

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,862 Member
    Hello to all and welcome to the newbies!!! I made 98.82 miles on my effort to walk 100 miles in September. I think I would have made had I not gotten sick last week. I will continue that goal for October. With one extra day this month I should make it. I will drink at least 6 glasses of water per day. I will also do a three-day sugar detox this month, nothing but protein, veggies and nuts for three days, no dairy or fruit. Have done this in the past and it seems to help get rid of cravings. Gradually add back dairy, fruit and whole grains after the three days. Will wait until I am off the antibiotics. Try to be less anxious and more excited about looking for property in Washington.

    Heather - Hope your trip is going well.

    Dr. Katiebug - Iook up migraine auras. I have had these in the past. My daughter also occasionally has them and she is how I found out what they were.

    Katla - Glad DH will be going home soon and surgery went well. Horseback riding lessons will be a great break from caretaking for a possibly cranky DH.

    Allison - Take a deep breath and let it go. You are a unique and valuable person.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • strassenkoenigin
    On my quest to find the right way to live I found this article, which I think is very helpful. I wanted to share

    It always helps to look at people, who are successful :

    "Here, weight loss experts explore the mysterious minds of "naturally" slim, and how to eat like skinny women. Learn what they do, what they don't, and how you can act the part.
    1. They choose satisfied over stuffed
    On a fullness scale of 1 to 10, skinny women stop eating at a level of 6 or 7, says Jill Fleming, RD, author of Thin People Don't Clean Their Plates. The rest of us may keep going to an 8 or 10. Why? It may be because you mistakenly equate the sensation of fullness with satisfaction and feel deprived if you stop short, says Fleming. Or you may just be used to finishing what's in front of you, regardless of whether you really need it.
    Copy them: To eat like skinny women, about halfway through your next meal, put your fork down and, using the 1 to 10 scale, rate your level of fullness. Do it again when you have about five bites left. The goal is to increase your awareness of how satisfied you feel during a meal. (Bonus: It also slows down your eating, which allows the sensation of fullness to settle in.)
    2. They realize hunger isn't an emergency
    Most of us who struggle with extra pounds tend to view hunger as a condition that needs to be cured—and fast, says Judith S. Beck, PhD, author of the new Beck Diet Solution. "If you fear hunger, you might routinely overeat to avoid it," she says. Thin people tolerate it because they know hunger pangs always come and go, buying them some time.
    Copy them: Pick a busy day to purposely delay lunch by an hour or two. Or try skipping an afternoon snack one day. You'll see that you can still function just fine. Then next time you feel those grumbles, you'll hold off before making a beeline for the fridge.
    3. They don't use food to cure the blues
    It's not that skinny women are immune to emotional eating, says Kara Gallagher, PhD, a weight loss expert based in Louisville. But they tend to recognize when they're doing it and stop.
    Copy them: Add the word 'Halt' to your vocabulary, says Gallagher. More than just a command (as in stop eating that entire sleeve of cookies), it's an acronym that stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired—the four most common triggers for emotional eating.
    If you're truly hungry, eat a balanced snack, such as a handful of nuts, to tide you over until your next meal. But if you're angry, lonely, or tired, seek an alternative calorie-free solution to your emotional need. Blow off steam by going for a run or just jumping around—the heartbeat boost will help dissipate your anger. Lonely? Call a friend, e-mail your kid, or walk to the park or mall. Being around others will make you feel more connected to your community (even if you don't bump into anyone you know). If you're tired, for heaven's sake, sleep!
    4. They eat more fruit
    Skinny women, on average, have one more serving of fruit and eat more fiber and less fat per day than overweight people, reports a 2006 study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
    Copy them: Start tinkering. To eat like akinny women, examine your diet for ways to add whole fruits (not juices) to your meals and snacks. Aim for two or three servings per day. Sprinkle berries in your cereal or on your yogurt. Add sliced pears to your turkey sandwich, or bake an apple for dessert. Keep a bowl of fruit on your kitchen table or desk to motivate you to think fruit first, vending machine never.
    5. They're creatures of habit
    Any dietitian will tell you that a varied diet is good--but too much variety can backfire, says Katz, author of The Flavor Point Diet. Studies have shown that too many tastes and textures encourage you to overeat, he explains. "Thin people have what I call a food groove—the majority of their meals consist of well-planned staples," says Beck. "There are a few surprises thrown in, but for the most part, their diets are fairly predictable."
    Copy them: Try to eat as consistently as possible with your major meals—have cereal for breakfast, a salad at lunch, and so forth. It's okay to add grilled chicken to the salad one day and tuna the next, but by sticking to a loosely prescribed meal schedule, you limit the opportunities to overindulge.
    6. They have a self-control gene
    Researchers at Tufts University found that the biggest predictor of weight gain among women in their 50s and 60s was their level of disinhibition, or unrestrained behavior. Women with low disinhibition (in other words, a finely tuned sense of restraint) had the lowest body mass index. High disinhibition (i.e., low restraint) was linked to an adult weight gain of as much as 33 pounds.
    Copy them: Prepare for moments when your disinhibition is likely to be higher—such as when you're in a festive atmosphere with a large group of friends. If you're at a party, tell yourself you'll take one of every fourth passed hors d'oeuvre. If you're out at dinner, order an appetizer portion and share dessert. Or if you're stressed—another low-restraint moment—make sure you have a source of crunchy snacks (like fruit or carrot sticks) at the ready.
    7. They're movers and shakers
    On average, skinny women are on their feet an extra 2 1/2 hours per day—which can help burn off 33 pounds a year, according to a study from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.
    Copy them: Try a reality check. Studies have shown that people often overestimate how active they really are, says Gallagher. Most people actually spend 16 to 20 hours a day just sitting. Wear a pedometer on an average day, and see how close you get to the recommended 10,000 steps. Your day should combine 30 minutes of structured exercise with a variety of healthy habits, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or mopping the floor with extra vigor.
    8. They sleep—well
    Skinny women snooze 2 more hours per week, compared with overweight people, says a study from Eastern Virginia Medical School. Researchers theorize that a lack of shut-eye is linked to lower levels of appetite-suppressing hormones like leptin and higher levels of the appetite-boosting hormone ghrelin.
    Copy them: Break it down: Two extra hours of sleep a week is only 17 more minutes a day—a lot more manageable, even for the most packed of schedules. Start there and slowly work toward 8 hours of snooze time a night—the right amount for most adults.
    Quick tip Eat breakfast! 78% of successful dieters do it every day, according to the National Weight Control Registry, a database of more than 5,000 people who've lost more than 30 pounds and kept the weight off for at least a year.

