2 Days in and Discouraged

Hi everyone,

I just started. I started at 138 (5'2" at 44 yrs) and I had a difficult time sticking to 1200 calories so I had 1380 and I gained .4
The next day I had 1330 calories and maintained the .4 gain.

I know I'm only two days in but I am finding this discouraging.

I am a vegan and have been probably consuming around 1600-1800 calories to gain 25lbs so I thought after two days a smidge would come off, not gain. Before joining mfp I was trying to stick to raw till 4 but the weight kept fluctuating 1 up and 1 down.

I can't excercise for at least a week or two due to an injury but I have been sedentary for quite some time.

Any suggestions/motivation?

I just don't want to fail at something else.


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Weighing yourself when you've just started is not a great idea. Our bodies are not so efficient that they immediately show results. What you do today could take a few days or more to process thru. Give it 2-3 weeks perhaps.

    1200 is a hard # to stick to, for many people. 1300-1400 might be more sustainable for you. Even though everyone says that losing weight 'begins in the kitchen' - moving more does burn more calories. Doesn't mean you have to do anything complicated. Just look for ways to increase activity. Park further away from the stores. Jog in place while watching tv, or walk in place if jogging is too much for your present condition.

    Last, but not least, how accurate are you on the calorie count? Do you use a food scale for all solid food? Account for cooking oils, condiments, etc.? If not this is something you can improve upon.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Try not to be discouraged. I find that what I did last week shows on the scales this week. Also, my weight naturally fluctuates by one or two pounds from day to day. I weigh daily but try to look at the overall trend over a week or two. Keep doing what you are doing and you should see results next week. Weigh all your food to measure the calories accurately at the start. 1200cals is hard to stick to so maybe try to walk daily if you can to earn a few extra calories .
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    I just don't want to fail at something else.

    Sounds like you are very hard on yourself, as other posters have said, it's not a battle that can be won in a day or two days, it takes time effort and energy.

    As well .4 of a gain, even on consecutive days means nothing really. My weight can be up a pound or two over night for no apparent reason. This is a pic of my graph...not all down by any stretch!


    It's a long term trend you need to watch. So relax, take some time, and let your body work.

    OMG finally got my graph to work! :)
  • Alexc2013
    Alexc2013 Posts: 7 Member

    Don't be discouraged. Your caloric intake is too low. Go to fat2fitradio.com. Under Tools, click on Military Body Fat. This will give you your body % fat. Once you get this %, write it down & go back to tools. Click on BMR. Plug all your numbers in. This will generate a table of what your caloric intake should be based on your activity level. Once you determine your activity level, change your settings on MFP to reflect this. Good luck. E-mail if you have any questions.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I just started. I started at 138 (5'2" at 44 yrs) and I had a difficult time sticking to 1200 calories so I had 1380 and I gained .4
    The next day I had 1330 calories and maintained the .4 gain.

    I know I'm only two days in but I am finding this discouraging.

    I am a vegan and have been probably consuming around 1600-1800 calories to gain 25lbs so I thought after two days a smidge would come off, not gain. Before joining mfp I was trying to stick to raw till 4 but the weight kept fluctuating 1 up and 1 down.

    I can't excercise for at least a week or two due to an injury but I have been sedentary for quite some time.

    Any suggestions/motivation?

    I just don't want to fail at something else.

    Not trying to sound rude or be a jerk....

    But 2 days and you are discouraged???
    Did you get to your current size in 2 days??

    Stay on your plan and give it time.
    oh, don't weigh every day.....
    once a week, track it over time and see which way it is trending
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I just started. I started at 138 (5'2" at 44 yrs) and I had a difficult time sticking to 1200 calories so I had 1380 and I gained .4
    The next day I had 1330 calories and maintained the .4 gain.

    I know I'm only two days in but I am finding this discouraging.

    I am a vegan and have been probably consuming around 1600-1800 calories to gain 25lbs so I thought after two days a smidge would come off, not gain. Before joining mfp I was trying to stick to raw till 4 but the weight kept fluctuating 1 up and 1 down.

    I can't excercise for at least a week or two due to an injury but I have been sedentary for quite some time.

    Any suggestions/motivation?

    I just don't want to fail at something else.

    Your not ready to make a change and your expectations are crazy.

    Realign your goals and set real expectations, look for a change to happen in 3 months and if you see a change within those 3 months than hey your ahead of the game!

    When I say your not ready it's because your writing posts like these, if you were ready than you would be self motivated. No one can help you find this it comes from within and it's up to you to find it.
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body changing.

