Can I lose weight while on antidepressants?

I'm 21 years old and I been taking paxil for 3 years because of anxiety disorder. During that time I gained 10 pounds on it. No matter how much I worked out and no matter what I ate I just couldn't lose that weight. Last week I discontinue it, and immediatly lost 3 pounds which I'm very happy about. But now I started feeling depressed and my anxiety increased, and I feel like going back on medication. I really don't want to because it will make me fat and never lose weight :( Should I stop medication for a while until I get to my ideal weight? What antidepressant is less likely to not cause weight gain? I know Wellbutrin in one that doesn't make you gain weight but my doctor doesn't recommend it for me. For anyone that took antidepressants, were you able to lose weight? How did you do it?


  • corinne1977
    corinne1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi, I'm currently on Wellbutrin because of weight gain from other anti-depressants. The only other AD I've heard of that is less likely to cause weight gain is Prozac but I've never tried it. Sorry I can't be of more help.
  • tonileighsteele
    I'm sorry that your going through this, it's a total nightmare.
    I was on medication for 8 years and gained around 50lbs. No matter what I did I could not lose. Weight. I could not eat for 2 weeks and I still gained. For me, I needed the medication more that being thin. I just stayed on a healthy diet, exercised and delt with it.
    I started around the same areas you're ow, I'm now 30 and I stopped my meds 6 months ago, I've lost a heap of the weight which is great, plus I know that I'm at a place in my life where I dontneedthe medication.
    Only you will know how you feel, but if your already talking about being back on med you might still need to take them for a little while.
    In the scheme of things, 10lbs is nothing! Your mental health is super important though.

    But to answer your question, no, I could not lose weight on meds :(
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Yes, I did.
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    You should taper off of SSRIs like Paxil, or you may have uncomfortable side-effects

    Paxil is the worst for weight gain, according to what I've read. You need to talk to your doctor about how to move to a different SSRI to treat your problem and allow for weight loss. You can have both, but quitting your Paxil cold-turkey is the wrong way to do it.

    Meanwhile, start food logging here on MyFitnessPal and start walking 3x a week for about 30 minutes. Weigh and measure yourself periodically. You will still see progress and the exercise can only help fight your depression, you'll just have some extra headwinds on the weight loss (or controlling weight gains) due to the Paxil.

    EDIT: And don't let MyFitnessPal, the scale, calories, or dieting be your new perfectionism or anxiety. I've lost 55 lbs., but I've made plenty of mistakes, compromises, oopsies, and "hope nobody saw that" moments. It's just food, we eat it every day, and what we screw up today we can fix tomorrow. Enjoy this process, make it a loving positive ...
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    i started taking brintellix in march. it has been so wonderful for me. (i am not a dr, this is just my opinion as a patient)
    i am not having any trouble losing weight. i am working, don't get me wrong, but i am not finding it to be a challenge as i've heard with other anti-depressants.

    my suggestion to you is to get back on your meds. it is dangerous to come off them without proper supervision. you NEED them. i know the weight thing stinks, but maybe you can ask your dr if you can get a different brand or do a lower dose.

    HTH and good luck
  • lvsglass
    lvsglass Posts: 90 Member
    I take Wellbutrin and I am able to lose weight. In fact, I think it has helped me stick with the plan.
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    Sertraline would be first line for anxiety in the uk. Its not known for weight gain x
    (Zoloft, Lustral)
    Ps, don't stop paroxetine quickly - bad withdrawals
  • shutch2112
    shutch2112 Posts: 236 Member
    I'm currently on a generic for Celexa (or however it's spelled) for anxiety and depression, and I have been able to lose weight. I hope you find a medication/plan that works for you. Feel free to add me, I like gathering other friends with depression/anxiety so we can support each other.:flowerforyou:
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    I'm currently on a generic for Celexa (or however it's spelled) for anxiety and depression, and I have been able to lose weight. I hope you find a medication/plan that works for you. Feel free to add me, I like gathering other friends with depression/anxiety so we can support each other.:flowerforyou:

    shutch you can add me :smile:
  • AOdell79
    AOdell79 Posts: 94 Member
    I think it's totally normal to gain a little weight in the transition to adulthood. Bodies just tend to change at that age. It may not have anything to do with the medication. That being said, this is probably a question for your doctor. Good luck!
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    Talk to your doc about trying a different medication. I know that Paxil is similar to Effexor in terms of treating the same types of anxiety. You could talk to the doc about trying it to see if the weight issue is different with a different med.
  • dawn6251
    Wellbutrin is a weight neutral antidepressant, not really great for anxiety. Effexor is good if you use together with Wellbutrin. Another one is topomax , that's used off label, but also good in some with anxiety. Lexapro another. I am a nurse, have also been on several of these drugs at one time or another, yes unfortunatly weight gain is a slight side effect but 10lbs really isn't that much when we are talking about your mental health, if taken long enough, your weight may stabilize. The important thing is to please talk to your doctor, you may have to try a different medications to get the right fit. Good luck
  • ThinkInOregon
    Hi, I'm currently on Wellbutrin because of weight gain from other anti-depressants. The only other AD I've heard of that is less likely to cause weight gain is Prozac but I've never tried it. Sorry I can't be of more help.

    Prozac is good for not gaining weight, and my doctor just changed me from Prozac to Effexor which she said was similar for lack of weight gain.
  • cynthiamm67
    cynthiamm67 Posts: 52 Member
    I gained WAY more than 10 lbs. but bad things happen when I stop the meds. However I have been successful at losing weight, just a little slower. It's possible.