    Published November 2011, Prevention
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    What a fantastic post - such a lot to take in, but how true! That needs to go on a poster not just a post! Thank you for sharing.

    It's my daughter's 19th birthday tomorrow. She's asked for a mixer, instead of borrowing mine. She would really love a posh kitchenaid one, but is happy to have 'whatever'. She is always being asked to bake brownies and choux puffs - her specialities - for charity events etc. Over the last 6 years she's used mine far more often than I have, so it will be a present that will be used, not just put in a cupboard, so I'm pleased about that.

    MA in UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Hi everyone!:flowerforyou:

    October goal is to keep my weight down to 139 lbs.
    And - wait for it - DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD,!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Had a fabulous but exhausting day today. Picked up our passes then went and had a coffee while we were waiting for the museums to open. Met two great sisters from Argentina and ended up exchanging email addresses! !

    Walked on up through Central Park to The Met and walked all over the museum. First choice the Vermeers, then the Early Italians, then the Impressionists and Post Impressionists. Then lunch! Then we did the American Wing. WOW, ! ! ! ! All the Tiffany stuff, the Period Rooms, the Winslow Homers, the early Dutch furniture, the Frank Lloyd Wright room, the Arts and Crafts furniture.WOW ! ! ! !
    Alison - I saw loads of amazing Conneticut furniture - early chests, cupboards and boxes.
    My favourite piece was a Brooklyn desk, made by a Huguenout out of local gum wood in the 17th century. I also loved the Dutch Kasts.

    By then I was sooooooooo tired. We found a subway, bought a 7 day Metrocard and went down to Greenwich Village. Walked through Washington Square, had a delicious beer brewed in Queens and found John's Pizza where we plan to have dinner tonight. Founded in 1929. Real thin pizza.
    Came back on the subway and are now resting prior to heading out.