    It takes 8 weeks for your friends and family to see your body changing.

    It takes 12 weeks for the rest of the world to see your body changing.

    Give it 12 weeks. Don't quit.

    There are a lot of pictures with this saying. I tried to do it here, but I'm not good at adding pictures.
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    You made the decision that you needed to do this.
    Decide again.... who do you want to be?
  • No I don't think you're a jerk at all. I just got very nervous when I cut my calories so much and saw an increase in weight and then maintained it. When I try other plans I usually see a drop day 1 and 2 and then it seems to go up after a few more days so I quit the plan. This is unusual so I just got really nervous that this will work especially since i am so hungry.

    I am used to vegan "all you can eat" plans which is how/why I have gained so much weight.
  • Wow, who are you to say that I am "not ready"?

    I am ready. I got the app, I've been logging every morsel for the last 2.5 days and I have come to the message board for support so that I continue and not give up as I have done in the past.

    This type of feedback is very demoralizing and unhelpful.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    If you have gained 25 lbs eating between 1600 and 1800 calories, there is something wrong.

    I am 5 foot 3 and I got to my goal eating 1400 per day net.

    I suggest going to the doctor and having your hormones checked.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Relax. Its been two days. 48 freakin hours.
    .4 could be a slight fluctuation in water weight. I wish results happened that quick but the reality is the don't. I've been at this 131 DAYS.
  • Tiamo719
    Tiamo719 Posts: 256 Member
    Wow, who are you to say that I am "not ready"?

    I am ready. I got the app, I've been logging every morsel for the last 2.5 days and I have come to the message board for support so that I continue and not give up as I have done in the past.

    This type of feedback is very demoralizing and unhelpful.

    They're not trying to be demoralizing at all, if anything, you should feel encouragement from what they say. They're telling you to give it time and not be discouraged in only two days.

    Good luck to you.
  • cnowotarski
    cnowotarski Posts: 29 Member
    I didn't weigh myself for the first week 1/2 once I joined. I am strict about only weighing in once a week. My body weight can fluctuate daily as do most people. Hang in there. Stick to your calorie plan and give it some time! I once dieted for two weeks before my body decided to drop one ounce! I don't know, it was just stuck on this particular weight and took some time to adjust to the new plan. Anyway, I would just die to be 138 pounds! I started at 175 and am down to 169 now, it's been slow going but it's happening! Good luck to you!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Wow, who are you to say that I am "not ready"?

    I am ready. I got the app, I've been logging every morsel for the last 2.5 days and I have come to the message board for support so that I continue and not give up as I have done in the past.

    This type of feedback is very demoralizing and unhelpful.

    I honestly suggesting getting a good group of friends for support. The people on this board are horribly sarcastic, rude and down right mean at times. It is NOT a good place for support.
  • sdcpaman
    sdcpaman Posts: 1 Member
    Agree with others that two days is too short a time to evaluate. Let whatever injury you have heal, then pick up extra calories through exercise. Ironically, when I have a good day at the gym and a light day of eating, I do not see immediate results. I sometimes gain a few fractions of a pound after that day at the gym, but after a day or two, I see the results. I do try to watch what I eat, but I try harder to get my 10,000 steps in a day. A good day of exercise will give me 400 - 600 additional calories to eat, which I sometimes do and sometimes don't. I have been at it for 12 weeks, and as an earlier poster said, the world is starting to notice.....
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    It's taken me 9 months to lose 20lbs - that's an average of .5lbs a week. Some days I'm up, some days I'm down. It takes time to learn what works for you.

  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    I wouldn't sweat less than a half pound in 2 days. Water weight can make you fluctuate +/- up to 5 pounds in a day, so .4 pounds isn't anything significant at all.

    Stick to the process and see what happens. Throwing the towel in after 2 days and a .4 gain is like slashing your tire because it was down 5 pounds on air.
  • VladW
    VladW Posts: 6 Member
    You're discouraged by the weight of less than a full glass of water? Over two days? ok.......
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    it's truly a process. it's a change in lifestyle. i don't care if you're a meat eater or a vegan. if you use MFP as it's intended and you properly record you calorie intake and your burns you will see progress - over time. two days is not over time. do not give up hope. you didn't gain weight in two days, you will not lose it in two days. also, when you do begin to lose, the first few pounds will be water weight then you will slow down with the weight loss. again, it's a lifestyle change. keep at it and you will do great! :flowerforyou:

    oh and you'll learn that the 'meanies' here are actually mostly on point and offer great advice!

    edited to changed misspelled word!