Tips for staying committed to workout DVDs.

I currently have 2 workout DVDs which I am planning to do. I am going to start with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and then work my way up to doing the whole 60 days of Insanity. The problem is I fit my workouts in after school and sometimes I feel so tired when I come in that I just slack off, find some pointless excuse and don't do the workout. I always end up feeling disheartened and give up before I have completed everything. Does anyone have any tips or tricks that they used to stay committed to completing their workout DVDs?? Also I would love to hear your results!


  • sydsquidlee
    sydsquidlee Posts: 51 Member
    Hanging up the posters that come with the dvd or making your own. I made a giant calendar out of poster board and would cross of the days I did. It works for me cause I would have to walk by it and see I needed to get it done, I also just had to get the mind set that its just a 30 or so minutes of my time to just get it over with.
  • bigsistruck
    bigsistruck Posts: 125 Member
    I work out after my work day, so I know how you feel! My best bet is to have everything prepared before I get home (workout clothes laid out, DVD in the player ready to go). I just hop right into it before I can make excuses. Also, recently I started doing The Firm Express workouts and they are only 20 minutes long but they are intense so I still get a great workout. You only have to do the same DVD once a month so it doesn't get boring! I love it!
  • klfaltin
    klfaltin Posts: 3 Member
    I have tried numerous times to get through Jillian Michaels 30 day shred or ripped in 30 and I fail each time from lack of motivation. Something seemed to click though this week. I got up at 6 am to do the exercise and surprisingly I felt great the rest of the day even though I was sore. This morning I didn't get up and I feel incredible guilt from it. So my motivation is that relaxed feeling I get when I work out in the morning. Somehow that is something I never thought I would say. I actually plan on fitting the workout in tonight after work.

    The only other piece of advice that I have is realizing at least for me that I won't see results immediately and that this is more about toning than losing weight although I would love to lose the 10 pounds from law school.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Would it be possible to do your workout in the mornings? I'm like you-- if I wait until I get home to do it, it probably won't get done at all. My recommendation would be to find a workout that you love and that excites you. Then doing it won't be such a chore, and getting in a workout (whenever you do it) will become part of your routine.

    I'm doing Insanity right now. It's tough but so much fun. I haven't lost much weight, but I can feel my strength & endurance improving, and I'm finding out I have abs, haha.

    I finished Les Mills Combat back in June. It was really fun and I got some nice results out of it. That was something I looked forward to every day. The only drawback is now I have to be careful when I'm playfully punching someone so I don't accidently hurt them. :wink:

    Good luck with your programs!
  • Katy_Lu24
    Katy_Lu24 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree @bookworm_847 - I have always an excuse after work. The best advice I can give is to find a DVD that you really truly enjoy. For me it's Pilates. I really enjoy it every time and though I do think of countless reasons not to do it. Once I start I love the way I feel.

    Keep trying for new dvds until you find one that works!

    BtW, anyone have any awesome pilates dvds you recommend?
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    The easiest way to stick to it is to find something you really enjoy, and will want to do. Besides that, maybe switch to morning workouts? I generally do mornings and evenings, but I like knowing that if I'm tired after work one day, or something comes up and I have to miss my evening workout, then I've already done something for the day!
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I agree @bookworm_847 - I have always an excuse after work. The best advice I can give is to find a DVD that you really truly enjoy. For me it's Pilates. I really enjoy it every time and though I do think of countless reasons not to do it. Once I start I love the way I feel.

    Keep trying for new dvds until you find one that works!

    BtW, anyone have any awesome pilates dvds you recommend?

    I don't have any DVDs, but YouTube has a ton of good workouts. Blogilates is the first that comes to mind.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I agree @bookworm_847 - I have always an excuse after work. The best advice I can give is to find a DVD that you really truly enjoy. For me it's Pilates. I really enjoy it every time and though I do think of countless reasons not to do it. Once I start I love the way I feel.

    Keep trying for new dvds until you find one that works!

    BtW, anyone have any awesome pilates dvds you recommend?

    Ellen Barrett has quite a few pilates-blend DVDs, she's easy to follow and listen to.

    I also do my DVDs in the morning because after work I'm too wiped out mentally. I also prefer to switch them around and do whatever I feel like that day, rather than following a program.