    I am LOVING IT!:drinker:

    Heather in warm NYC.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday here and posted my meals. Fibre is 19 and needs to be up a bit to 21, protein is still a little low. Is strange trying to get different levels up to what dietition recommends but food cals at 1615 so that is OK.
    I am doing Bob's Body Rev cardio conditioner this morning.- the 25 minute one
    I am having Bird's Eye fish fillets in lemon and parsley sauce with salad for lunch.
    I have printed out Duramine spreadsheet to give to doctor this afternoon. NO headache and sleeping better :smile:

    October Goals
    Food cals to be between 1600 and 1900 for the day
    Increase protein and fibre intake
    Walk dog every afternoon unless raining too hard
    Exercise 6 days a week working up to cardio and weights by 05 November when I see dietition
    Drink 2L water or herb teas every day (not hard with thirst)
    Have Sunday as rest and re-feed day and enjoy a walk with husband and dog

    I am feeling more in control now I know what to aim for and doctor is supportive :smile:

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Nortongirlsmom
    Nortongirlsmom Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 35. I often use the app but read posts here sometimes. Nice to meet everyone!

    I just started my journey and have quite a bit to go.

    Tampa, Fl.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Quick note..........busy day.

    Drkatiebug.........You might look up ocular migraine............I haven't had any for a bit but used to get temporary vision loss with no pain (scared me half to death!!!) and opthalmologist diagnosed this. Said his wife got them also and they are not too unusual.

    Heather............Thrilled you are having such a good time!!! Hard to process that you are now in the same time zone; I'm just not used to that!

    Tammy.........Never did use sugar in my tea or coffee but I do use 1t. real sugar every day in my hot chocolate. Can't say I've never had artificial sweetner but I do avoid it; not a fan of any of them.

    Hello to everyone else!

  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Hi everyone

    I am 50 mother of 2 teenagers

    Goals for this month:

    I am having trouble getting myself to exercise. Some form of exercise 3x/week
    I want to start weighing my food- get kitchen scale
    I would like to lose 5 lbs

    Lori. Orange County CA
  • blancheandsmooshy
    Hi, everyone. I'm 61 and live in VA. I am not new to MFP, however, this is the first time I have seen a group I would actually like to join. I see a heading at the top that says "Groups" but once I click on it, I don't have any idea what to do.

    Anyway, I'm not all that ambitious. My goals for October are:
    1, to lost 2 lbs a week; and,
    2. to make it through the month without the customary 2-3 days of binge eating.
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Bump for later
  • BeattyCarolyn1964
    Great idea Barbie! I just started a little over a week ago. My goal for October is to get below 140 lbs and to build up my ability to exercise time.
    Thank you for creating this!

    Keswick, ON
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good eve. It's been a long draggy day.Started feeling Blah on Monday,same yesterday.This morn,I needed to stop at Kohls for pillows to use in guest room,then on to several groceries. Got the pillows,started feeling tired.Grabbed a few things in 1 st grocery & came home.Hair felt damp & Dh said I looked like I just had a shower,was pouring sweat.Think the worst is over.Just tired & total calories today is like 650. have to get better soonest. DDS arrives tomorrow.

    DH's BD was today & he loved the calls from everyone including our "other DD"........as we call our only Grandaughter.

    Heather loved the pic & saw the one like it behind you. So glad you are having a great time. Sweet of you to post & share your pics. Pat
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: I started the month in a great way by returning to my strength training that I've neglected for too long. It was a 20 minute session with a mixture of upper and lower body and planks. My plan for the month is to do this twice a week.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome to everyone who is new to this great community. I hope you will come back regularly and join the conversation. It's not required to post a lot or daily, but the more you join in, the more connected you'll feel.

    :bigsmile: Jake went to the movies. He loves movies and I rarely like to go, so he goes by himself and I get to have the house to myself for a couple of hours.

    :bigsmile: Cindy, congrats on the smaller jeans and the bling.

    :flowerforyou: Tammy, I gave up artificial sweeteners a long time ago......i gave up coffee when I realized that what I liked was the sweetener and the non-dairy creamer more than the coffee----I gave up tea when I realized that it was faster and easier and cheaper to just drink water.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good night everyone!

    October 1st:

    5.04 miles
    12,075 steps

    So far, so good.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    jb - so glad you're back! You've been missed. Happy birthday and have a great trip

    Did 1 hr of yoga today and then 1 hr of deep water class. Tomorrow's plan is to do a "10 Pounds Down" DVD.

