers but you DON"T HAVE TO GIVE INTO THEM just because you have in the past. You can do this. I have confidence in you because you took the right step posting this and I am sure you will get a lot of good suggestions.
  • Thank you! I've been trying not to give into it.