    Off-topic: I have quite a few DVDs - I wonder if anyone would be interested in swapping? Is there any kind of site for doing something like that? I want to get some new ones but I'd like to get rid of some to make room.
  • msalamun
    msalamun Posts: 116 Member
    One of the best ways I think to stay motivated is to find a group of like-minded people who can help motivate you and, in turn, you help motivate them. There's groups for this sort of thing all over, including Facebook groups for those workouts and even groups of people on MFP! Finding that goup is sometimes all you need to push play, especially if you're on the fence about getting off the couch that day and exercising!

    Another thing, which has already been stated is to change up your workout time and routine. Working out in the morning may help tons! Personally, I work out in the morning because I know, like you, when I get home from work my motivation to exercise is drastically reduced compared to first thing in the morning! So I get up at the crack of dawn (actually its still dark at this time of year) because I know it's the best time for me to get it done!

    Also, may lack of motivation is coming from the workout program itself. If you don't like the program or it makes you bored or is not challenging enough for you, it makes working out seem more like a chore. That's the last thing you want to feel about exercise - you probably won't get it done because NOBODY likes chores. So maybe try a new program or even do a different workout that day, just to change things up. Variety is the spice of life!
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    Mix your workout DVDs with YouTube so you won't get bored.
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    When I did Insanity, what helped me was adding a bunch of other MFP pals who were also doing Insanity. Search the forums - I'm sure you'll find tons of threads of people looking for others doing similar workouts. Seeing their workouts posted on my newsfeed would push me to get mine up there too! I didn't want to be the only one missing. We would also motivate and encourage each other and remind each other to get it done. This was over a year ago and a handful of my favourite MFPers are those who I added while doing Insanity :)
  • BMK1986
    BMK1986 Posts: 18 Member
    An accountability buddy is HUGE! I have a friend that I 'did 30 Day Shred
    with... we are actually opposite ends of the country, but we'd text each other each time we did it, or ask each other if we noticed it had been awhile since the last text.
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    I understand to well workout dvd's I have 3 kids and dvd's are most of my workouts, especially in the cold weather.
    What you can do is try doing it in the morning, that will just knock it out and wake you and give you the energy u need for the morning.
    You can get everything ready at night, have all your workout clothes prepared, breakfast and snacks ready for afterwards.
    You seem like you are too tired after school. You could also take a nap when u get home if you can. But I think trying a better time will be best for you.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I've lost most of my weight using workout DVDs. I suggest getting your hands on a few more, and then doing the workouts you want to, when you want to. I've never followed a program beginning to end - I know I'd get bored. I like to have different ones on hand to switch it up some! :)
  • Beelewis98
    Beelewis98 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the tips guys! It's great advice. I am going to try working out in the morning tomorrow and see how it goes. I have laid out my workout clothes so I just have to drag myself out of bed and slip into them. I am determined to get through this month of working out without slacking :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hanging up the posters that come with the dvd or making your own. I made a giant calendar out of poster board and would cross of the days I did. It works for me cause I would have to walk by it and see I needed to get it done, I also just had to get the mind set that its just a 30 or so minutes of my time to just get it over with.


    Make your workouts or lack of them public. Use smiley stickers for workout days.....anything to make yourself accountable.

    I keep a spreadsheet of minutes. I log the minutes in different sections....cardio/strength/flexibility. Then it calculates a percentage for each section. This keeps me honest. I love cardio, strength not so much. But left to my own devices I would just do cardio.

    New DVDs....I have (dozens) I rotate. This will take time. But tastes change. Some people don't mind endless repetition....I need to switch up instructors too. Use YouTube, your library, Netflix (by mail).....keep it interesting.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I agree @bookworm_847 - I have always an excuse after work. The best advice I can give is to find a DVD that you really truly enjoy. For me it's Pilates. I really enjoy it every time and though I do think of countless reasons not to do it. Once I start I love the way I feel.

    Keep trying for new dvds until you find one that works!

    BtW, anyone have any awesome pilates dvds you recommend?

    Ana Caban is wonderful. I keep going back to an old one.....Pilates BodyBand Workout. I really like to use a resistance band with pilates.

    Keeping Fit Pilates with Andrea Metcalf is good as well. This doesn't require any equipment.
  • hensue11
    hensue11 Posts: 64 Member
    I will keep preaching Kelly Coffey Meyer, she has 30min w/outs and premixes so i say lets do 30min's but will end up doing about a hour because they are fun;) and work you out! i havent seen much success on the scale, but my arms are looking good;)...from the boxing....i didnt thought boxing would do that.....