    Deb in Melbourne - welcome! Sounds like you have a good plan to get rid of those 3 kilos

    mimi - so glad your nephew is doing so much better

    Exercised then got my hair colored then went to get my license renewed. Then came home and helped Vince cut the grass. Actually, he had most of it done by the time I got home, I just swept and did a little of the weedwacking. Had dinner, now here.

    Lesley - I'm so impressed at how well you're taking care of your body

    Sylvia - yea no dizziness!

    katla - wooppee bringing dh home!

    lorraine and kristina and Terri and kathy and barbara and Lori and blanchesandsmo and anyone else I may have missed - welcome

    maryann - love your goals

    drkatiebug - happy early birthday

    tammy - it's just me but I don't like artificial sweeteners. But if I must have it, I'll have splenda but without the asesulfame potassium (I know I butchered that spelling). that a.p. from everything I've read is nasty stuff. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I do like my tea. I use the "true Lemon" (crystallized packets) in my tea and sometimes my water.

    Vicki - congrats on the inch lost. If the hospital had to open any place, glad they opened a subway. I usually get a salad there, they chop everything up in a bowl.

    Anne - thanks so much for sharing that post. I wonder if there's some way to archive it?

    Heather - love the pic of you in TS. Sounds like you're having the time of your life

    MA - happy birthday to your daughter

    Pat - feel better fast. Happy birthday to your dh

    Aldi has these cookies called doppel keks. to me, they are so good because they aren't real super sweet and you can't "feel" the fat in the cookie. Well, they don't always have them but they had them recently so I bought 4 bags. I'm OK if I don't open them, but once they're open, that's IT for me. One night I ate a few cookies.

    Going to give the cats their "treats" and get ready for bed. Have a great night my vit. F's.

    Michele in NC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Hi gals. How did we get three pages already on the first of the month! Nothing great to report here; stayed on plan. Need more water; apparently 9 glasses is not enough; I feel dry!

    Katla; how is DH today?

    Linder: did you get rain last night? We got 4”!

    Mimi: glad your nephew is doing better now

    Cindy: woohoo for smaller, blingy jeans! I bet you looked wonderful

    Sylvia: walking to Georgia anything would take me days lol. Loved the joke….once I finally got it!

    DrKatie: yes I have seen several people in my old career as ED nurse who had migraines without pain. One was confused, one teenager spoke only by babbling, one was dizzy and had blurred vision, one had tunnel vision. None had pain.

    Tammy: I don’t put sugar in things like coffee, but if I did I’d use regular sugar….a spoonful or less as it seems more “natural” to me. I love truvia for baking. For a diabetic like me, truvia (and other artificial sweeteners) are a god send. Of course it all goes back to moderation. Two servings a month of a dessert made with artificial sweetener isn’t bad.

    Vicki: sorry your day was so stressful!

    Sorry I don’t have much to say tonight. I am sticking with my new-ish goals I made a couple of weeks ago. I met all my goals today! Hooray!

    Well more rain is in the forcast..makes for nice sleeping. Take care everyone and welcome to all the newbies. Meg from soggy Omaha
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Sorry the pic has come out sideways again, but this is DH and me by the sled dog memorial in Central Park.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hi everyone! It's been a while since I've been on this thread, but I have a question and thought I'd like your opinions...

    Last year I finally gave in and gave UP Diet Soda for two reasons. First, the aspertame findings and Second, I found water quenched my thirst just as well...

    Now the news continues to beat us over the head about the findings for ALL artificial sweeteners. This gets me because I still use it in my coffee and iced tea....

    What are your thoughts? Have you given it up entirely and just switched to an occasional sugar? What do you put in your coffee and how do you feel about artificial sweeteners?

    Tammy in Virginia Beach

    I use stevia sugar or honey. All are natural. I avoid artificial sweeteners completely. They seem to have a very nasty effect on brain function and I need my brain to function as God intended.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I didn't get to bring DH home today after all. :cry: His renal function didn't pass the test. I plan to bring him home tomorrow. I pray that is possible. Please send good thoughts and prayers his way. The surgery was successful. Getting past the side effects needs work.

    Katla at home alone in beautiful NW Oregon while DH is still in the hospital.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Thanks Barbie!