Upcoming Wedding

Hello all! I am geting married January 17th and have a goal to lose 15-20 pounds in a health manner by the wedding!. I also have an ultimate goal of losing 60 pounds. I currently weigh 200, but at the same time its not all about the number for me I'd rather be fit and lean then skinny and unhealthy.

I have recently taken up swimming and running an average of 2 miles on the eliptical at my local gym a few times a week. I'm looking for friends to encourage me along with me encouraging them throughout this weightloss journey. Feel free to send me friend requests. Thanks! :smile:


  • girlygeek85
    I'm in a similar boat! Getting married Feb. 14th. I just added you and would love to keep encouraging each other. My advice would be to change up what your doing every couple months. That way your body doesn't get too used to any one routine.

    Trying to do a variety of exercise has helped me so far. Good luck and I can't wait to see how you do:)
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Good luck ladies!

    My friend is getting married on Friday and I have no delusions about losing any serious amount of weight by then.
  • kefryar
    kefryar Posts: 77 Member
    I lost 10 pounds before my wedding and about 2 inches. I will say, in the month before you'll probably lose 10 pounds between being stressed and just running around like a crazy person being too busy to eat. I lost all my weight in the month before, so be careful and don't get too small for your wedding dress! Good luck!
  • xtinalee17
    xtinalee17 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi there! I am sending you a request. My wedding is on April 2015 and I am on this journey working towards that as well. Anyone else can feel free to add me. Having friends on here has helped a lot!
  • kateichmiller
    kateichmiller Posts: 4 Member
    I can probably be an example for you ladies of what NOT to do. Before my wedding I was so desperate to get into a size 10 dress I strarved myself for weeks. I finally had to give it up when I passed out at my dress fitting in front of all my family and friends! Although I looked really good, it's not cute to be passing out! Do it the healthy way just don't make the same mistakes I did!